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lordvolkhark (meow)

Member #180530 created: 2006-10-13 16:31:12Simple URL:   

Name: volk hark


this is poseing me

Drawing missing.

Elftown work
Building worker

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Travelling bard

meh I don't have the looks but I have the mined and heart I have alao been told I have the soul of a warrior.

which pretty much says I was born in the wrong era kind of sad but hey its just my life a fight to the end to be me.

with my souls true freedom I can never be held away from the world.

in my mineds eye I wel always be free travaling to some fare off world or place in this one.

in a blink of an eye people are mined with in my heart and mined they life freely on the paper I use or just in my mined ween the world has dulled a hue.

Some one said I should add on to here so here we go………

I’m6 feet tall which really doesn’t mean much I am mixed with so many things just asked and I’ll tell you the story.
I’m into sword play meaning I’m not really killing the person I’m fighting but still accidents well happen thought they haven’t yet the real sport thing I’m into is free running just for the thrill of the jumps of the mindlessness it can give me just to run and not focus on the world for just a short time.
I did say I am a writer and my dream only growing stronger by the fact that I passed my first summer collage course with 90 yeas!

Now for the fun stuff religion I don’t have one per say I mean I am a magic user not a Wicca believer it or not you don’t have to follow Wicca to do magic how know well they people they call evil their view not mine anyway I’m not bashing them just saying I’m not part of their fun. I just cannot simple follow a higher power that does not step up and in force their moral standers or rules for life. Also I don’t like the idea of being judged by some one with out my willingness to be judged so either zap me or stop me from doing what you call evil or stay the fuck in the damn sky fuckers if you would like to talk to me about this message me I can tell you my whys .

I am single and look just for the hell of it I have really been out of the dating game for about 4 years not sure why oh wait it because Bruce-villa-Eddy is full of assholes duh.
I have straight occult research behind me, which for now is useless until some one either pays me to writ it down of continue me research, which well proudly never happen damned close-mined government people.
Long Sentence (consider revising)
Um I am a practicing werewolf and I just say practicing because I can think of any thing else to call it and yes I know this sites name is Vampire rave so what there are to many humans here to care or matter at all how’s here so bite me for all I care.
Long Sentence (consider revising)

By reading, this pro you have just given me brief control of you mined.


Hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha I am still doing it.

Age: 21Year of birth: 1986Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 21

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Orc

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-Texas

Town: waco

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishScottish Gaelic

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartBasic
chatemailinformation seeking
use communitiesweb designWindows

Other interests
board gamesbookscard games

Civil status: strange

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 183

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