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orlee (nothing to do-ill be good as new)

Member #121021 created: 2005-03-07 21:41:17Simple URL:   

Name: orla


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Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkAdventurerTravelling bard

hallo,im orla,18,from dublin..

agus ta insint agam i dtaobh na cuin an domhan-
and i knew the silence of the world~

WELL...there's music in my soul..and im thankful for it..when i write music i feel as though it is an extention of my physical if my thoughts and emotions are taking up a physical form,which sits on my chest-a little man we'll say, and this little fellow soothes me..he tells me im not actually crazy, that im human, that i cant control everything, and that my ex's are basterds..hahaha.. eh hem

music is a fantastic way of channeling energy which would otherwise be pent up inside us-not benefiting us is a great universal language and a means of reaching out and identifying and empathising with others..when i write, i am trying to understand myself and my own thought process through the lyrics and melody which come from inside me and when i listen to the music of others, i find a sense of belonging in identifying with the message of another person in the music they have composed..i really cant put it proparly into words..but ..i did try..

SIGUR ROS...there are no words..this band could save your life if you let them..the great thing about them is you really can take from the music whatever you want..

behold the nightmare-billy corgan-songwriting geniousness..charming,haunting,melodic, nothing and everything encapsulated..

fav music-
sigur ros--Rufus wainwright--Bjork--Beck--muse--joanna newsom--mum--nick drake--nina hynes--jaga jazzist---nick cave--dEUS--the smashing pumpkins--Divine comedy--grandaddy--neil hannon--frank zappa--Maxim vengerov--interpol--tunder byren--explosions in the sky--mono--radiohead--lullatone--miceele--david bowie--jj72--the pixies--rory gallagher--prince--inga liljestrom--sufjan stevens--cocteau twins--sondre lerche--emiliana torrini--st.etienne--kathryn williams--yo la tenga--the arcade fire--gemma hayes--placebo--goldfrapp--tom waits--lamb--Unkle--beth orton--tom mcrae--ryan adams--damien rice-

NEW POEM..woo its been a while..i was worried

These two shrinking violets met on cliff top,
one mouth loved the other,
and on that day came a silent apex,
when two love-patrons would wait no more.
All things were said in glances,
through candor and veracity,
both benign to each other,
in simplicity and love.
One mouth loved the other,
in the most significant of minor detail.

yeh my lip is split in that*-stoopid winter and its cracking of lips..

if any one has a d string for my guitar id greatly appreciate it..

things im fond of:
music,photography,film,philosophy,..hmm good~stimulating conversation,travelling..and eh.. many other things, people who are just, ye know..themselves.interesting people-people with depth,with a love for music,unprejudice open minded-questioning-wondering-loving people..hummm-theyre few and far between..

i love the sea~ LOVE the SEA..and train stations-yup..and airports are good but theyre no train station i tell ya that..i photograph train stations..someday i may photograph a train station NEAR YOU* points finger psychotically
at you*

the people in my relations are lovely lovely lovely-pay a visit if you will..i would add links but im crap with these things and, meh, computery-doing-stuff-energy..bleh

~~eh,some poetry,im not under any assumption that its good,but it doesnt have to be really, its personal poetry~

Ebony and pastels, little sound bites,
Sweet nothings from you, left hanging in the air, scattered,
Teasing me, brushing off my skin
Fruitition of regret,
Drenching me in tears, turning my stomach,
Churning rage, little fire eyes.

A home i adopted, and loved like a child,
ripped from my calender.
No more watching it grow,
The setting of a love, a love out of time.
I am standing in a foreign kitchen,
the scent of you and yours-gone.
You, pushed me into the chill-outside..
you became the coldest of all,
You made the final move
I am stupid with regret.


They said she had a way with words
'said modern medicine and discourse
had tied her wings together one brutal night
while she sleeped-still a child
unaware of the sorrow of the world..

She awoke many times after
begining to notice that she would remember
dreams-increasingly dark in nature-
that being the first sign of a shift in clock work.
And so with her movement-freedom forbidden
the beauty in mind could not take flight
and so could not be seen for miles every which way.

