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Punk skaters are hot (WILL SOME ONE BE MY FRIEND... PLEASE??????????????)

Member #153923 created: 2005-08-17 19:55:05Simple URL:   

Name: Shelby



Elftown work

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Street child

28 Ways to make a girl smile...
1 tell her you think she’s beautiful, not hot or fine or sexy.
2 Hold her hand at any moment, even if its just for a second
3 Kiss her on the forehead
4 Leave her voice messages to wake up to
5 Always tell her you love her, at any and all times.
6 When she’s upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
7 Recognize the small things, they usually mean the most
8 Call her sweetie and baby
9 Sing to her, no matter how horrible your voice is
10 Pick her over your guy friends, and
especially girl friends
11 Write her notes, she LOVES them
12 Introduce her to family and friends as your GIRLFRIEND
13 Play with her hair
14 Pick her up, tickle her, play-wrestle with her
15 Sit in the park and talk to her
16 Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes
17 Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night, just because you missed her
18 Let her fall asleep in your arms
19 Carve your names into a tree (but then plant a new one together for the damaged you caused) <--Wtf
20 If she's mad at you, kiss her
21 Give her piggy back rides
22 Buy her ice cream
23 Treat her the SAME around your friends as you do when you're alone
24 Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants
25 Look her in the eyes
26 Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing
27 Kiss her in the rain
28 If you're in love with her, TELL her
Message: When a GIRL is quiet,
Millions of things are running in her mind.

When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.

When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of
She is wondering how long you will be

When a GIRL answers "i'm fine" after a few
She is not at all fine.

When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why you are lying.

When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a GIRL calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.

When a GIRL wants to see you everyday,
She wants to be pampered.

When a GIRL sms's u everyday,
She wants you to reply at least once.

When a GIRL says I love you,
She means it.

When a GIRL says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her

When a GIRL says "i miss you",
No one in this world can miss you more than that
ASCII image deleted by the guards.

