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deleted by the artist (Dude... 2 weeks till in the snow)

Member #124970 created: 2005-03-22 15:50:56Simple URL:   

Name: ___FILL IN NAME HER_____


stock of the soon to be mine berreta


Okay i know this kinda goes against what i said about lists and shit, but my other profile thing or my main little speech. Just makes me sound like some nuts arrogant person who takes no personal intrest in any thing.
So i did this to make a few people happy.
LikesMore loves...
No.1]Music, every kind i don't mind it's all the same in the end.
(if you don't get what i mean just ask.)

No.2]Photo, taking them and looking at them either way i love them.

No.3]Art.. Prolific art love.. I go when i can too see or i make it my self.

No.4]Playing music kinds ties in with no1...

No.5]The rain, not sure why but i love it.

No.6]Playing with my team, it's like another family.


No.1] People who think there something there not, or over obsess about something like being emo or scene.

No.2] People who think there diffrent when they have to realise were all the same.

No.3] Homophobia (BIG HATE)

No.4] British Police Force... (reasons disclosed.)

i dont think you need to knwo anything else

Age: 1

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