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Broken heart of a mad man ([-broken-])

Member #145298 created: 2005-06-29 03:59:49Simple URL:   

Name: [ unknown ]



the fire that burns deep in my heart

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When I wake up in the morning
Sunshine's falling on my skin
And I call you up to tell you
What a happy mood I'm in

Feel the rhythm in my body
And sing is all I wanna do
I feel the day will bring me sunshine
for it's another day with you

[ Me ]

If There's...

If there's one face I want to see,
so beautiful, so true,
one smile that makes a difference,
to everything I do.

If there's one touch I long to feel,
one voice I long to hear,
whenever I am happy,
or just needing someone near.

If there's one joy, one love,
from which I never want to part,
it's you, my very special love,
my world, my life, my heart.

[ Me ]

I Love You

Just three little words
don't seem like enough
for someone whose smile
still brightens my day,
whose touch can make me forget
the rest of the world.

They don't seem like enough
for someone who's always been there
to celebrate with me
when everything goes my way
and to hold my hand
when my whole world
seems to fall apart.

But even though "I Love You"
can't express the depth
of my feelings for you.
I hope you know what's in my heart.
Because loving you
means more to me
than anything in the world
and it always will.

[ Me ]

Regret flows from the depths of my soul
With the strength of a flood
I have held these gates shut for too long
And though tormenting, they should not be stopped.

The thought of your anguish
Even as I write to you now
Stops my heart cold
As well it should

What I see in front of me
Is a painting of our love
Its most thoughtful brushstrokes
Mottled by hurried abstraction and inattention

A person who had not seen this masterpiece created
Might think it to be refuse and pass it by unknowingly
Letting be obscured the deep beauty of its many scenes
By layers of the tarnish of mistreatment

But as the painter
I see beyond the dark smears
To recall the hours that I attended to the details
And wonder how I could let it become so discolored

The painting that took me my life to create
Has lost its divinity in my careless treatment
And even if I were to refine it
I fear you would always see it as it is today

So today I paint a new masterpiece
One inspired by the muse of respect
A work that you can love through our old age
One that you will look to each day for inspiration

This one will take some time
As I want my brushstrokes to be carefully placed
I need to move steadily to ensure that this time,
My art represents my dream

This is my opus
Don't judge me on my past works
As I have never before had so much skill and inspiration
And never before have I wanted to please you as I do today

With you and my children as my muse
I will paint for you a lifetime
A portrait of devotion and friendship
A panorama of passion and admiration

All I ask is that you gaze upon it with an open heart
And you shall unquestionably love me again

[ unknown ]

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Orc
Elftownworldmap 44°15.000'N 88°22.998'W

Place of living: USA-Wisconsin

Town: Neenah

Known languages
Sign LanguageIrish GaelicJapanese

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
information seekingmusicpr0n
use communitieswebcamweb design

adult popclassicalcountry
gothhip hopnew age

Other interests
carschasing the preferred sexdancing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: fit

Height: 179

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