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acid_-_tears (breaking my back for you...)

Member #127649 created: 2005-04-02 04:54:46Simple URL:   


me and anna on the last day of school(sophmore year) can see up her nose!


what can i say...honestly...theres no words

Elftown titles and orders
Street childAdventurer

uhh,my names amy, i have brown hair naturally but sometimes that doesnt show and dark brown eyes that seem, to be getting lighter with age which kind of sucks, im pretty open minded, unless you piss me off, im really bad at like explaining myself...cause physically you can see that stuff and i dont have to tell you about it...and i cant explain myself mentally so your just going to have to get to know me i guess.oh well...i only ask two things of anyone who decides to message dont ask quesions that could be easily answerd if you just read...because i wont answer them and two) say something other then just "hi" because personally i cant really carry a conversation and i need something worth talking about to stay interested...i usually dont talk to people not that bold so if you want to talk drop me a line if not thats cool too

this is one of my favorite songs...its called "thoughts before me" by amber also reminds me of someone i thought i knew really well...i guess we all make mistakes

"So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?

It's starting to get old
That story that untold
Reflect before we walk into
What we already know
Won't be so easy
Looking back at high school drama
Didn't try to fix what we thought were problems
Someone's writing empty letters
Is there no other way?

Staring at your reflection every day
Can make or break my heart away
When you won't listen to what's hard for me to say
Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
And once again we're further away from what we never had

So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?
Just run away with so much left to share
It's just not enough
When we're so much more than friends
We're much too young to throw away our cares

There's no sense in regretting what's been said in our yesterdays
We're getting backwards double
We can look ahead
And I would walk so much further just to know what I'm doing here
And there's no end to what I'd give to know just what you meant when you said
How can I feel alive when we can't help but break our backs just to survive?
Is this another time we can't control our lives?

Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
And once again we're further away from what we never had

So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?
Just run away with so much left to share
It's just not enough
When we're so much more than friends
We're much too young to throw away our cares

How can I feel alive when we can't help but break our backs just to survive?
Is this another time we can't control our lives?

Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
And once again we're further away from what we never had

So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?
Just run away with so much left to share
It's just not enough
When we're so much more than friends
We're much too young to throw away our cares"

another one of my good songs... and one of my favorite bands!

"Three Evils (Embodied In Love And Shadow)"

"Across the floor in the hand of where we drove the drill
a cautious ear to the mouth of your confession
think of all the things we put him through
in the face of his god would he tell the truth?

still recorded were the words that dribbled out his kiss
when eyes go blind in this man of what could once become
sever the limbs off his torso in sleep
and burn what remains so the world may now see
no longer...will we wait for your answers
back to the hell where you've come from
think of all the times you've once had
write them in a letter that says goodbye

you'll listen to reason while you're face down in the dirt
you'll stomach the hurt and break for him here just how much he's worth

slowly discarded were the remains of his lonely youth
among the alley where the dwellers scare to notice
picture a young boy in pieces and streets with leveled malfunctions
no name to be called redeemer
We'll fix him restore him...with the love is no other
think of all the things you did before
write them in a letter that says reborn

you'll listen to reason while you're face down in the dirt
you'll stomach the hurt and break for him here just how much he's worth

following you across the interstate walking away...I'll fire on
following you across the interstate walking away...I'll fire on
following you across the interstate walking away...I'll fire on

on the wrong way out
on the causeway to neverwhere
on the wrong way out
on the causeway to neverwhere
on the wrong way out
on the causeway to neverwhere

dear my friends in the time we've spent forever after beyond this when will our nightmare ever end?
dear my friends in the time we've spent forever after beyond this when will our nightmare ever end?

pull the trigger and the nightmare stops...
pull the trigger and the nightmare stops...
pull the trigger and the nightmare stops...forever you will learn"

Audio Blood by The Matches(GOOD SONG...i heard it and iwas in love!)
Every friday at three
shadows escape from the factory.
If you can go to the show,
hurry up and get back to me.
Tonight we meet underground
where the air is thick like mud,
and the bands make noise
that we call audio blood.
Every weekend we're igniting
like chemical fires.
Youth centers fill with teens.
They fill with vampires.
Sweating in the dark we're freed
as the weight of the week
falls away with a thud.
Sweating in the dark we feed
on the forms in the light;
on the floor we're the flood.
We bleed, we bleed, we bleed
Audio blood.

And all through the week,
whispers follow the shadows down the halls.
Our handstamps fade,
and I cringe at the stupid names we're called.
Every weekend we are massing,
seeking sonic escape.
The shadows flood the floor
and start to take shape.

This is how we bleed in audio...
let down your skin,
let the wind blow through your veins.

"oh how"(written by a dear freind of mine)
oh how your once firey red hair is mangeled and untied
oh how your heart is undenied.
oh how i want to undefy the breath-taking look of your inner thigh
I'd love to know your work of heart and ask you how your soul departs.
And when i look into you eyes i see how proud the virgin dies, as tears flow now and let out silent sighs as you watch how your beloved dies, thoughts race through your forsaken mind. you look around and theres no help to find, you carry her off only so kind, and humbel yourself to such a low estate theres no way out now you cant escape. You cant escape from that once fateful night but oh how you try with forcefull might, your running now faster away from all, you bend at knee and place your love there in front, you cry out "why God why?" but he turns his face, you close your eyes grasp a knife and prepare to die, a faithful suicide, a life for a life, "wait for me my love" you cry a salty drop falls down your cheek, splashes life on your lifeless love, oh how you wish this could all end as a final drop of bloods been shed.

my english teacher rejected my friends poem and gave him an F for " was kinda funny she thought he should seek help and i laughed!

Age: 20Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 7

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 45°0.000'N 89°27.822'W

Place of living: USA-Wisconsin

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartmusic


Other interests
artboard gamesbooks
card gameschasing the preferred sexdancing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 163

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