okay here one of theose things you can fill it out and send it to me:
1.Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your house and see what I say about you?
001: Name:shelby
002: Nickname: shelly
003: Country of living:cananda
004: Birthdate: may 9, 1989
005: Hair Length: medium
006: Eye color: brown
007: Shoesize: 7 1/2
008: School/work: school
009: You smoke: NO
011: Brothers/Sisters: yes, 1bro, 2step bro
012: Relationship: no..
013: Piercing(s): none yet
014: Tattoo: Not yet
016: Are there people you wont reply to?:no not really
19: Most sexy person(s): pierre from simple plan
21: Who would u like to meet?pierre from simple plan
022: Favorite Pajamas:the ones with the stars on them
027: Favorite Plush:my teady bear
028: Favorite Perfume: addiads
032: Favorite Author: Edgar Allen Poe
033: Favorite Nickname: shelly
035: What all is under your bed: i dont look there..
036: Favorite color: blue and black
040: Favorite class at school: science
041: Favorite drink: mt. dew
043: What do you think that is greatest about yourself: eyes
045: Favorite shoes: my converse
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: 11-12ish
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside: inside
052: What class in school do/did you dislike most: MATH
053: Your Breakfast: ceareal
055: Pets:2 dogs and i turtle
056: Laugh or dream: dream
057: Serious or funny: serious
058: Fast or slow: slow
059: You prefer being alone or have relation: Relationship
060: Simple or Complicated: complicated
061: Cremate or Buried when dead: buried
062: Sex or alcohol:niether
063: Stay up late or go to bed early:stay up late
064: light or dark: dark
065: Speak or Silence: both
066: tall or small guys: medium
068: Hug or kiss: kisses in real life, huggs the candy
069: Happy or Sad: both
070: Life or Death: death
071: Gig or Disco: niether
072: Left or Right: right
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: none thanks
074: Dark/ red/ Blonde: dark
075: What would you ask god if you could ask him 1 single question: ? i don't know?
076: you believe in reincarnation: no
077: you believe in Aliens: no
079: Does true love exist? yes
083: Worst feeling in the world:being alone
085: Are you an emotional person: yes
086: You cry while watching a movie? yeah
087: Your goal in life: find the right guy and make him happy., and become a perfesional singer
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate: a wolf
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: eyes
099: Favorite Animes:?i don't know?
100: Favorite Mangas:???
101: Blah: ???
102: What super power do you wish to have:reading peoples mind
103: Your gender: Girl
104: Straight/gay/BI: Straight
105: Single: yes
106: Want to be: no
107: Age you act: depends on the day
108: Age you wish you were: 18
109: Your height: 5'3
110: Happy with it: no
111: The color of your hair: dish water blonde
112: Happy with it: ya
113: Left/right/ambidextrous:right
114: Your living arrangement:with parents
115: What's your job: school
116: Piercings: no
118: Do you speak another language:spanish, french, english, and japanese
121: Do you live in the moment: more the future
122: Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: sometimes
123: Do you have any secrets: yes
124: Do you hate yourself: sometimes
129: What's your biggest fear:being all alone
131: Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: yeah but not to look cool
132: Are you a loner: sometimes
133: If you were another person, would you be friends with you: probly
134: Are you a daredevil:depends on the day
135: Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself: no.
136: Are you passive or aggressive: i don't think so
137: Have you got a question: ???
138: What is your greatest strength and weakness: i don't know
139: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: being me
140: There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose: Love
141: How do you vent: scream, turn up the music, hit my door
142: Do you think you are emotionally strong: no
143: Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: never going out of my way to make friends.
144: Do you think life has been good so far: no, not really no.
145: What is the most important lesson you've learned from life: that being a little independant can be good
147: Do you think you are good looking:some times i do
148: Are you confident:in some areas i am
150: Do people know how you feel:no
151: Are you perceived wrongly:Probably
152: Smoke: NO
153: Do drugs: NO
157: Talk to strangers who IM you:ya
158: Sleep with stuffed animals: yes
159: Take walks in the rain: yes,
160: Talk to people even though you hate them: yes
161: Drive: um yeah
162: Like to drive fast: Yes
164: Hurt yourself:no
165: Been out of the country:ya i use to live in the usa but now i live in canada
167: Burped: can you tell me who hasnt??
168: Been unfaithful: no
169: Been in love: yes
170: Done drugs: no
171: Gone skinny-dipping:ya
172: Had surgery:in my mouth ya
173: Ran away from home:twice
174: Played strip poker: NO
175: Gotten beaten up: does karate count
176: Been picked on: yeah…
177: Been on stage: Yes
178: Been so drunk that you can't remember your name?: NO
179: Slept outdoors: Yeah, camping
180: Thought about suicide: yes
181: Pulled an all-nighter: Yes
182: If yes, what is your record:2 days
183: Gone one day without food: yup
184: Talked on the phone all night: yes
185: Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes
186: Slept all day: no
187: Killed someone: do dreams count?
188: Made out with a stranger:no
189: Had sex with a stranger: NO
