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romeos lastrose (My name Is Sin)
Name: Jesse
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I go by Sin but my name is jesse. im and 17 yr old born in Laredo Texas. i am a japanese russian mexican.i have ravenblack hair with green eyes, large canines, and a ripped friends say i look like a vampire since i love blood.
im very short-tempered and very aggressive, i may be quiet but when mad no one wants to be around me. i dont like it when a guy mistreats a girl or calls her any bad names. i respect girls and will do nay thing in my power to defend them. i love to take my gf's on dates. i try my best to keep them happy and have them laughing. i take them out to eat but not to mcdonalds or anything like that i take them fo a fancy dinner or a romantic home cooked dinner.
i love my nissan skyline. best body kit for it with a black metallic paintjob with a vampire holding a blood red rose in his hands. goes up to 275 mph and 85 in 2 secs
Age: 18 | Year of birth: 1988 | Month of birth: 7 | Day of birth: 11 |
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: USA-Texas
Town: Floresville
Elfwood artist: Yes
Elfwood writer: Yes
Elftown crew wannabe: Yes
Favorite drawing objects
anime | buildings | demons |
dragons | elves | fairies |
landscape | magic | strange |
warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
action games | Ada | art |
Basic | C | chat |
email | graphics | hate |
information seeking | Java | Linux |
Lisp | Mac | maths and engineering |
music | Pascal | Perl |
Pike | programming | Python |
strategy games | system administration | use communities |
video | VRML | webcam |
web design | Windows |
classical | goth | heavy metal |
opera | progressive metal | punk |
rap | reggae | rock |
techno |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
board games | books | card games |
carpentry | cars | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | cooking |
dancing | disco | dogs |
eating | economics | electronics |
fantasy | fashion | film |
fishing | geography | history |
horses | hunting | knitting |
LARP | motorcycles | needlework |
party | physics | plants |
poetry | politics | religion |
role playing | singing | scifi |
sewing | slacking | smoking |
snow scooters | shopping | sporting |
stocks | theatre | The Town Herald |
travelling | watching sport | wine |
woodwork | Woodworks e-zine | writing |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: fit
Height: 183