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poetichiddensoul (♥I Love Tyler♥)

Member #144212 created: 2005-06-23 17:13:32Simple URL:   

Name: Beth Allyson


Yeah...that's me...I'm so beautiful...I know...but please don't tell me I'm beautiful because trust me, I already know...
*ill bite u if u dont stop changing it ;)

Fine...Please note that I, Beth Allyson...don't actually feel this way, but to keep from being bitten by my oh so sexy lover, I will not change this description...for now...Luv u, Tyler...:)

Drawing missing.

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Street childAdventurerTravelling bard
Fastfood worker

I love you sooooo much, my beautiful-poofy-slutty-tomato forever and ever...I wanna spend the rest of my life with you...We're gonna get married and have babies and a house by the ocean in the middle of Missouri and it's gonna be fun!!

...Hehe...This is from my wonderful Tyler [fuck_it_all] :D:D:D (You all think I'm crazy don't you...well you can fuck off)

Oh...and please please please!!! (Ect...) either comment and/or sign my guestbook...I love comments and they make me happy! And maybe (:O) we can become...friends!! Yayness! So yeah...please? *Begging face* KTHNXBI :)

Hm...Is this supposed to be a description of me? Or my life? Or what...? Hm...idk...I guess this would be a lot easier if i knew what I was doing...haha...Well um, I'm...a girl...:O...I'm 16...I live in Missouri *cough* and um...Tyler is my boyfriend...and I love him very very much...yup...oh and I work at Arby's now and I'm all excited and stuff...because there's this chick there...that works there...and her name is Bekah...and I actually like her :O and I'm all happy because I'll get to work with her and stuff! yay! lol...and Rooroo is muh friend and Roxy...well she's my sexay purple penguin lover...and love poetry and I have 48 poems published...and I like using periods a lot...dunno's one of those habits that just won't go away...but um...I have a younger sister and I have a miniature poodle! His name is Rusty and he's the total shiznit so get over it because I love him and he's oh so totally I got this quiz thing from Roxy so I'll bore you now :D

