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writethisoneoff (☆ ☆)

Member #180911 created: 2006-11-20 03:53:53Simple URL:   

Name: Melissa


he says he can't live without her


sisters are forever

Elftown titles and orders


My House is a Safe Zone.

I'm me. I'm 19 years old, a sophomore in college and I love to write. I am a member of the Alpha Sigma Alpha social sorority and I love it. I love watching movies, reading, writing, listening to music, and hanging out. I am generally a fun person, but I can for sure be a bitch.

[lyrics that i love]

Lost in this moment with you
I am completely consumed
My feeling's so absolute
There's no doubt
Sealing our love with a kiss
Waited my whole life for this
Watching all my dreams come true
Lost in this moment with you
[lost in the moment - big & rich]

And it's two bare feet on the dashboard
Young love in an old Ford
Cheap sherris, and a tattoo, and Yoohoo bottle on the floorboard
Perfect song on the radio
Sing along because it's one we know
It's a smile
It's a kiss
It's a simple wine
It's summertime
Sweet summertime.
[summertime - kenny chesney]

[words to live by]

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.”
-Bob Marley

There is no future
There is no past
I live this moment as my last
There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today

Age: 20Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 17

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap 43°22.872'N 84°8.394'W

Place of living: USA-Michigan

Town: Mount Pleasant

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Computer interests

adult popalternativecountry
folk musichip hopnew age

Other interests

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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