190: Thought you're going crazy: yes
191: Kissed the same sex: NO
192: Done anything sexual with the same sex: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!
193: Been betrayed: yes
194: Had a dream that came true:no
195: Broken the law:does not wearing your seat belt count
196: Met a famous person: no
197: Have you ever killed an animal by accident: nope
198: Stolen anything: NO NO NO NO NO
199: Been on radio/TV.: yes, radio
200: Been in a mosh-pit: not yet
201: Had a nervous breakdown: yes
202: Considered religious vocation: no
203: Are you a virgin: yes
204: Bungee jumped: Not yet
205: Had a dream that kept coming back: Yes
Lied: Yes.
Run away: yes
Broken a bone: no
Failed a class : not that i know of.
Been in a fist fight: does karate count?
Dyed your hair: no
Gotten in a car accident :ya
Been out of the country: yeah
Met a famous person:no
Driven illegally: ya
Thrown a temper tantrum:yes.
Been expelled: no
Given the finger:yes
Rebelled against authority:yes!!
Been in jail: no and dont plan to
1) Dated one of your best friends:no
2) Loved/Liked:yes
3) Cried:oh ya
4) Drank alcohol: yes
5) Done drugs: no
6) Broken the law: does not wearing your seat belt count if so then yes
7) Broken a bone:no
8) Cheated on a test:not that i know of(been ocused of it though)
9) Skinny dipped:ya
10) Played Truth or Dare: yes
11) Ridden in a fire truck: not that i remember
12) Come close to dying: yes
13) burned yourself:on accident
14) Given someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: Yes
15) Eaten a worm/mud pie:i don't think so
16) Stayed up till four on the phone: yes
17) Tipped over a port-a-potty: no
18) Fell asleep while eating:yes
19) Met someone famous:no
20) Been in a school play:yes
21) Cried in public: Yes
22) Seen someone die: no
23) been in a fist fight: not other than at karate
24) given someone a bruise: Yes
25) gotten a bruise: many times
26) knocked somone out: no
27) been knocked out: yes
28) flipped any vehicles:no
29) cut someone: no
30) been cut: ya
31) burnt any buildings down: No
32) sex in public:no
33) mooned someone:no
34) acted kidnapped in a car: ya
35) flashed someone:no
36) kissed an ass: no
37) blew something up: no
38) caught your yard on fire:once
39) threw a firecracker at someone:no
40) been in any wars:no
41) stayed up all night: yes
42) slept all day: no
43) watched the sunrise:yes
44) rode a motorcycle:yes
45) driven a car:yes
46) wrecked a car:yes
47) gotten a tity twister: no
48) given a tity twister: no
49) posed for a nude pic: No
50) been suspended:been threaten to be
51) been expelled:been threaten to be
52) been arrested: No
53) been in jail: No
54)Watched the sun set:yes
1) Name- Shelby
2) Nicknames- shelly
3) Family- dad, mom one step mom, 1 bro 2 step bros
4) Do you Smoke- no
5) Piercings- none
6) Tatoos- not yet
7) Hobbies- karate, singing, sports skate boarding
8) Favorite Food- burgers
9) Favorite Drink- mt. dew
10) Favorite Movie- back to the futurre
11) Favorite Song- addicted by simple plan
12) Favorite Car- vw bug
13) Favorite Color- black and blue
14) Lucky Number-9
15) Favorite Time of Year-fall
16) Favorite Instrument- guitar
17) Favorite Magazine- tiger beat
18) Favorite Tv series-american idol
19) Favorite ps Game- pack man
20) Favorite Artist- da vinci
21) silence or noise- noise
22) happy or sad- happy
23) tall or small- medium
24) luv or hate- Love
25) dark or light-light
26) worst feeling- not being cared for
27) best feeling-being in love
28) laugh or cry-laugh
29) fast or slow-fast
30) sleep or awake-sleep
31) shower or bath-shower
32) cry coz of a movie- once
33) fave shoes- convers
34) fave shop- walmart
35) ideal job-singer
36) most anoying thing about me-attitude
37) best thing about me- my eyes
38) most embarrasing time of my life- when i was at the mall and i ran into the bathroom door right in front of my crush (it was the boys bathroom door)
39) most romantic time of my life-my exboyfriend (my bf at this time) took me to the lake to watch the sunset and he kissed me
40) funniest time of my life- when i walked into the boybathroom on acsident
41) worst time of my life- when my boyfriend broke up with me
42) do i believe in reincarnation- no
43) do i believe in heaven and hell-ya
44.)do i believe in god- ya

Ok, I've decided to take a chance here, ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, private or random.
I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all.
In turn, you post this message in your own journal, wiki, or profile and you
have to answer the questions that are asked of you.

"i would hug you but
a hug leads to a kiss
a kiss leads to a lick
a lick leads to a suck
a suck leads to a fuck
Wanna hug?!"

hey i'm 16 and i love simple plan. i also love punk skater guys i think that there hot!!! srry i don't have a pic but i will get one soon. if you want to know more about me then just ask!!!
oh and if you love simple plan and the lead singer Pierre Bouvier then go to my wikis
Pierre Bouvier the sexy punk rocker
Pierre Bouvier part 2

Age: 16Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 9

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Duck
Elftownworldmap 47°35.394'N 77°22.488'W

Place of living: Canada - Quebec

Town: Montreal

Known languages

Weblog URL:

Favorite URL:,,,,

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
graphicsinformation seekingmusic
videoweb design


Other interests
animalsboard gamescard games
chasing the preferred sexcookingdogs
partyreligionrole playing
watching sport

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 164

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