Me and my sis.
Drawing missing.
Lycan's Pride
shadow frost wolf's fan clubs!
shadow frost wolfs stuff
Soul Eater. Live it, Learn it, Love it!
If I were to make an anime, id want as my voices....
Morgan Freeman - notably GOD
Justin Cook - notably Yusuke
Chuck Huber - notably Hiei
Samuel Jackson - notably Mace Windu
Yuri Lowenthal - notably Sasuke
Johny Yong Bosch - notably Ichigo
Monica Rial - notably half the damn anime female characters of the world X_X
Vic Mignogna - notably Edward Elric
~Spirit Fox~]: She was the first friend i made in junior high so naturally i hold her in my highest regards. possibly one of the best friends I've ever had. We're writing a super mega baddass story together so anime fans, keep your eyes open when we release it!
Bobby Bro]: He pretty much is like a brother to me, though we kinda take turns as to who's the older brother XD
mushi ^_^]: shes really really really nice and super cool. We get to hang out alot on campus and talk about anime and parties and small animals and super evil viruses O_O
クロナ]: she's really cool, i enjoy talking to her alot. we share many of the same interests including anime (yay!). i really have know idea why, but for some strange reason....when i talk to her...the image of what could be the most adorable of puppies keeps popping up XD. shes one of my only chans *hugs* she, also like my self is a writer, and a pretty good one at that! We're going to meet, and I shall abduct her MWaahahahahaha
hahahahaaaa!!! ^_^ one day, we will establish a decent time to warcraft and by then, I will be half way through college XD
[EnigmaXero] My good, good, friend Aurora ^_^ She's a great person and a good RPer.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: she, along with aya, are the only cool angels in the world. she's really alot of fun to talk to and she gives such good advice for someone so young. also, just to make trouble, go challenge her to an RP fight!! we'll get her!
[Aki Neko] she's like blood to me so you bother her, and ill freaking kill you!.....if you call her out of her name, prepare for a long and strenuous word fight!! and you can ask people, they'll tell you!! also, if you ask to do anything to her, ill tear your fingernails off and pour alcohal on the wounds!!!

[Yukina_Kiba]:yay super awesome anime buddy!!!........whose richer than can be!!(heh) hiei rules and she understands!!!!! *poke* how ya like that!? its like a normal poke but it wont go away!!! ^_^ she is a wise guru of knowledge and power who holds a small portion of darkness in her, and thats what makes her really cool! that, and her love of anime that deep down we all share
[Katisama]: I ate a cow! XD


Hello! stickers
eyes: brown
hair: black
race: african american
In my house you arent who anybody said you are, here you are you and i will respect that with 100% of my being
Elftownworldmap missing.