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~*~sleeping with my dead soul~*~ ([]Little Chris from rock skl is sooooo fit!!!![])

Member #157670 created: 2005-09-12 16:40:09Simple URL:   

Name: Juliet Whitlock


dis meh think wot u wanna but keep ur nasty thoughts 2 urself!


This is little Chris from the programe rock school! he is sooooooo fit!!!!

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Building worker

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[Warning this is a non chav and plastic zone!!]

first name: Juliet
surename: Whitlock
nickname: JJ or Jewels mainly JJ
age: 13
eye colour: blue
hair colour: brown
fav bands:
Son Of Dork
From First To Last
Danny Jones is soo smexy!!!

[*+*+*//♥\\Dreams we have as kids all fade it's not the same//♥\\*+*+*]

[1 thing u like 2 do]
I like 2 make songs! I make them about all sorts of things like when i feel sad when im in love or when im rly angry or once when I ate someting that made me go mental
I made a song up then when I clamed down I sang the song and I thought what the fuck!

[1 thing u h8]
er let me think about that....CHAV'S DER stupid question!!! chav's full stop.

[1 thing u love <3]
Danny Jones!, no questions asked!

[Fave subject]

er. Having a great time with ma m8's I gues!

[Wich time do u wish u could go bk 2?]
o er! dunno think it wlud b eather McFLY concert or ma holiday when I whent 2 the Bahamers summer 2005 coz my best m8's where there and this boi I rly fanc! lol his name is Matt i still keep in touch with him but he has no idea how much love i feel 4 him!
oh Matt...I'll just pretend to hug u untill u get ere!

[5 top wishes!]
1) I wish I could puse, fastforward, and turn bk time! that b good!
2) I wish I could meet McFLY!!!!
3) I wish I was rich$$$$$$$$$...doesent every1?
4)I wish there was no such thing as home work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5)I wish I could get everything I wish 4!

[Top ambition in life!]
To meet McFLY!!!...hey u only live once make the most ov it!

[If u met this rly fit celb and u could only ask him 1 question, what would it b?]
oh well the celebrity would b Danny Jones and i think the question would b wts ur mobile number. but I wouldent pester him by calling him every day dts just sad! lmao it's like im achually gonna ask dat lol!

[If u could bring bk any animal wt would it b and y?]
oh I would bring bk my aunti's cat his name was Teddy he got ran over by a car lyk in I think it was about May and also my aunti got a puppy coz she was lonly when her family were out and he got ran over yesterday or the day b 4(1st or 2nd ov November 2005) his name was Chewey and he lived up 2 his name and Teddy when my aunti 1st got him was the size of a tiny teddy he fitted in the palm of my aunti's hand! and i would bring bk these animals because they never got 2 live as long as they should have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO TELL ALL DRIVERS 2 WACH WHERE THEIR FUKING GOOING!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND 2 GET OF THE FRICKIN FONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I H8 U DRIVERS DAT KILLED MY AUNITI'S INICENT BABYS!!!>:(
Miss u both I never even got 2 meet Chewey! coz my aunti lives in Australia!
R.I.P babys :'(

[Fave make]
Vans! :)

[L8est fave song!]
Too close for comfort- by McFLY!!!!

[L8est most used phrase]
look zoe ders a spider!!! (coz she so scared of em lol im a nice friend)

(.:*(••°It ToOk Me By°•• )*:.)
)*:.* •CoMPlEtE SuPrIsE• (.:*(
(.:*( •×WhEn My HeaRtו )*:.)
)*:.)•ºGoT LoSt In HiSº• (.:*(
(.:*(ºº•°••°•EyEz•°••°•ºº )*:.)
)*:.) hES NoT wOt I WaS (.:*(
(.:*( ••LoOkIn' FoR•• )*:.)
)*:.)BuT hES AlL i WaNt (.:*(
(.:*(°AnD So MuCh MoRe°)*:.)

Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.

Guy: No, this is fun.

Girl: No, it’s not. Please, it’s too scary!

Guy: Then tell me you love me.

Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!

Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him*

Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? It’s bugging me.

