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Typecast Superhero (Interested , but only slightly)

Member #130174 created: 2005-04-14 03:03:14Simple URL:   


Pretty sweet picture , It was part of the wallpaper in this amazing old house.


Elftown work
Building workerInspector

Elftown titles and orders
InterpreterStreet childAdventurer
Travelling bard

My name is Katie and I'm a junior at Columbine Highschool. Everything I say is probably in reference to some movie or book. I love to read and write but music is my passion. I'm the manager for my friends' band and if I'm not trying to organize something for them I'm probably front row taking pictures or singing along to every song. I'm a very open and outgoing person and I love meeting new people.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: naw , i don't trust myself with people to drink
-- Been caught doing something: yup
-- Been called a tease: yes , but only by angry guy friends who wish they were more than my friend
-- Gotten beaten up: just your typical roll around on the living room floor stuff with my little brother
-- Shoplifted: no
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nope

-- Age you hope to be married:depends when I decide I'm done being alone
-- Numbers and names of children: 2...Jeremy Scott and Brighton Alexander
-- How do you want to die: snowboaring , rock climbing , skidiving , or rafting
-- Where do you want to go to college: Arizona State or DU
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a social worker and a writer
-- What country would you most like to visit: visit Erin and Alex , I love them
-- Who is your most loved people: "The group" , my uncle , my " older brother" Robert

I'd love to talk writing , music , or photography with anyone who's interested so keep me in mind for the next time you're bored.

( currently looking for a new muse so the writing may not be brilliant at the moment , hang in there it will get better)

Side Effects of the All-American Dream -

The space and the waiting
enough to make you scream
a million miles
testiment to broken dreams

the letters say I love you
my hope is fading fast
in love with the girl that was my past

side effects of the all american dream
happy , maybe
but not as great as they seem

sick to my stomach
you said that you would call
the line is busy
I wonder if you care at all

side effects of the all american dream
happy , maybe
but not as great as it seems

changing a little more each day
I try my bet to keep myself away
I can't change now
there's just no time
to make your new world a part of mine

We're back to ignoring
what should be important
you smile fondly and talk about her
I try my best to find myself
a place in the world you have created
you live in anticipation of tomorrow
and I , the fictional best friend
am left waiting for a job description
or maybe the idiots guide to
loving your best friend's boyfriend

  [My name is Chris
  I am three,
  My eyes are swollen
  I cannot see,
  I must be stupid
  I must be bad,
  What else could have made
  My daddy so mad?
  I wish I were better
  I wish I werent ugly,
  Then maybe my mommy
  Would still want to hug me.
  I cant do a wrong
  I cant speak at all
  Or else im locked up
  All day long.
  When im awake im all alone
  The house is dark
  My folks arent home
  When my mommy does come home
  I'll try and be nice,
  So maybe ill just get
  One whipping tonight.
  I just heard a car
  My daddy is back
  From Chariles bar.
  I hear him curse
  My name is called
  I press myself
  Against the wall
  I try to hide
  From his evil eyes
  Im so afraid now
  I'm starting to cry
  He finds me weeping
  Calls me ugly words,
  He says its my fault
  He suffers at work.
  He slaps and hits me
  And yells at me more,
  I finally get free
  And run to the door
  Hes already locked it
  And i start to bawl,
  He takes me and throws me
  Against the hard wall
  And fall to the floor
  With my bones nearly broken,
  And my daddy continues
  With more bad words spoken,
  "Im sorry!", I scream
  But its now much to late
  His face has been twisted
  Into a unimaginable shape
  The hurt and the pain
  Again and again
  O please God, have mercy!
  O please let it end!
  And he finally stops
  And heads for the door
  While i lay there motionless
  Brawled on the floor
  My name is Chris
  I am three,
  Tonight my daddy
  Murdered me
  And you can help
  Sickens me to the soul,
  And if you read this
  And dont pass it on
  I pray for your forgivness
  Beause you would have to be
  One heartless person
  To not be affected
  By this Poem
  And because you are affected,
  Do something about it!
  So all i ask you to do
  Is pass this on!


This is the reason why I'm so damned determined to be a social worker. Help the ones that can't help themselves before it's too late.

Age: 17Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 29

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap 39°45.000'N 104°51.996'W

Place of living: USA-Colorado

Town: littleton

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Computer interests
musicvideoweb design

countryhip hopnew age

Other interests
card gamescarschasing the preferred sex
cookingcrime storiesdancing
snow scootersshoppingtheatre

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 168

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