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Mintbee (<img:img/mood/173656_1140752426.jpg> o_o *coughs up blood* OMG! BOUNCE CABHAN)

Member #173656 created: 2006-02-06 11:50:50Simple URL:   

Name: i like boys who kiss eachother - all mine do...


for [Mastermind2302] this is the mike base...

twas drawn... very very quickly....



same guy as above!!

Elftown work
Building worker

Elftown titles and orders
Town Drunk

<img:img/drawing/173656_1139894909.jpg>mint fans

gack is me back again for a second chance...

ok now for a note on me - im damn near sociopathic and my shrink is scared of me.

i dont care about you.

thats all there is to it.

this is a pic of my doggy... i drew it doesnt it suck?

this is MIles Arvrey - the first and only girl ill ever draw

this is Blue Mikael Cameron Arvrey - Miles' brother

IS JOLLOUP AS LITTLE KID!! *glomps jolloup*

i like this picture... gay sex turns me on...
is Mint (black haired) and Jolloup by the way

everyone likes gay sex!! lol! ill need to redraw it ofcourse - E's arm is too short *sobs* I LOVE YOU MINT!

this is old... and i will get around to replacing it..

this is a story i wrote... enjoy


I'm sharply pulled back by invisible strings attached to my shoulders. I can hear wind rush past my ears and for a moment I'm winded.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I'm suspended in air for a moment, then I'm flying upside down, freefalling head-first. I put my arms out to protect my head and wait, but the floor never comes. I open my eyes and look. I can hear the air rush past but the floor never comes any closer.
I turn my head to the side and my heart flips. He’s here. I look him in the eyes and I can't take my gaze off him. I've never seen him like this before. His eyes, they're completely white and there are tears of blood defying gravity and running down his face.
I'm turned by a silent force and we hit the ground softly, gently on our backs. I scramble to my feet and look at my surroundings wide eyed and shaking. Red walls, red floor and a vast expanse of black nothingness above me.
My heart flutters uncontrollably and I feel a little sick. The air is thick and dead and as I drag my feet about they fall soundlessly to the floor.
I look back at him. He's curled up, his legs tucked beneath him and his arms wrapped about himself. He's naked and vomiting up blood. I get the sensation of free falling again and look down to see my feet planted on solid ground.
I look back up at him. He’s not like he was only moments ago. Then he'd seemed strong, invincible and now so small, vulnerable.
I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing myself back to a better place, a better time.