(1) Name:
Beth Allyson (Insert last name here) yeah...I hate my last name so you may never know it...hehe
(2) Nickname:
Beth-a-bles (-cheerleaders), Sarah (-campy ppls), Beffy (-muh sister)
(3) Country of living:
(4) Birthdate:
June 28, 1989
(5) School:
Jackson Highschool (weee...where I spend 8 hours of five days of the week wif muh bestest friend, Hannah!!! ^_^
(6) You smoke?:
hehe *cough* You may never know...
(7) Hobbies:
I hate that word...but um... poetry maybe? Or um...hangin out with my sister...that's always
(8) Brothers/Sisters:
One younger sister who is currently 13...I love her ^_^
(9) Relationship:
Yes!!! I'm goin' out with Tyler! He's oh so totally jazzerific and I heart him very very much!
(10) Piercing(s):
Yup...but just muh ears...but soon to be my tongue too...hehe
(11) Tattoo(s):
Don't have any...but I am gonna get a black rose with pink tips in between my back dimples when I'm 18...
(12) Fave Country to go to:
Hm...I've never been anywhere other than the US but if I had to pick one, I'd probably choose Germany or France...
(13) Are there people you wont reply to?:
Of course...there's always those annoying friends that just won't leave you the fuck alone...I mean come on...Get a frickin life...argh...
(14) Nicest person you met this year:
This would probably have to say Roo and/or Nathan...if I picked one then the other would get mad so I'll just say both... o.0
(15) Person you rather not have met this year:
Lesse...I can't really think of anybody...hehe
(16) Who would you like to meet:
That would be Roxy and then we can finally get our shark named the Roxybethanator and everything will be all peachy and stuff!
(17) Who do you admire most:
Wow...that's hard...probably Tyler...because he puts up with me...and his mom gives him so much shit...*sigh* So awesome...
(18) Most sexy person(s):
Hm...that's hard...I know Roxy looks really good in um...Tyler's really fuckin hm...hard choice... ;) (But I bet I'd choose offense Roxy...I still love my penguins!)
(19) Favorite Pajamas:
OoOoOoh! I have these really really sexii pants with piggies on them and then I also have some with crabs on there and they're all sexified too! Yayness!
(20) Favorite Car:
I don't really have a favorite car...I own a '92 Saturn which is pretty kick ass but I probably only like it cause it's mine...haha... :P
(21) Favorite Movie(s):
That would have to be the Little Mermaid...yes...I know...childish...but I'm overly obsessed with mermaids...Get over it...
(22) Favorite Music: music type? That would probably be alternative...or metal...idk...they're both great to listen to when I'm pissed off :)
(23) Favorite City(s):
I don't really have one...Maybe Newark, Delaware because I was born there...but idk if that
(24) Favorite Plush:
Yeah...I don't like the word "plush" sounds innapropriate to me...haha
(25) Favorite Perfume:
Vanilla-type stuff makes me happy...and so does Waterlily and Jasmine...o and some Adidas...and Love Spell...oh many choices...:S
(26) Favorite Magazine:
Idk...I don't think I really have one...
(27) Favorite sound:
The answer to this question would be innapropriate to type on here...(Just let your imagination do the work...*wink, wink* )
(28) Favorite TV-series:
I don't think I have one of these either...probably the OC though...
(29) Favorite Nickname:
Probably Sarah...or Flump...lmao
(30) What is on your mousepad:
Tom and Jerry...but mom picked it out and she's gay...but the one in my room is all's two white tigers playing in the snow during a sunset *OoOoOoOo so pretty!*
(31) What all is under your bed?:
The other part of the trundle bed that pops up...and a lot of pencils and small things that get lost under there...
(32) Favorite color:
Blue swirled with silver...yes, it is a color...get over it...argh, Karl...shut up!
(33) Favorite Song ever:
.x. Noise and Kisses .x.
(34) Favorite song at this moment:
Now wouldn't that be the same as the favorite song...ever...? Aren't we still in ever...? Okay fine...: .x. Noise and Kisses .x.
(35) Favorite food:
You know...Tyler asked me that the other day...and then I decided it was Velveeta Shells and Cheese...but now I'm thinkin it's Hawaiian choose :)
(36) Favorite class in school:
Art class! Whee!!! Get all messy and don't get into trouble...hell ya!
(37) Lucky number:
(38) What do you think is greatest about yourself?: boyfriend is trying to think of which one is best and if he can't think of it then I sure as hell won't be able to think about idk...other people should say you can pick! :)
(39) What deodorant do you use?:
Secret Platinum...The um...h/o lemme check...April Rain...oooo it smells so good! *Sniffs deodorant* :D
(40) Favorite shoes:
Hm...idk...I have my black ones now...and they make me happy...but yeah...I guess that works...:P
(41) What time do you go to bed on weekdays:
Eh...whenever Tyler gets tired (cuz he usually gets off the phone's normally around 1 or 2 am tho...)
(42) What phrase do you use most:
Idk...I say "F word" a lot...I mean like...I actually the letter "F" and the word "word" so yeah...I try to keep it clean...lmfao...
(43) Most romantic moment in your life:
That's for me to know and you to only find out if you're really really close to me!
(44) Most embarassing moment in your life:
Yeah...another one you may never know...
(45) You spend your time rather inside or outside:
Probably inside...but I love being outside...
(46) What do you do during the weekends?:
Uh...I try to spend time with Tyler...when that doesn't work, yeah...I basically do nothing...Missouri's pretty damn boring...but I just got my license and I passed it with a 96% so I'm all excited about that and stuff! So I guess I'll be able to do a lot more after I have it for a while...
(47) What class in school do/did you dislike most:
Hm...that would have to be either History or Science...I suck at both but still manage to retain an A in both classes...I personally think the teachers like me because there's no way I could've done that myself...
(48) Your Breakfast:
Consists of absolutely nothing...yup...nothing...hehe
(49) What do you really really dislike to eat: beans...but I love try to explain that one...haha...
(50) Pets:
2 doggies, 2 kitties, a gerbil and lotsa fishies! (yay!)
(51) Laugh or Dream:
Probably my dreams...because Tyler's usually in them...yup...
(52) Serious or funny:
(53) Fast or slow:
Fast, baby, fast...lmao
(54) You prefer being alone or have relation:
Relation...because for some annoying reason, my life strives on having someone to love me in return...
(55) Simple or complicated?:
I prefer simple...but some times a challenge is more fun...
(56) Cremate or Buried when dead:
Buried...cuz yeah...coffins are pretty!!! :D
(57) Sex or Alcohol:
(58) Stay up late or go to bed early:
Stay up late...cuz then I get to talk to Tyler so I go to bed all happy :)
(59) Light or dark?:
I love the dark...but I'm also scared of it...argh...but more stuff can be done in the dark... hide and seek...what were you thinking...? o.0
(60) Speak or Silence:
Silence...everything can be so much more appreciated in the silence...ah peacefulness...
(61) Tall or small man/woman:
Hm...taller than me...and gotsa be a man...cuz yeah...I think a lotta chicks are hot *cough Amy Lee cough* but I wouldn't do the whole relationship thing with them...
(62) Newspaper:
Yeah right...boring...ugh
(63) Hugs or kiss:
Kissing's fun...hugs are cuddly...which would you choose...?
(64) Happy or Sad:
I don't like this'm usually sad...but I prefer being's a cornocopia of disturbing incidents...
(65) Life or Death: I'm alive...does that make sense...? This question is stupid too...yup yup...
(66) Gig or Disco: much more fun...weeeee!
(67) Left or Right handed:
Right...and I feel sorry for left-handed artists...always gettin the ink and shit on their hands and fuckin up the art work...*tear*
(68) Sausages on top, or on the side:
Is this a perverted question...?? Hm...I don't like it...
(69) Dark/ red/ Blonde:
(70) What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question:
Am I going to hell? (But I think I already know that one...*wink*)
(71) You believe in reincarnation:
Idk...ask me later...
(72) You believe in Aliens:
Like omgosh! My friend...she was abducted and we whooped dems aliens' asses! Yeah! haha...okay maybe not...
(73) When you die, what will be your last words?:
Idk...I'm gonna come back and haunt all your stupid asses! Yeah...that works...:P
(74) Does true love exist:
Yes...and I'm pretty sure I finally found it...*sigh*
(75) How many kids would you like to have:
Two! And the girl's name (yes I will have a girl if it's the last thing I do!) will be Alyssa pretty...:D
(76) What is the one thing you can't stand:
Well...for some reason...I have developed a hatred of fat people, feet, stupid people, ugly people and ignorant or rude people...and seafood...haha...
(77) Worst feeling in the world:
Loss...I've lost so many hurts so bad...*tear* (but they inspired a lotta really good poems so idk...)
(78) What are you afraid of:
Losing somebody very very close to me...and I'm sure you can guess who that is...(Tyler, I love you, sweetheart...)
(79) Are you an emotional person:
Yes and it can suck ass sometimes...but I can usually control my emotions so I'm okay :D
(80) Do you ever cry during a movie:
I try not to...but I have...a few times...
(81) Your goal in life:
To get lotsa money! (no really...I'm serious...)
(82) What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve:
Didn't make one because I wouldn't want the chance to break it...
(83) Favorite art/artist:
That would have to be Dali...ugh I love him...:D
(84) As what animal would you like to reincarnate?:
Mythical? Mermaid!!! Realistic? Human because we're the only species that don't have to worry bout getting eaten by something else...yet!
(85) What is the most beautiful part on the opposite sex's body?:
Smile...or eyes...or hair I suck at this...
(86) Most original place to ask your love to marry you:
Does it really matter?'s the thought right? a hot tub with rose petals and romantic music and a little puppy to give as an engagement present! haha!
(87)What do you think of Elftown:
...I like it :D
(88) Where did you get this question list:
From Roxy, muh sexay purple penguin lover!
(89) Besides Elftown, what do you do most on your PC?:
Probably chat...or look at e-mail...or pirate! lol...just kiddin...but I know lotsa people that have...:O
(90) Is there a question you missed in this all:
I hope not...I don't think I did...damn now I'm all paranoid and suck...
(91) Favorite Actor:
Don't think I have one...oh well...
(92) Favorite Actress:
Nope...don't have one of these either...yay... :D
(93) Favorite Cartoon:
(94) Favorite Band/ Singer:
The Used... :) *Brocolli makes me so horny...brocolli...brocolli...* (and yes, I'd love if you would be brocolli for me, Tyler...)
(95) Favorite drink:
Mudslide...I mean...uh...cherry coke!

