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Aenivae (And here I am, talking to myself...)

Member #133321 created: 2005-04-28 06:39:04Simple URL:   

Name: Sean Harry

Photo missing.

Drawing missing.

Name: Sean Harry
Age: Fifteen
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown with natural red and blonde highlights. (Slighlty anyways)
Gender: Male

Anyways, I enjoy singing and participate in my high-school show choir (Which doesn't require a whole lot of singing skill, being high-school and all.) and I also enjoy the dancing that we do in the class. I also play soccer, and basketball and I can tolerate playing baseball but football just plain blows... Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

In addition to singing and dancing, I can play the piano, the flute, and juggle all at the same time. Whether or not I can do this with skill is irellevant.

Currently I am in the process of writing a series of eleven books, the first one has been four years in the making and I finally have the begining I have wanted, so yippie yee and golly gee...

I also enjoy art, digital, sketching, landscaping, etc. I like it all. It takes skill, and dicipline and if you have both then you are a decent person. If it's talent then I'm not so impressed because you didn't have to work for it.

Literature is also on my list of favorite things, I read Stephen King a lot, and to all of you who haven't read "The Dark Tower" series I strongly urge you to read them, unless you are 12 or under in which case you won't be able to appreciate the books until more has happened to you (Not to say my life has been exceedingly eventful of course.).

Maddox! Anyone who doesn't know who Maddox is needs to. He is basically a god, and everything he says is right. If you disagree you are wrong.

   "Suicide is a funny way of telling god, 'You can't fire me, I quit!' " - Me.
   " All of those who say it is impossible should stand aside for those already doing it." -No fucking clue...

   "Come once more to the dungeons of my black despair, down we plunge to the prisons of my mind." -The Phantom of the Opera

   "Chop Chop..." -Me.

   "Science, Industry and technology! Big men putting screwdrivers into things... Turning them, and... Adjusting them!" -MST3K

   "Increase the flash gordon and put more science stuff around!" -MST3K
   "None of my bullets have your name on them, they all say 'to whom it may concern' " - Unknown

"Trenton: Heh... Its the drunk piano player... You're so drunk you couldn't hit nothing. In fact, you're probably seein double."
"Doc Holiday: I have two guns, one for each of ya." -Tombstone

   "Behold a pale horse, the man who sat on it was death... And hell followed with him." -Revelations

   "All Hail The Crimson King!" -The Dark Tower Series.

   "You!" Gasher exclaimed.
   "Me." The gunslinger agreed. A moment later Gasher's head disintegrated as a bullet tore through it. -The Waste Lands.

   " All that you love will be carried away." -Stephen King.

   " And the dust settles down as the world fades into the bleak and empty dark. In an epoch less than half a year the cycle will continue. And our prison will commence once more, but for the present we shall survive..." -Unknown.

  "Control what you can maggots, everything else can have a flying fuck at you, and if you go down, go down wih your guns blazing." - The Dark Tower Series

MST3K (Mystery Science Theatre 3000) kicks major ass. I mean who in the right mind couldn't like that show?

Age: 15

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Known languages

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
musicprogrammingstrategy games
system administrationuse communities

folk musicheavy metaljazz

Other interests
board gamesbookscarpentry
catschasing the preferred sexchess
politicsrole playingsinging

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 181

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