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Crying in the rain (tired...eck....whats sleep again?)

Member #151764 created: 2005-08-03 12:09:25Simple URL:   

Name: Elizabeth Rose


Walking through a graveyard is so peaceful...

Drawing missing.

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Elftown titles and orders
Street childAdventurer

-- Name: Elizabeth Rose
-- Nickname: liz, luci
-- Birth date: 10-19-91
-- Birthplace: salem
-- Current location: salem
-- Eye color:very dark brown
-- Hair color: black
-- Height: 5'6
-- Righty or lefty: ambedextress sp?

-- Your heritage: indian, french,irish,scottish...and many more
-- The shoes you wore today: black boots
-- Your weakness: in ability to cry
-- Your fears: myself
-- Your perfect pizza: I don't like pizza
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: get into a good college
--Your favorite music:
Loreena Mckennitt
Green Day
Coheed & Cambria
Tori Amos
Relient K
and more....

-- Your most overused phrase: Some sort of question
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Please let something intresting happen today..
--- Your best physical feature: My eyes
-- Your bedtime: I'm an insomniac
-- Your most missed memory: all of my life from the day I could remember till the day I was eight..its hazy I can remember some..

-- Soda: orange cream soda, pepsi
-- Fast food joint: The engine house
-- Single or group dates: single
-- Adidas or Nike: neither
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino

-- Smoke: no
-- Cuss: no
-- Sing: yes but I hate singing infront of people...though they say I'm good
-- Take a shower every day: yes
-- Have a crush(es): yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: no
-- Want to go to college: definatlly
-- Want to get married: eventually
-- Believe in yourself: yes
-- Get motion sickness: No
-- Think you're attractive: If I said yes I wouldn't be, If I said no you'd assume I wasn't...its a lose lose situation
-- Think you're a health freak: no
-- Get along with your parents: Which one? The one who ruined the first eight years of my life or the one who's never theere?   Like thunderstorms: love them
-- Play an instrument: violin and guitar

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: no
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a drug: No.
-- Had sex: no
-- Made out: no
-- Gone on a date: no
-- Gone to the mall: once or twice
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
-- Eaten sushi: yes
-- Been on stage: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: yes
-- Gone skinny-dipping: No
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: no

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Been caught doing something: depends on what you mean by that...
-- Been called a tease: No
-- Gotten beaten up: my dad, we were just playing...I swear
-- Shoplifted: no
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no

-- Age you hope to be married: Twentys
-- Numbers and names of children: one, two at most
-- How do you want to die: anytime...I'm not afraid of death
-- Where do you want to go to college: I don't know
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: writer or something in the music department
-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland and england
--Who is your guardian/ most loved person: my only family left, my dad

In a guy
-- Best eye colour: blue
-- Best hair colour: brown or black
-- Short or long hair: I don't care
-- Height:a couple inches taller then me
-- Best weight: fit
-- Best articles of clothing:whatever they're comfortable in...preferably black

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 0
-- Number of CDs that I own: to many
-- Number of piercings: 2
-- Number of tattoos: 0
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: at least 3
-- Number of scars on my body: I don't wanna say....
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I don't dwell on the past

28 Ways To Make A Girl Smile
1. Tell her you think shes beautiful, not hot or fine or sexy.
2. Hold her hand at any moment, even if its just for a second.
3. Kiss her on the forehead.
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Always tell her you love her, at any and all times.
6. When shes upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
7. Reconginize the small things, they usually mean the most.
8. Call her sweetie and baby.
9. Sing to her, no matter how horrible your voice is.
10. Pick her over your guy friends, and especially girl friends.
11. Write her notes, she loves them.
12. Introduce her to family and friends as your grilfriend.
13. Play with her hair.
14. Pick her up, tickle her, play-wrestle with her.
15. Sit in the park and talk to her.
16. Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes.
17. Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night, just because you missed her.
18. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
19. Carve your names into a tree (but then plant a new one together for the damaged you caused).
20. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
21. Give her piggy back rides.
22. Buy her ice cream.
23. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone.
24. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.
25. Look her in the eyes.
26. Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.
27. Kiss her in the rain.
28. If you're in love with her, tell her

Thumbs Together: elizabeth ((yay!))
Nose: 43oizabeth ((well...I got the last part right...))
Elbow: er..likxzsab nretyhn ((that didn't work right...))
Tongue: elizabeth ((my keyboard tastes bad!!!))
Chin: erlizabeth ((so close!!!! Stupid 'R'))
Foot: elizasbneth ((I'm pretty good at this...though I did fall over...))
Eyes closed and one finger: elizabeth ((yay!! My computers teacher would be soooo proud!))



Age: 13Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 19

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Halfling

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Massachusetts

Town: Salem

Known languages
EnglishQuenya (Tolkien language)

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Favorite URL:

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
information seekingmusicstrategy games


Other interests
fantasypoetryrole playing

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: normal

Height: 168

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