Musing on the existence of an interventionist god,
she managed her days in a de-personalised manner,
completing trivial tasks which could not be left undone
for fear of detection- of an indifferent helplesness,
and her mind away on a height,
composing love songs for the atlantic sea.
She had an undeserved lover,a lover of noth but selfish ideals.
They killed her..the exhibitionist and the medicine man.
she lays-resting on same height,beautiful-dead love song.

i heard so many chords at the one time,
they- moving to the beat your heart-
your heart that was beating now stronger than ever-
every beat with love for me-this lost soul that was drifting,
oh you showed your colours just at the right time,
and i.. i cried until the years before became meaningless..
and i leaned back into you and the night..
the night that was the start of the rest of our lives

I can still remember what it felt like,
to lay on your bare chest,
to feel you shifting slightly as you drifted off.
you would always fall asleep before me,
and i would remain awake for some time,
listening to you breath, watching the breeze go through your hair,
letting your presence flow through me like a stimulant.
and i would bless the sky i was under.
as long as i was with you.
Red and white woman

i sat one day beside everything i wish to be,
she had ruby heels, wore them effortlessly,
smoked a heburn light, exhaled through cherry lips,
and how they were fixed on her pale skin
as she observed the street light smeered
in the glass reflection of the 39 bus.

And all these people entered my thoughts,
hearts beating with explosive purpose,
daily they would move at staggering speeds,
until night fall, reduced pixels, teasing rain,
would lead them to the depot with systematic
reflective thoughts in cirulation.

This red and white woman,
checks the terminus schedual,
keeping in mind she is of a certain style,
checkin to see if eyes are on her,
a rigid character at her mothers hands,
she knows convention of a particular class,
she knows what is 'proper'.
I turn away from her after a time,
scorched by the complete lack of relation
between us.
Her hushband is a stunningly wealthy man,
emotionally redundant in every sense,
she needs what anyone needs.

GRAPHICs I DID-a note to any qualified graphic designers-im sorry-i do have a basic-to intermediate knowledge of several programs..but i use them differently.. i least i enjoy it..
the beautiful god like genious that is bjork-

i may well come across as a bit crazy-maybe a little cynical..i have been told these things..but i dunno i get caught up in the moment..and
have a quirky-dry sense of humor..but i can also be easy-going... and a bit silly and jokey-if you find me at the right im caring(probably a lil too much really),and a hopeless romantic.
..i ramble a lot..and im crap at describing myself....

SONG LYRICS..oh yes, they can save your life..

you little old doll with a frown
you got to keep in the game
maintaining mystique while facing forward
i suggest a reading of 'a lesson in tightropes'
or 'surfing your high hopes' or 'adios kansas'
it isn't very smart tends to make one part
so broken-hearted
~Rufus wainwright-
cigarettes and chocalate

shes convinced she can pull back the glaciers,
but she couldnt keep baby alive,
doubting if there's a woman in there
somewhere, here, here, here?
~Tori amos-spark

still.. there's not a show on my back
holes or a friendly intervention
i'm just a little bit heiress, a little bit irish
a little bit.. tower of pisa whenever i see you
so please be kind if i'm a mess..
cigarettes and chocolate milk
~rufus wainwright -cigarettes and chocalate milk

dont let your silly dreams fall down in between the crack of the bed and the wall
~my morning jacket-bermuda highway

i lost myself on a cool damp night, gave myself in that misty light, was hypnotised by a strange delight,under a lilac tree, i made wine from the lilac tree, put my heart in its recipe, makes me see what i wanna see, and be who i wanna be~buckley of course-lilac wine

lovin is fine if its not understood-
yeh but im the professor and i feel that
i should know what makes her come
and what makes her stay and what makes the animal run run away,
what makes him tick apart from his prick
and the lonlier side of the jealousy stick-
i dont know...i dont know you anymore..
~Damien rice-the professor

today i ran for miles, just to see what i was made of ~gemma hayes- ran for miles

olympia theathre dublin-23/24/02/04(oh yes i went twice)
the ole school days..doesnt my nose look big in this-

an older-arty picture-
HERE BE A LIST OF THINGS -well i got bored after a while so it stops abruptly..FOONSNUCKEMS..
01--name-Orla Elizabeth Bernadeth Finglas
02--birthdate-june 4th
06--nickname-orls,orlee,suitepea,orlapea,orlalapea,variations of school i was known by one guy as fingerless
07--schooling? job? bum?-lets speak none of it..i do things..cough*
09--relationship-not right now..ah it afflicts agony on most parts of an anatomy and a soul doesnt it really..hmm someday-someone whos truly worth it..
10--you live where? ireland
11--your favourite country..hmm out of the ones ive been in,canada..i want to go to iceland and holland..

