Photo missing.
Hi, well my names Kate, and im 15. If you get the impresion that im a bitch im really sorry. It just depends what day it is. I can be one of the most sweetest people you talk to, or I can be the bitchest. I am very random, and I can get very annoying. I suck at spelling. I love sports, and that's mostley any sport there is. I love Allegra !! Im gunna adopt her so she can move to New York :]. [
RA!] She is seriously the funniest person anyone could talk to. And she also just leaves you random messages. I mainly get along well with everyone, and I get amused really easly haha. I do have aim, and I do have a myspace. Go ahead and talk to me on here first, and then I will probally give you my screen name. . . or you could just be smart and get it off my myspace. But seriosuly, no one over the age of like 18. You'll freak me out. Sorry :]
darkside74: It's because you're pretty, so all these socially degenerate losers have to be freaks to try to get your attention.
.. I love this kid. He's fucking cute.
Black and White <3. Muah*
She licked that bitch. haha Best friend Forever L to the leggiieee =]
.. my favorite pic.
Elftownworldmap missing.