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kkforever28 (elated and sad at the same time)

Member #164037 created: 2005-10-23 21:42:58Simple URL:   

Name: Britt Linne` Semenow


yay! gots a digital camera so i can get better pics!!!!!! woot woot

Drawing missing.

Elftown work

Elftown titles and orders
Street childTravelling bard

red hair
brown eyes
5 foot 4 in.
i love sad poetry
mostly about lovers that cant be together
(romeo+juliet forever)
i personally write poetry
but also the ocassional story
i also love dance.
ballet and jazz and lyrical and faussie.
i cant spell that great.

personal phrase: thats not the point

i also like singing
i play alto clarinet

known languages: i do speak a little german, and japanese....but not im also taking french this year @ school.

i luv fussball! thats german for soccer. im an addict. ever since i got back from germany i've been in love with it. i also am supporting the german soccer team. they got 3rd place in the world cup....i wanted them to win...but hey...i still luv em!!

i absolutly love manga!! and some anime!!
i love rurouni kenshin, W Juliet, Kodocha, and lots more!!

yay!!! i havent been on in soooo long....due to the fact that my computer hates me! lol. so im so happy to be able to get on now!

i have a job at the decatur YMCA. i am a jr. counslor at their camp SOKKIA. woot woot!
i dont get paid but hey, i luv it!.....long storys....about what i dont.....but ya not gonna get in to that.

my best friends are: BreAnna Blair, Megan Vail, and Jessica Rodgers. i think they all have accounts on here....but like me they dont get on them that often.

i am addicted to my space.
visit my page @
its awesome.....well...i still have a lot to do but im gettin there.

well, c ya l8r!!
love, britt semenow
july something or other
of 2006

Age: 15Year of birth: 1992Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 31

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap 39°49.998'N 88°51.996'W

Place of living: USA-Illinois

Town: cerro gordo

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
videoweb designWindows

heavy metalhip hopjazz
new agepunkrap

Other interests
animeartboard games
bookscard gamescats
chasing the preferred sexchesscooking
poetrypoliticsrole playing
sportingtheatreThe Town Herald
travellingwatching sportwriting

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 163

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