Please, come on in. Be welcome to the History department of the Elftown Newspaper. Here you can find all the stories of the most famous elftowners and of those not so famous.
Plase follow the corridor to our two departments.
The first one on your left is directed by [All_Most PUNK], with collaborations of several authors (we hope). There you can find the small stories of everyday's life here in the town.
This month, [Mirime] brings us a story of hunt and greed, but, especially, of plain dumbness.
Please check
In the next door you can find the Master Historian, [Runningwhispers]. He's currently working on a history of our city as a whole, telling the story of the hard times and the happy ones too.
Plase visit him and his
We have the help of a great artist as [Sunny Silverunicorn] to put some images, and some color to the stories.
Finally, if you have any story that you think should be told, or that you'd like to tell, plase contact any of us. We'll be more than happy to hear about them.