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sex_69 (why don't u love me like i love u?)

Member #138660 created: 2005-05-26 17:12:52Simple URL:   

Name: that's for me to know, and u to find out!


Pretty shitty pics eh?


me, my friend was bored one day! I love you harlan!

Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkBeggarStreet child
Fastfood worker

People i like to talk to!

[ShadowReaver] he's my baby! Ur sooooooooooo sexy! I LUV YOU! lol! keep being here!
[sex_lover] she's just there! no jk! I luv her to! lol
[Spike69] she's weird but...I LUV U APRIL! lol! She's kinda in my skool? not really?
[sweety5225] He's the best, I'll always be there for ya(no matter how gay u, jk!), luv ya lots!
[creyke] he's a sweety too.a friend from skool, He's wherever i look!
[Azlyn] i kinda know her from skool, she's kewl!
[x_fractious_x] she's really nice, and She goes to my skool!!
[dan116] I LUV YOU! JK! I went/go to skool w/ him, he's soo sweet!
[Red Elm0] kewl, seems to think highly of himself! no jk! i like him!
[Son of Northern Darkness] he's kewl! fun to talk to!
[JessiPIXIE] she's nice, I talk to her on msn. She stole my birthday! :( no jk!
[VictorianBlood] she's a pretty kewl gal! lol! new pic? it's pretty kewl!
[psycho_bitch] she doesn't look 14 does she? lol
[Amon Ra] he's a sweety, and so sexy! lol!
[spratbird] he's kewl, talks about skool alot tho?
[redneck378] he's kewl! really sweet!
[ragtash] he's a real sweety too! haven't talked to him in a while tho!?
You may ask me four questions.
Any four, no matter how private, how personal, how random.
I have to answer them honestly, and I have to answer them ALL.
In turn, you post this message in your own journal, wiki, or profile and you
have to answer the questions that are asked of you.
I'm going to kinda explain what I am.
I’m a friend, an enemy. I contradict everything, I’m a crazy, wild, child. not very smart, overprotected, plain, and of course, extreamly talented, no jk!

If you catch me in a bad mood, you will reseve the following: Attitude, sarcasim, and most of the time, I tend to poor my broken heart out on you.... Oh hell, I'm lying... That's my NORMAL messages! And If I'm hyper...just remember...I'll always love u!

1. Are you a male or a female: i'ma crazy babe
2. Describe yourself:haha, I'm addicted to, howeva u spell dat?
3. How do some people feel about you: Oh, iam sure some people hate me!
4. How do you feel about yourself:er...a reject
5. Describe your family: uptight,
6. Where would you rather be: anywhere but here
7. Describe what you want to be: I wanna poke holes in people...mwaa-haa-haa!
8. Describe how you live: Blood, sex, and booze
9. Describe how you love:i don't
10. Describe what you hate:preppy snobs!


1. I ___ Kay.
2. I want to ___.
3. Kay is ___.
4. Kay and I ___.
5. If I was alone in a room with Kay we would probably ___.
6. I wish Kay could ___.
7. Kay should ___.
8. Kay reminds me of ___.
9. If Kay was an animal,she would be a ___.
10. One day, Kay and I will ____.


what would you do if:
1) I committed suicide:
2) I said I liked you:
3) I kissed you:
4) I lived next door to you:
5) I started smoking:
6) I stole something:
7) I was hospitalized:
8) I ran away from home:
9) I got into a fight and you weren't there

Things I am - liar, backstabber, twisted, misunderstood, angry, difficult, beauitful, ugly, confused, sick, tired, smart, stupid, insane, broken.

Things I'm not - Perfect.


About The Girl Behind these *Tears*

(She is:)
a little overweight,
a loser,
lied to,

(She likes to Pretend To be:)

[ She loves: ]
being alone.

[ She hates: ]


And, with no life...I have all the time in the world for a survey!

[What is your Full Name:] That's for me to know, and u to find out.
[What color pants are you wearing right now:] w/ white stripes.
[Listening to right now:] Green Day
[What was the last thing you ate:] toast
[How is the weather right now:] Cold... very very very cold...
[The first thing you notice about the opposite sex:] body type, hair, eyes, then clothes. I'm a shallow girl.

[How are you today:]Tired from staying up all night talking to Mike, cold, in pain...
[Favorite drink:] pepsi,slushies... Sprite
[Favorite alcoholic drink:] Sour Puss, red.. I got drunk off lame eh?
[Hair color:] brown... dyed it though...
[Eye color:] fuck if i know..uhh... blue...
[Siblings, and their ages:]this could take a while...Michael(7), Shelby(3), Jared(3), and Makenna(3)
[Favorite foods:] Pizza
[Last movie you watched:] House of wax
[Favorite day of the year:] uh... tomorrow? o.O
[Are you too shy to ask someone out:]sometimes, right now i am
[Summer or Winter:] summer.
[Hugs or Kisses:] both
[Relationships or One Night Stands:] relationships.... but sex is fun
[Chocolate or Vanilla:] Vanilla
[Living arrangements:] Mom and stepdad
[What are you doing tonight:] goin out
[Favorite car:] >> one that can come and get me
[Favorite flower:] Tiger lily's
[Red or white wine:] white
[What did you do for your last birthday:] Hung out w/ friends
[What is Under your bed right now:] The boogeyman  :(


[ It's cute when you pretend to know me. ]

[ You'll never know how Nasty I really am. ]

Kat and I, call Mike gay. (False. I think)
Alyshia, Jen, and I, call Danielle a loser. (True)
I treat mentally-challenged people differently. (Sometimes)
I bitch at my friends.
Gay people are hot.
Preps all need to die.
I'm too smart for my own good. (Says my Mom)
I've thought out entire plans to kill people.
I stalk the people I have crushes on.
I've cheated on previous relationships and lied about it.
I think everyone is out to get me. And most of the time I'm right.
I cry alot. Over stupid shit.
I like to lie to people when I say "I love you" (haha Chris, you believed me!)

[ Do you STILL think I'm Cool? ]


Age: 16Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 17

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap 60°51.798'N 125°22.530'W

Place of living: Canada - British Columbia

Town: in a garbage can

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite URL:

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

alternativegothheavy metal
hip hoppunkrap

Other interests
carschasing the preferred sexcrime stories
soap operaswhiskywine

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 168

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