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Elftown secret service has made this comment about this member:

This is just another account of the banned [Reflecting God].

The Reflecting God

Member #120658 created: 2005-03-05 21:47:14Simple URL:   

Name: D.J

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I'm back i cant be on 24/7 but im back i needed some time to reflect hence name/songtitle
so message me and i may or may not reply.


my fav bands include 1. manson 2. slipknot 3. cradle of filth 4. icp 5. metallica 6. in flames 7. msi 8.atreyu 9.system of a down 10.children of bodom 11.godsmack 12.lamb of god 13. pantera 14. zereomancer 15. Demon hunter
#! Dont always wear black
#! Dont worship satan
#! Dont hate everyone
#! Can be happy
#! Arent evil
#! do not were pounds of makeup
#! arent gonna die in 6 weeks
#! some feel the emotion called "love"

 heres some of my poems

Were do you get off calling me a disgrace
behind my back and not to my face
in my back you stab your knife
is betraying your friends your new calling in life
what is your reasoning for the resentment
whats your reasoning for the hate
you know longer have a fate
I decide my destiny
not you but me
you cannot get rid of me
this easily
why do you betray the faith
of a friend
are you really looking for the end?

Icall this last

Handed me the knife
told me to take my life
thought you loved me
no longer am I sorry
everyone would be better off if I was dead
just put the bullet in my head
needed a hug
you didnt give a shit but a shrug
you laughed as I cried
you smiled as I slowly died
this is the last thing I shall have wrote
for this may be my suicide note...

Age: 15Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 9

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Halfling

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Connecticut

Town: Stafford Springs

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Computer interests
action gameschatemail

grungeheavy metalprogressive metal

Other interests

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: a little overweight

Height: 178

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