1.) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
start the water then get in
2.) Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle?
3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal
essence commercial?
um naw lol
4.) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
5.) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
yeah when i was little
6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
uh yeah
8.) How old do you act?
probably my age
9.) What's the last song you sang?
lunch for the sky*socratic
10.) Have you recently become a member of anything?
11.) What are your plans for the weekend?
im not sure...
12.) Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?
closed of course
14.) What's the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?
what the hell is that
15.) Does anything on your body itch right now?
16.) Who's the sexiest famous woman alive?
hmm jessica alba
17.) Who's the sexiest famous MAN alive?
thats a hard one
18.) Does every family have a crazy uncle or is it just mine?
idk but i have a wayy crazy uncle..except he died.
19.) Have you ever smuggled something into America?
20.) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?
21). Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
uh no
22). Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag?
23). Have you ever had sex in a tent?
24). What about in a boat?
25). Have you ever dated a Goth?
26.) Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex?
amazing sex
28.) Would you kill George W. Bush yourself if you were GUARANTEED to get away with it?
29.) Should guys wear pink?
yes it's hot!
30.) Do you dance to techno music?
31.) Who loves orange soda?
32.) What's the best scary movie you have seen lately?
Ummm..i dont really know
33.) Do you think its fair for parents to judge a girl's boyfriend by his myspace (or a guy's parents to judge a girl)?
nope sure dont
34.) Do you enjoy food?
very much
35.) Would you rather have a one night stand with your fave celeb or spend the rest of your life with one person?
spend the rest of my life with one person!
36.) What was your favorite childhood show?
Rainbow Brite! :)
Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping? yep
Climbed a tree? yes
Fallen out of a tree? yes
Gotten drunk? yeah
Been high? nope
Passed out? yes
Made yourself pass out? yeah it was scurry!
Been out of the country? no
Been on a plane? yep
Been on a train? no
Broken the law? yes
Been beaten up? nope
Skipped school? no
Faked being sick to skip school? yeah
Had a cavity? nOpe
Had surgery? yes
Broken a bone? nope
Sprained anything? no
Met a celebrity? nope
Been to a concert? yEs
Gone skydiving? nO
Gone bungee-jumping? nope
Gone skiing? no
Gone snowboarding? nO
Kissed someone of the opposite sex? yess
Kissed someone of the same sex? heck no
Gotten anything pierced? just the ears
Pierced anything yourself? nope
Made yourself cry? yes
Cried in public? yEs
Cried because of a movie? yeah
Been to Disney? nope
Been to a theme park? yep
Gotten an award? yes
Been on stage? yes
Failed a class? nOpe
Been on honor roll? yes
Taken drugs? no
Eaten anything really gross? yeah
Been in a competition? nope
Been arrested? no
Been to court? no
Gotten in a fight? nope
Been called a slut? yes
Lost something really valuable? yeah
Been on a road trip? nope
Been home schooled? nO
Fallen asleep in a movie theater? no
Eaten anything that's living? um no
Gone camping? yEs
Gone surfing? no
Moved? yes
Lived in a different state? NoPe
Lived in a different country? no
Been in an ambulance? yes
Gone to the Emergency Room? yes
Been stung by a bee? nope
H a v e y o u e v e r. . .
01. Fallen for your best friend?:yes
02. Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
03. Been rejected?: yeah
04. Been in love?: yes
05. Been in lust?: nope
06. Used someone?: no
07. Been used?: not sure...
08. Cheated on someone?: nope
09. Been cheated on?: not that i know of...hOpEfUlly not!
10. Cried over a relationship?: YES
11. Done something you regret? yes
HeLlO gorgeous! my name is i live in the stupidest//boringest town eVeR so i dont really have a life so there's not that much to say...*I love mika bo* even though he doesnt love me hehe...well i lOvE music && cool stuff like that! best friend is ashley brooke extremely bored right now...and i dont really know why im on this thing cause im not even into all this science fiction stuff oH WeLL!..
I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
-sOuL mEeTs BoDy*DeAtH cAb fOr CuTiE
Elftownworldmap missing.