13--films? hitman films-leon,the boondock saints, artsy type films-my brother tom,vanilla sky-grossly underrated film! momento..poltergoist trilogy,hero,house of flying daggers,house of a 100 corpses,the edukators,the woman with red hair-fantastic japananese arthouse film.

14--fav books-the time travellers wife-audrey niffenegger,the distant land of my father-bo caldwell,philosophy made simple(1953),the importance of being earnest-oscar wilde,jonathan livington seagull-i cant remember the author..

15--tv? peter kays pheonix nights,the services wing, little britain, will and grace, huff, scrubs, the o.c(i know! shame! i got sucked in what can i say)..i mostly watch comedy dvds,peter kay,billy connolly,bill hicks, etc..
16--fav singers? matt bellamy,jónsi,paul banks,prince,beck,mark greaney,rufus wainwright,tom waits,caleb,nick cave,the girl from lamb..
18--things to do before you die-learn to ride a unicycle perfectly-release a book of poetry/photography,swim with dolphins,learn a new language, perfect my irish perfectionatly..train myself to be able to dance like i did as a kid-without the control of my crazy to walk a tight rope,get really good at free-running,go rollarblading through the streets of paris with the rollar-paris organisation,learn to play the violin and audition for the paris underground..
22-sexy? brian molko,matt bellamy,rufus wainwright,jonathan rhys meyers,jonsi...

( Animal ) my doggy dave who i miss terribly
( Vehicle ) that moves proficiently
( Flower ) lily
( Beer ) stella artois
( Soda ) diet coke, boost occasionally, its bloody expensive though
( Food ) japanese,indian,italian-in that order..
( City )hmm toronto,some japanese or dutch city im sure..dublin-at a stretch..
( School Subject )oh them i liked irish but my teacher was a twat..i liked music.
( Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? )nope, the main man in my life right now is probably my psychiatrist..theres only one person i would consider giving up singledom for...but yeh..complications
( Floss daily? ) i dont like to go to sleep without flossing unless im extreemly drunk, but i tend to be so particular about it i can drunk enough to make strange with my reflection and still floss..

(1) Liked your voice?:yes
(2) Hurt yourself?: hmm depends on how that question is meant..
(3) Been out of the country?: yes
(4) Burped?: oh yes, i am known for rating burps including my own..
(5) Been unfaithful?: sickens me beyond words..
(6) Been in love?:um yes, just with the wrong person..took me far too long to figure out
(9) Ran away from home?:not technically..just didnt tell my parents where i was for a day or two and caused a lot of panic..twas back in the day
(10) Played strip poker?: hmm no
(11) Gotten beaten up?: yes
(14) Been drunk?: hahaha...ya
(15) Slept outdoors?: yeh..on a beach, twas a lovely lovely experience..
(17) Pulled an all-nighter?: yes
(18) If yes, what is your record?: hmmm hehe
(19) Gone one day without food?: a few days
(20) Talked on the phone all night?:yes i had a 9 hour phone call with my ex..crazy..
(22) Slept all day?: of course
(24) Made out with a stranger?: yes
(25) Had sex with a stranger?: no
(26) Thought you're going crazy?: oh god yes
(29) Been betrayed?:yes
(30) Had a dream that came true?: not really
(31) Broken the law?: hehehe
(32) Met a famous person?:beck is the only on ei care to mention..dublin aint so big..celebrities cant really hide..haha
(36) Had a nervous breakdown?:2 or 3
(37) Considered religious vocation?: maybe when drunk
(38) Bungee jumped?: no but i wanna
(39) Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes! argh-the hanzel and gretel dream-im not kidding..i always dream about being in school again aswell..

CURRENTLY LISTENING TO-unkle(thom yorke)-rabbit in your headlights

as prince said ''its such a shame our friendship had to end''
aaah, childhood friendships-and stages of black clothing and awful bands and doing such cringey things sure ill never forget..

Age: 19Year of birth: 1987Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 4

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Duck
Elftownworldmap 52°46.182'N 7°16.656'W

Place of living: Ireland

Town: dublin

Known languages
DutchIrish Gaelic

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Computer interests
maths and engineering

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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