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*+*What A Fuckin Waster*+* (Ow, My Hand Hurts)

Member #164561 created: 2005-10-27 16:06:18Simple URL:   

Name: Joanna Kolber


Look at me,Im so sexy, I can stick my tongue out, lol. Just kiddin, this is me.

Drawing missing.

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Town Drunk

Ermmm... Well I'm fifteen years old, I live in a shitty back end of nowhere town called Glenrothes. I like rock music and getting wasted. That's all that can be said for me, I suppose.

Well, not really!

I go to Auchmuty High School, one of three high schools in Glenrothes (and definately the worst). I'm in fourth year there, and I'm just about to sit my prelims (scary, huh). I want to get out of there as soon as I possibly can, but I'll probably stay on because I want to go to university. Plus my mum would probably chuck me out if I left school because she's gay.

As previously mentioned I liked rock music, and some rap, but mostly rock and heavy metal. My favourite band is Guns N' Roses, proper eighties style rock n roll. Slash is the most amazing guitarist ever (after Jimi Hendrix of course). They rock, no matter what anyone says. my second favourite band at the moment would have to be the Libertines, because they fucking rock as well. Right now I'm listening to The Union Undergroung, Turn Me On Mr Deadman. I don't really have any other favourite bands, I just listen to a whole range of music from different bands from Slipknot to Radiohead.

To learn more about all my friends go on my website. As a quick overview, most of them are drunks or stoners but they rock because they're great. We all get wasted together on Friday nights. Most of the guys are skaters, and most of the older ones are pretty shit hot at it as well. There aren't many girls who skate, about two who are any good at it and another couple who are just learning. The most I can do on a board is turn, and even that's bloody difficult I'll have you know.

Getting Wasted.
My favourite pastime. During school I usually get drunk on a Friday night, vodka being the drink of choice. I don't get stoned all that much. Ok that's a lie, I do get stoned a lot, I just don't buy it very often. During the summer holidays, though, I was drunk near enough every night and it fucking rocked. But back then all I drank was cheap cider which tasted like piss in a bottle. Vodka's more expensive so I haven't been able to get drunk as much during the October holidays. You can always tell you've had a good night when you can't remember what you did the next morning. And the great thing is, I've never had a hangover in my life, no matter how much I've drank. Woo hoo.

Don't even get me started on them. My family aren't that bad, but they bug the shit out of me. My mum complains about everything. She can find something to complain about if I so much as walk through the living room. She'll start an argument about the fact that I didn't have enough time for a shower that morning. My dad is constantly switching his story. One minute he doesn't want to see us as much and wants to spend more time with his girlfriend, but the minute I want to spend less time with him and more time with my friends he starts complaining that he never sees me. He's really gay. My little brother is so immature. He's thirteen, and yet he acts like a two year old. He seems put on this earth to question everything I do and tag along behind me like a lost fucking puppy that you just wanna kick up the fucking ass. I used to be totally into pop music and then I changed. So my little brother decides that he doesn't like it anymore either, and changes as well. Now he wants a skateboard for his Christmas and he's growing his hair. Omg! The only one that doesn't really annoy me is my gran. She's cool. She's always there for me and she doesn't ask too many questions about anything. At times she's been more of a mum to me than my mum has. you rock, gran.

Other Pastimes.
If I'm not out with my friends or listening to music then there's not much else that I like to do. I don't watch much Tv since my mum lowered our cable package and we lost Kerrang. I watch Charmed sometimes, and the Simpsons. I like drawing, but I don't do it enough to be really good. I tried playing guitar for a while, but failed miserably. I've still got it though. I like reading. My favourite author has to be Terry Pratchett, and my favourite books by him have to be Jingo, Feet of Clay and Thief of Time. My other favourite pastime is sleeping. Damn right I'm good in bed, I can sleep for hours.

Random Shit.
Well I just have to tell you about Wild Boars and Ye Olde Towne. If you hear Aleyaleyah then you must crouch on the ground and say 'goodfuckingnight' or the fanny plaque fitters a.k.a the wild boars, will fit you with a wooden fanny plaque and you will get woodlice and splinters. Wild Boars like to roam the forbidden woods in Ye Olde Towne. I am Ye Olde Towne Mayor, seeing as the last mayor was murdered by the groundskeeper and his body dumped in the grit bin. We're always on the lookout for Wild Boars, to save unsuspecting citizens. P.S. if you didn't understand any of that then don't worry. It takes a strange mind to understand what ges on in our heads.

The Union Underground
Turn Me On Mr Deadman (This song fucking rocks, I heard it at Hannah's house)

Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
They adore, what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate
What's my drug of choice?
It's okay when they pay they say I got the voice
Look at this the motherfucker is a millionaire
Realize it's a mask that you wear
Violate, Violate
Such a simple plan

Turn me on turn me on Mr Deadman

Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar

Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
They adore, what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate
What's my drug of choice?
It's okay when they pay they say I got the voice
Look at this the faggot is a millionaire
Realize it's a mask that you wear
Violate, Violate
Such a simple plan

Turn me on turn me on Mr Deadman

Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar

Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds

Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar

Age: 15Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 3

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Duck
Elftownworldmap 56°0.426'N 1°59.496'W

Place of living: United Kingdom-Scotland

Town: Fife - Glenrothes - Warout/Auchmuty

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Home-page URL:

Favorite URL:

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

gothgrungeheavy metal

Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: very thin

Height: 173

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