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Tearing down the walls of society, they re-create what was once known with cardboard and paper, easily changed and torched. Forget what you have been taught, forget what you belive, forget life itself. There is room for only one God, One mind, One thought, One control. With it comes unity and peace. No longer will we fight amongst ourselves for dominance. We shall have a world in which our children will sleep safely while thier thoughts are being transformed from human to machine. With this revelation comes the desruction of free thought, the rape of imagination and the complete destruction of what makes us human. These rights placed upon us have been tailored and manicured to what they want, we are not free. We walk through life surrounded by invisible barriers our masters have created for us. The guide us alone thier path while allowing movement and the growth of false thoughts of freedom and happiness. We are the sheep beign led to the slaughter; however, this slaughter takes place in the mind, destroying the outcasts to make a social whole, a whole who cannot be comprimised for there is no opposition. This whole shall enherit our culture and youth, from this they will alter our kind into a more effecient machine, living out thier life content to make others content. Slaves living uder the fale guise of freedom. This is our democracy, This is our country, This is our role.