I'm a chic of chic's.
Very random...
At times possibly psycho?
Well Iam in a band. So we do write songs.
Well when we don't like a song someone puts up, I write a poem.
We don't like alot of the songs so i have a lot of poems. This is my favorite..
[listen to AFI Sing the Sorrow: ...But Home is Nowhere:Bonus Track for full effect]
&heart;dedicated to the boy that can't find his way back
There Once was a Girl...
That knew this Boy...
But all she could say,
wasn't filled with much joy.
They laughed and They cried
Til one day he said..
"if you were to die, i'd hope we'd both be dead.."
As time passed by....
The story's to be said,
that one day the two were finally to be wed.
But faith has a path.....
That stood to say,
she'd come to her death on their wedding day.
He cried and He wept as he stood by her bed.
He lost his true love,
there was nothing to be said.
Now as time went on...
Their was told to be grief.
From the husband left standing on his own two feet.
He thought and he prayed.
To see her again ...
But all he ever got was a shake from the head.
Desprete people,
don't care what they say.
Yet Love has a power,
that can even get it's own way.
When you fall in love,
all the true words you say..
Become scribed in your heart like words of praise...
Their once was a girl,
that fell in love...
Yet she was taken away at the snap of your thumb.
The boy that she left..
full of sorrow and grief,
was never to be here with you and me.
There once was a love.
Formed by tears & grief.
That one rainy day brought the boy to his knees.
He said the words that bound him with her.
And togther they became a love, blurred from the world.
[ I love my Life ]
[ So I choose to put down the knife ]
Full Name: Alexandria
Nik Name: Haven
Age: 14
Sex: female
Resident of: USA/WV/Mon/Boondocks
heritage: English.Irish.Itil.German.
relat: I'm far from love.
I'm anything.But everything
Farr from EyE candi. ;&heart
I'm open to new things.
As to why Iam picking up with new lang.
Currently learning.
+ German +
+ French +
Moi msn (=)
Moi aim (=) hawtlikekoolaid
Moi aol (=) mablebrable
Moi yim (=)
Moi myspace (=)
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Elftownworldmap missing.