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volleyballhottie ([Could you all take my poll pretty please thanks!])

Member #162086 created: 2005-10-11 16:52:42Simple URL:   

Name: Ashley Vogel


that's me on the right, my sister's on the left.


isn't this the coolest?

Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkStreet childAdventurer

I am 17. I'm about 5'6". I have blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a cute figure ;). I am very social, extremely flirty, luv to talk and hang out with friends. I luv hanging out with the guys, shopping, and by far my favorite sport is volleyball!!! 

(one of my good friends in here is:
so check her out
and thanks for stopping by, come back soon!

-- Name: Ashley Vogel
-- Nickname: Ash, Missy, Bird-(my last name means bird in german i guess?)
-- Birth date: 10/05/88
-- Birthplace: Honolulu, Oahu (hawaii)
-- Current location: Washington
-- Eye color: Hazel
-- Hair color: blonde
-- Height: 5’6”
-- Right or left: Right

-- Your heritage: German
-- The shoes you wore today: docs
-- Your weakness: hearing
-- Your fears: having no friends
-- Your perfect pizza: lots of cheese and sausage
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: go to collge, play college volleyball, and start a family with a good man
--Your favorite band: don’t really have a favorite

-- Your most overused phrase: whatever! and "good to go"
-- Your thoughts first waking up: i really have to pee!
--- Your best physical feature: i dont really know but fellas, dont hesitate in telling me!
-- Your bedtime: around 11
-- Your most missed memory: the friends i had to move away from when my parents got divorced

-- Soda: i dont really drink soda, but i guess Mountain Dew
-- Fast food joint: McDonalds
-- Single or group dates: depends on who the date is witht
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: both are gross

-- Smoke: nope
-- Cuss: duh
-- Sing: yeah i guess
-- Take a shower every day: yeah i'm a hygeine freak <sorry, spelling ;)>
-- Have a crush(es): yep
-- Do you think you've been in love: nope
-- Want to go to college: yeah
-- Want to get married: yeah, eventually
-- Believe in yourself: yeah, most of the time
-- Get motion sickness: heck yes!
-- Think you're attractive: yeah
-- Think you're a health freak: yeah
-- Get along with your parents: most of the time yeah
-- Like thunderstorms: Yeah, they're awesome and they can be really romantic ;)
-- Play an instrument: yeah flute and clarinet

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: not this last month, i'm on athletic contract ;)
-- Smoked: same as alchohol
-- Done a drug: same as alchohol
-- Had sex: no and i wont until i get married
-- Made out: no
-- Gone on a date: no
-- Gone to the mall: no but i will this weekend
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: heck yes!
-- Eaten sushi: no, but i want to try it
-- Been on stage: no
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Gone skinny-dipping: Nope
-- Dyed your hair: nope
-- Stolen anything: nope

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yep
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: oh yeah, wow! it was pretty bad but ok at the same time, ya know what i mean?
-- Been caught doing something: ya
-- Been called a tease: oh wow, i hear that every day!
-- Gotten beaten up: nope
-- Shoplifted: yeah, when I was little
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no way

-- Age you hope to be married: late 20’s to early 30’s
-- Numbers and names of children: 2 (twins) cody and laura
-- How do you want to die: in my sleep
-- Where do you want to go to college: either eastern washington university or a college in oregon
-- What do you want to be when you finish college: i want to do Computer Animation, like the kind of stuff they do at Pixar and Dream Works Studios
-- What country would you most like to visit: Germany because i've got a lot of german in me and i want to visit it and i think the historical things that happened there are extremely fascinating!
--Who is your guardian/ most loved person: guardian: parents - most loved person: that's not even a fair question, i love so many people!

In a guy...
-- Best eye color: just not brown, its kinda boring
-- Best hair color: blonde is always cute but any is fine
-- Short or long hair: depends on who the person is, their personality, and face shape
-- Height: taller than me..that's hot!
-- Best weight: average or muscular - (not to bulky tho! that's kinda yucky!)
-- Best articles of clothing: nice american eagle pants or sport shorts

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 5
-- Number of CDs that I own: a bunch
-- Number of piercings: 0
-- Number of tattoos: 0 :(
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: too many to count cuz i play volleyball and i'm the setter (for those of you who know what that is even lol) and i get mentioned a lot because of that
-- Number of scars on my body: 10 or more
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 10-15


[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]
1] volleyball to start again
2] college
3] shopping!
4] my wedding
5] picking out my first house
6] a new car
7] someday opening a bookstore
8] harry potter #7
9] finding my soulmate

[08 Things You Wear Daily]
1.] T-shirt
2.] jeans
3.] Socks
4.] shoes
5.] Bthong
6.] bra
7.] jacket
8.] earrings

[07 Things That Annoy You]
1.] whiney people
2.] cocky guys
4.] liars
5.] cheaters
6.] dumb people
7.] people who think they know everything

[06 Things You Touch Every Day]
1.] cell phone
2.] car keys
3.] cd player
4.] Computer
5.] lip gloss
6.] perfume

[05 Things You Do Every Day]
1.] Wake up
2.] shower
3.] Listen to music
4.] Talk
5.] do my hair

[04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With]
1.] Chris
2.] jess
3.] alysha
4.] jordan

[03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]
1.] I, Robot
2.] Mr. and Mrs. Smith
3.] Mean Girls

[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]
1.] John Michael Montgomery- I Swear
2.] John Michael Montgomery- I Can Love You Like That

[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]

Age: 17Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 5

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Washington

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elfwood URL: Do

Fanquarters URL: We

Wyvern URL: Really

Home-page URL: Give

Weblog URL: A

Favorite URL: Crap

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
chatemailinformation seeking

countryhip hoppop

Other interests
carschasing the preferred sexdancing
shoppingwatching sportwriting

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 168

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