When I open my eyes again we are in another room. It's dark and musky. The only light comes from a split in a curtain that covers the only window in the room, a shaft of light that spreads out and highlights him lying there naked. He turns his head to me and speaks. I can't hear him. This world, this place, its dead.
I make to move towards him and can't. Something is stopping me.
He scrambles to his feet and moves towards me, tripping in his haste and making soundless words. He comes up to the shield that separates us and lays his hands palm down on it, looking up at me eyes wide with unspeakable terror. I start to hit seemingly at nothingness and come into contact with solid wall. I kick and hit and scream and give up, my chest heaving from the lack of oxygen in my cell.
He bangs his fists against the walls now, harder and harder gaining momentum and strength with each swing, his mouth gaping open in a silent scream of torment and anguish. I take a step back.
I am a spectator.
Permitted only to observe the scene.
My mouth is dry, my breath rough against my throat and I can feel it start to bleed, can feel the blood running down my throat, can taste it.
He continues pounding, hitting with all his might, determined to break the barrier that separates us, tears still pouring down his face.
Then he’s through and he’s wrapping his arms around my waist, gripping tightly.
I can move now, I can breathe, hear, smell. I bend and wrap my arms about his shoulders, digging my face into his neck. The musky smell of dust and the intoxicating scent of alcohol tickles my nose. He feels fragile, like a little china statue, breakable.
As he sobs into my neck I’m filled with an overwhelming desire to help him, protect him, and reassure him that I’m there and that I won’t let anything happen to him.
I hear a noise and look up.
There is a woman, beautiful, like she a Renaissance statue carved of whit marble, there is a young child in her arms and a girl appears from behind her legs.
I know where I am.
A man appears in the doorway, swaying unsteadily. He’s drunk.
“Gaberiel get behind me,” she says, her voice deep and heavily accented with Russian. She places her hand on his shoulder and moves him behind her.
The man grunts and stumbles forward.
Everything flickers, black and white.
I stand up, numb, afraid to look but unable to take my eyes of the sight in front of me.
He walks towards them and she pushes them back against the wall. She hitches up the baby in her arms and it is only now that I can see that it is horribly deformed.
One eye is larger than the other, the bottom half of its face to small, one side of its skull is concave and I realize with horror it only has half a brain. I turn and vomit, the bile eating away at my already ravaged throat, the sickly sour taste making my mouth water and my eyes tear.
I hear a scream and look up.
The man has the blankets and is pulling sharply towards himself, trying to wrestle the baby off her.
“No!” the woman pleads, “please don’t hurt them any more. We’re sorry! We didn’t mean it!” She’s crying tears streaming down her face. He grunts and with a sharp jerk tears the baby from her arms. It starts to cry. He looks at it almost tenderly, then his face twists into a thin cruel smile and he hurls it at the sliver of light.
I look at the mother. Her face is twisted with anguish but I cannot hear her screams.
The little girl starts to run and the man leaps, catching her. The woman tries pleading some more and the little girl fruitlessly tries to get to her.
This girl there is something odd about her, and then I realize what.
I cover my mouth; I think I’m going to be sick.
She screams and wails for her mother and brother, but the man won’t let go. He pulls out a double edged flip knife and grins at the little girl. Then he slices her right ear off.
Blood, crimson red, gushes out of the wound.
I look at the girl’s brother. He no longer looks scared he looks … empty.
I look back at the little girl. He’s slicing off her other ear and she’s still alive. Still conscious. I run at him, fuelled by an uncontrollable rage at what he is doing to this child. I go right through them forgetting that I don’t exist in this world.
I don’t exist.
I turn, ignoring anguished cries and look away. The broken glass, with blood trailing down it, is making patterns on the walls where the sunlight is hitting it and then bouncing off again.
I look back at the girl, stomach churning. The man has her head back and her tongue in his fist. He runs the blade cleanly through it.
The coppery smell of all the blood and the fumes of the alcohol are getting to me and I feel as though I may pass out.
My head spins and I kneel down, eyes closed.
When I look up again he is there, looking right at me, right through me.
I tear my gaze away from the haunting blue eyes and look at the girl.
She’s passed out now, but as the man digs his finger in and gauges out her eyes, one by one and more blood pours out of the two gaping wounds in her head, I know she’s still alive. There’s a torrent of blood, a flood, coming from the girl. From her ears, her eyes, her mouth.
The man then hacks her hands of at the wrist, and drops the body and the knife. He leaves her there to die in a pool of her own blood that will continue to become bigger the longer her little heart keeps beating.
He turns and makes towards the only child still alive, but before he reaches his target the woman is in front of him.
He roars with anger and grabs her head with one hand and her shoulder with the other and wrenches with all his might. Her head comes off. It flies across the room and hits the opposite wall; a fine splatter of arterial blood across me, the boy, the man.
So much bloodshed.
Her body collapses twitching on the floor, still not dead.
He strips her and spreads her legs before moving into a different room.
I wait.
He comes back with an electric carving knife. He kneels and slowly, surely starts cutting her legs into tiny equal chunks, the blood like a geyser, spraying from severed arteries.
“Whore” he says then, and shoves the knife between whets left of her legs and twists.
It’s the first word he’s spoken.
He digs his hands into her chest then and pulls out her heart.
The blood is streaming off his fingers and hands as he brings the organ to his mouth.
He eats it.
I kneel there staring in wide-eyed horror as he opens his mouth takes a bite, chews and swallows this woman’s heart until there is nothing left.
Then he moves onto the boy.
“No!” I scream and reach for a chair and hurl it at him. It goes through him. I reach for anything that’s near me and throw as hard as I can; it all goes right through him, so I launch myself at him trying to make him stop his advance.
This boy, he is world, my life, my purpose.
“YOU CAN’T TOUCH HIM!” I scream desperately my voice wavering dangerously as tears begin to blur my vision. But I’m powerless to do anything as I stand there and watch the man pick up and empty beer bottle and bring it down hard across the boys face.
A hot sharp shooting pain like nothing I’ve ever felt before screams its way across my face and neck and I scream in agony.
It burns.
The boy makes no noise.
I lift a hand to my burning face but there’s no blood.
I turn and vomit again.
When I look up the boy is in the same submissive position as earlier with his knees drawn up beneath him and his arms hugging himself and I’m forced to watch as the man pulls down his pants and penetrates. I’m forced to watch as he gets raped.
For the first time in my life I feel helpless and afraid.
The boy makes not one sound. Sheds not one tear.
The man finishes, grunting in satisfaction and cleans himself up on his shirt and I can feel, beginning in me, an awkward pain, an ache somewhere deep inside me almost as if it were me being raped instead.
The boy picks himself up and the man roars in anger. He swipes at the boy and at the same time I hear the sickening crunch of vertebrae breaking, an incredible force hits me in the back.
Everything goes black

I wake and I’m outside. It’s starting to snow again. I’m cold and I’m hungry and I’m in a lot of pain.
Shaking I pick myself up and look around me. Then I see him just like the first time.
I amble over to him and he looks at me, eyes wide asking for help. I pick up his hand and just like the first time I murmur gently “I promise I won’t let go”.