(In the paper the next day)

A motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn’t want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that...
...he would die

love is a powerful thing, and when ur in love u will do anything 2 keep the 1 u love safe!


[Sweet little sugar poems]

[these 2 poems r 4 Matt from my holiday]
I'n not supposed to love you
I'm not supposed to care
I'm not supposed to live my life...
...wishing you were there
I'm not supposed to wonder...
...where you are or what you do...
...I'm sorry I can't help myself...
...coz I'm just too in love with you

When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you
when I first talked to you I was afraid to like you
when I first liked you I was afraid to love you...
...Now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you.

[This poem is called "A dream of love" and it's 4 some1 I've had my eye on!]
Some boys think their the best, and their always rong
but for someone differnt I sing this song
this boy terned out alright
I just wish he could hold me tight
and at night we would sit
and watch while the moonlight was lit
and it would be a cherrished
and our love would be as pure as a white dove
but for now I dream this every night
as I hold my pillow tight
untill instead of my pillow it's you I hold.
[By Juliet!!]

[I made dis 1 up wen i was bored it's called "down by the lake" :D]
When you where small you used to play in your favoutie spot
it's were you learnt to walk when you where a tot

It was down by the lake
a place you would let no one take
were the water glistens and the lilly pads float.

but today when you walked through the door...
...there infront of you, you sor...
...your dad looking angry and he said ...
..."I sor you last night making out by the lake...
...with that boy that I hate"
And it was easy really all I had to do was do my puppy dog eyes
and I had him hitnotized

The next night dad 4got all about it
so infront of the T.V i let him sit
then it's...

...Now I make out down by the lake
with that boy my dad hates
where the water glistens and the lilly pads float...
my spot is down by the lake...
a place I will let no one take...
Not even my dad.
[By Juliet!!]

[dis 1 is about Micheal Jakson. he,he shomone! lol!]
I Pledge Alegiance to the flag
That micheal jackson is a fag
he used to play with little toys
now he plays with little boys

[I love this one i found it kinda sound like i am feelin it called "My Reflection"]
i used to be so young and bright
happy as can be
i used to wake up with the morning light
being able to see
but now that the world in dark and my dreams are now gone
im not a little girl, someone that people once knew as me
i woke up one morning knowing that things werent the same
i woke up one morning knowing that mi life has changed
it hit me as quickly as day to night
it left me in the middle of a hrribly awful sight
i look in the mirror day after day, seeing the same dark face
struggling to surrvive as you might in a race
what may look like a happy girl
might be just as dark as inocent me

[dis 1 I found but changed it a bit.I called it "Secret love"]
Guy: I saw her today.
[Girl:] I saw him today.
Guy: It seems like it's been forever.
[Girl:] I wonder if he cares.
Guy: She looks better than before.
[Girl:] I couldn't help staring at him.
Guy: I sed bi wen i left.
[Girl:] I sed bi 2 him coz he sed it 2 me.
Guy: I'd choose her over any girl.
[Girl:] He probably dnt care bout me.
Guy: I couldn't look at her without staring.
[Girl:] He couldn't even look at me.
Guy: I wish i told her how i feel.
[Girl:] I wish i told him how i feel, but how could i he doesent care and he dnt even know me.
Guy: I dnt even know her name
[Girl:] I found out his name but wuldent do that 4 me
Guy: I love her.
[Girl:] He dnt love me.
Guy: I sor her 4 the 1st time in ages now im not going 2 c her again in ages.
[Girl:] im gonna have 2 w8 agaes 2 see him again.
Guy: Then I went home and thought about her and dnt stop.
[Girl:] Then I went home and cried.
Guy: I lost her.
[Girl:] I love him! If he asked me i wuld say yes!


If you whant I can make a poem 4 u just tell me what u whant it 2 b about and I will try my best 2 make a poem 4 u! :D

      Thats all 4 now! :D

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[#] <top of the page

Age: 13Year of birth: 1992Month of birth: 11Day of birth: 7

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 52°26.760'N 1°15.330'W

Place of living: United Kingdom-England

Town: Hemel Hemstead

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests


Other interests
animalsartboard games
poetryrole playingsinging

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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