Fav. Quote: 'Shut yer whang-hole'
I live with a few people in the cities, but my preference is to be in natural surroundings.
My skills with a bow will improve greatly within the next few years, when I get my bow.
I love to help people out, I do it as much as I can. Unfortunately I'm not perfect, so I sometimes am hot-headed, moody... you understand.
I enjoy talking to people, friend or foe, being athletic, cleaning house, *studying* and talking in different languages.
My favorite thing to do is solve puzzles, mysteries, and Su.Do.Ku!
1. Have we kissed?
2. Do you want to?:
3. Would you go out with me?
4. Have we dated?:
6. Do you want to date?:
7. Are we close friends?:
8. Would you be here if I needed you?:
9. Are you attracted to me?:
10. Mentally, sexually, or both?:
11. Do you love me?:
Personal Statistics
(|=low ||||||||||=high)
||| .Strength
|||||| .Agility/Evasiveness
||| .Thoughtfulness
|||||| .Sensitive
|| .Physical Defense
|||| .Wisdom
||||||| .Luck
| .Magic
|||| .Pain
||||||| .Submission another's control
|||| .Truthful