I’m jerked back again and in no time at all I’m back in my living room, breathing heavily, staring at the ceiling.
I look over and see him curled over on his side, no longer small and fragile, though still naked.
I stare at him, fresh tears of blood running down that angelic, innocent face that is so like his mothers, blood tricking from the scars that ravage his beautiful face, the scars that I’ve known for so long but never understood.

He died that day.

I’m bored so I’m going to list all the bands and the CDs of theirs that I own...(or at least have on my PC)


3rd Strike – ?

10 Fold – ?

36 Crazyfists – The Star

1349 - ?

Abyssos - ?

Alice Cooper - ?

Angel Dust - ?

Annihilator - ?

Anti-Heroes - ?

Anti-Nowhere League - ?

Aphex Twin - ?

Apocalyptica - ?

A Perfect Circle - Amotion (DVD and Remix disc)
- Emotive
- Thirteenth Step
- Mer de Noms

Aiden - Nightmare Anatomy

Aqua - Aquarius
- Aquarium

Atreyu - The curse
- Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses

Barenaked Ladies - All Their Greatest Hits

Beck – Sea Change
- Odelay
- Midnite Vultures

Bluebottle Kiss – Revenge Is Slow

Breaking Benjamin - ?

Bloodhound Gang, The - Hefty Fine

Butterfly Effect, The - self titled
- Begins Here

Cake – Fashion Nugget

Children Of Bodom – Follow The Reaper
- Hate Crew Deathroll
- The Carpenter
- Something Wild
- Hate Breeder

Chimaira – Pass Out Of Existence

COG – The New Normal
- Just Visiting prt1
- Just Visiting prt2

Cold Play – Parachutes

Cure, The - ?

Dark Tranquility - ? 

Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin

Entwine - ?

From Autumn to Ashes - Abandon Your Friends

Gorillaz - Demon Days

Green Day - Dookie
- Insomniac
- Nimrod
- Warning
- Greatest Hits
- Shenanigans
- American Idiot

HIM - Greatest Hits
- Dark Light

Lacrimosa - ?

Lacuna Coil – In A Reverie

Lamb - What Sound

Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
- Meteora
- Reanimation

Love Outside Andromeda - ?

Machine Gun Fellatio - Bring It On
- Paging Mr Strike
- On Ice
<----------------------- *this band is my all time favourite*-------------->

Marilyn Manson – all of the albums…

My Chemical Romance - I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
- Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

Nine Inch Nails – again all the albums.. but theres too many to list! @~@

Opeth - Orchid
- Morningrise
- My Arms, Your Hearse
- Still Life
- Blackwater Park
- Deliverance
- Damnation
- Ghost Reveries
<--------------------------------*this is the current obsession*---------------------------->

Pearl Jam - Riot Act

Placebo – too many albums I cant be bothered listing…

Poets Of The Fall - ?

Queens Of The Stone Age - Rated R
- Songs For The Deaf
- Lullabies To Paralyze

Radiohead - Hail To The Thief

Razed In Black – Damaged

Stabbing Westward - ?

System Of A Down - self titled
- Toxicity
- Steal This Album
- Mezmerize
- Hypnotize

Thrice - Vheissu
- The Artist In The Ambulance

Thursday - War All The Time
- Full Collapse

Tool - Opiate (EP)
- Undertow
- Aenima
- Lateralus
- Salival (CD/DVD)

Used, The - self titled

Voltaire - ?

Within Temptation - The Silent Force

band total – 70 (approximation)

album total - 200 (approximation)

song total - 1431 (approximation)


ok so just to let you all know thats not half my CD collection - i just cant be bothered to upload them!! haha! 


this is the new belief system i follow - thanks to [Vader]

'I have recently changed my beliefs on the world after a series of dreams enduced by paint fumes. I now group the world into two catagories, those who like me and those who can go to hell.
Also I've given up not liking people because I realised, they don't care that I don't like them so whats the point...? '

that is a direct quote

Age: 16Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 17

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap 33°40.140'S 152°25.986'E

Place of living: Australia

Town: sydney

Known languages
Irish GaelicJapaneseRussian

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite URL:

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

heavy metalrock

Other interests
chasing the preferred sexdrinksfilm

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: normal

Height: 152

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