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Devine Devoid

Member #157881 created: 2005-09-14 01:40:23Simple URL:   

Name: Kotariisan Shiru


She bleeds black ice and cries hallow tears... carried away by a moonlight shadow.


Sometimes love is worth fighting for... sometimes its worth dieing for. Love is a powerful yet dangerous emotion that could save this dieing world or bring it to its knees. Death by love is our fate.

Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkStreet childAdventurer
Fastfood worker


Devoid... a young girl stands in front of a large mirror, beads of water drip from her wet black hair falling to the cold bathroom floor. Tears... pure pearls of her emotions flood her pale blue crystal eyes as she stares into the hazy reflection. Her reality and everything she knew to be true had been proven fantasy. This world was not enough for her and yet it was more than she could bear. The steam began to lift from the room, the hazy image became clear. Human... a small frail eighteen year old year old human girl with pain, sorrow, and fear in her eyes. Lifting shadows of a dream to reveal the nightmare that was her life.

Interests: Anime, brownies, hershey pies, Captin morgan, beer, Bunny Ninjas<3, gay guys (...drool...), imaginary things like love and happieness, video games, Tim Burton, and Poe.

Expertise: Sex, kicking ass, being lazy, writing, painting, sketching, being a sweet heart and a hard ass all at once.

Occupation: Artist

World domination plan number 5

I will work for Burger King and slowly climb the corprate ladder. After about 10 years I will have compleated and sold all my books. In the comming years I will make movies and lots of merchendise (while still working for burger king). Eventuly I will take control of the buisness completly. In the mean time I hire the best scientists from all over the globe to work for me. They will make an undetectible drug that is the most addicting substance on the planet. When it is perfected we begin operation "spike the grease". Every Burger King will be given a new store manager of my choosing who will close alone everynight in order to spike the grease with the new drug. As the people of the world become addicted Burger King will destroy the other fast food buisnesses and eventuly wipeing out grocery stores as well. Then after about a year I will close every Burger King cutting of the world's major food supply. I will make a live broudcast telling the world to rise up and join my private armies all over the world and they will get all the grease they can possibly consume. The addicts of the world will have no choice but to join me. There will be improvements made to the grease. My scientists will make microscopic robots in the grease that run off the natural electricity in human bodies. If I should die or if I push the "big red button" these tiny robots will self destruct and the average human will have at least 4 million in then at any givin time. They cling to the fat cells in the body. It will easily kill a human bieng. The people of the world will know this 6 months after they have all eaten it. Just to make sure no one tries to off me. So all the governments will be destroyed and with my Ninja Bunny at my side we will rule this POS world togather. Muuuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! hehe ^.^

Love you Nathan <3

Age: 18Year of birth: 1987Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 17

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Michigan

Town: Coopersville, Ottawa County

Known languages

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartBasic
hateinformation seekingJava
Linuxmaths and engineeringmusic
strategy gamessystem administrationuse communities

heavy metalnew ageopera
progressive metalpunkrock

Other interests
chasing the preferred sexcookingdancing

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: thin

Height: 157

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