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Member #161196 created: 2005-10-05 19:41:06Simple URL:   

Name: brad


v v v old pic if u dnt like me tuff

Drawing missing.

ill put a pic up soon

there was a lad he drew pictures of wepons n stuff like that now this lad wasnt a sad lad he neva tlked about killin himself after all he had a well paid part time job a lovly girlfriend and skool woz goin great 1 day he was walking to the skool gates 2 meet his beautiful girlfriend hu finished b4 he did he came across a gun he picked it up it was harmless a lil toy bb gun wiv plastic bullits in it so he 4ght wot the hell ill take it home he looked up n saw his girlfriend standin there they walked off holdin hands he kissed her n told her he loved her the rest of the way home he was the same as any boyfriend shud be his girlfriend smiled then they arrived at there house n he went up stairs n the boy pent 20 mins drawin the pic of the gun now he ad 4gotten 2 tell his girlfriend it wasnt a real gun but she didnt mined wen she came up she hugged him n sed to him lsen babe i got somthin 2 tell u wot is it hun he sed i i dno how 2 tell u but babe ive bbin seein some1 else the boy sits there she by this time is cryin babe im soo sorry i dnt want any1 else but u it wer a stupid kiss wiv another lad dats all wot r u doin she notices him put his hand on the gun he points it at his head n pulls the trigger n falls 2 the ground she starts crying omg how cud i have bin so stupid y didnt i see this happnin how cld i ave bin so blind i shud ave seen this comin i still love im as she says this he wakes she stops speachless now u no how i felt wen u told me u had cheated on me i wer blinded by my love 4 u i was stupid 2 think u wer the 1 but all the pain is added cuz ur gone frm my life nd i still love u n i wnt stop lovin u wen wer apart i love u 2 much ur my life support wen ur not in ma life i die so if u dnt love me then im diein every single second i cnt be hapy wivout u so now im sad im deffenceless wivout u beside me so i loose every battle im in im carlm wen im wiv u so m neva at ease wiv out u i cnt do anythin so ill just lie here praticly dead no no no babe dnt do this the gorl screams wiv tears as day by day the boy never turns up 4 skool she gose 2 see him everyday he dsnt move afta 3 weeks the boy is rushed 2 hospitial she goes 2 se him she begs him 2 eat do somthing he turns 2 her puts his had on the life support machine n wiv his last breathe says i loved u then he turnd it off n dies slowly 

      message me if u think this is sad or sick

Age: 21Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 7Day of birth: 16

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Human

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: United Kingdom-England-London

Town: leicester

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Computer interests
action gamesemailmusic


Other interests
beerfishingwatching sport

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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