Hm...random and/or funny stuff...:

~*~ Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually, she slept through the class. One day, the teacher called on her while she was napping. "Tell me, April, who created the universe?" When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pen and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April. Then the teacher said, "Very good," and April fell back asleep. A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Savior," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. "JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good," and April fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pen. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT FUCKING THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I'LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ASS!" The Teacher fainted. ~*~

This is definitly the best one I've seen so far...Rock On :)

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One night, a guy and a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on. A silent tear rolled down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket and passed her a folded note. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the driver's seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out and read it. "Without your love, I would die."

*Boy: I saw her today...
Girl: I saw him today...
Boy: It seems like its been forever...
Girl: I wonder if he still cares...
Boy: She looks better than ever...
Girl: I couldn't stop staring at him...
Boy: I asked her how things were going...
Girl: I asked about his new girlfriend...
Boy: I'd choose her over any girl I'm with...
Girl: He's probably really happy...
Boy: I couldn't even look at her without crying...
Girl: He wouldn't even look at me...
Boy: I told her I missed her...
Girl: There's no way he missed me...
Boy: I meant it...
Girl: He couldn't have meant it...
Boy: I love her...
Girl: He loves his new girlfriend...
Boy: I held her one last time...
Girl: He gave me a friendly hug...
Boy: Then I went home and cried...
Girl: Then I went home and cried...
Boy: I lost her...
Girl: I still love him* mean so much to me, sweetheart. I promise if anything happens between us, I won't give up on you. You mean the world to me and you are my everything. I am nothing without you. I love you so much... :)


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HEHE...HOORAY FOR THE BUNNY! *Licks lips seductivly*


But yeah...I'm gonna shut up now...Thank you for wasting some of your life on me...I hope you all have an exquisitely lovely day...^_^ ~*~Beth Allyson <3~*~

And um...Tyler...I love you soooooooooo much, even though I'm a poofy slutty tomato!!

Oh! This is so cool! Click it Really...Click it...                         [#]                        It'll take you to the top! That is so cool! But wait...

[Don't click it yet...leave me a comment...down there...please? Please please comment! I'll love you FOREVER!! (No...I won't...I have Tyler...But I'll be your friend! I promise!! I'd really appreciate it... *BIG SMILE*]

Age: 18Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 28

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 37°13.998'N 89°34.998'W

Place of living: USA-Missouri

Town: Cape Girardeau

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartchat

grungeheavy metalhip hop

Other interests
animalsartboard games
bookscard gamescats

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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