Your Pokemans, show them to us!
Now we know you all used to love Pokemon. And we know you love drawing, painting and snapping photos. So why not combine your artistic skill with a nostalgia for a much loved show, and join in this wiki?
The idea is to draw, paint, or take photos of various pokemon. These, you add to your pokedex. Then you can trade with other trainers/artis
ts to get MOAR pokemon. Not only will you get the chance to catch 'em all, but you can trade with your favourite artists to get pokemon drawn by them.
Go to Wiki Nominations to nominate a wiki you love for featuring.
Wiki-pages will need to be exported before they can be rated, however, if you don't wish your page to be exported, you can still be a Featured wiki, the page won't be rated, though.
About the Featured Wiki
Date: 2010-03-29 18:09:56
Feature #: 44
Mod: SilverFire