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Count di Luna

Member #180012 created: 2006-08-24 20:13:17Simple URL:   

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It is I – a short presentation:
Chief inspector Morse knocked at the door and, when asked who it was, answered ‘it is I’. Not a very telling answer, but evidentially the person behind the door knew who he was and recognized his voice, for she let him in. No one here can possible know who I am however, and therefore I must try to put together a more proper presentation of myself. Beside my age, which incidentally changes every year, I think the following text will do just nicely, giving you at least a cursory glimpse into the person that is I. So, without further ado:

I am interested in both fantasy and science fiction. Tolkien’s famous Bilbo, and later the Lord of the Rings, were the first works of fantasy that I came across. I was then in my early teens. Since then I have had ample opportunity to widen my horizon, so to speak, and now I read lots of fantasy by different writers. Most recently I have immersed myself in the wonderful trilogies by Australian author Trudi Canavan, whose work I adore – she is such a gifted writer, so accomplished at creating good-spirited magical worlds.

In contrast; I am much more limited when it comes to science fiction. I absolutely love everything that is Star Trek, and have done so for many years. But I have never felt an urge to venture beyond the safe, familiar realm of Gene Roddenberry’s amazing creation and vision. But of course, as Jurassic Park is probably considered to be science fiction, there obviously are some exceptions.

Considering that I am here, you may safely conclude that I am indeed one of those people who love to write, although when it comes to works of fiction I usually keep to Swedish, my native tongue. I normally stick to fantasy, writing short-stories and sometimes longer stories as well. But I have been known to write the occasional sonnet and, although that has only happened once, song.

In conclusion I would like to briefly mention some other aspects about me which you may, or may not, find interesting. I live in Sweden, where I am enrolled in university studies to become an upper-secondary school teacher, with my primary subject being English (I have not really decided on a second subject yet). Although it seems most likely that I will end up being a teacher all my life, I would like nothing better than to make a career for myself as an opera singer. Naturally, then, my favourite ‘hobby’ is to sing and listen to music.

Hopefully this has given you at least some idea as to who I am.

Yours sincerely,

Age: 20Year of birth: 1986Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 16

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: Sweden-Göteborg

Known languages

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Computer interests
information seekingmusicuse communities
videoweb design

classicalfolk musicopera

Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

Height: 202

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