Drawing missing.
he lays in his cave hording his tresure waiting for me to take it......I am master of the bow and ride a horse of whiteI wish to share my adventure with others and fully travel across new an unexplored lands.......allow me the adventure.......
20 things men should know about horse women!!
1.We love our horses more. Sorry, it's just ho it goes!
2.We kiss our horses, and then kiss you, you'll learn to love it.
3.If the horse doesn't like you, the relationship isn't gonna last.
4.Don't get jealous of the Pony. That's just stupid.
5.But the horse can get jealous of you all they want!
6.We like shopping, usually at tack shops. Give us a gift certificate there, and you're good for life.
7.Breeches are not purley for your amusment of how our ass looks in them. They serve a purpose.
8.Horses are dirty, sometimes we may have to do things you think are gross, don't be scared, we're just braver than you are.
9.Don't try to tell us how to ride/work around our horses, you'll just get ran over
10.Horses like slobbering people, if you are liked, you will get slobbered.
11.Even though we love our horses more, we still love you, so don't forget that.
12.Whips are not to be used as play things. It might seem fun, but really it just hurts.
13.At the barn/shows you are there to cheer us on, carry things, hold our steeds, put up jumps, and most of all, carry things.
14.Don't make fun of the helment hair, yours will be immediately messed up.
15.Don't make fun of things that bounce. we're girls. sometimes trotting makes things bounce. this is NOT or your amusment.
16.Yes, we know what a sitting tot and canter LOOK like. we don't care.
17.Horses smell good. we don't care if you feel differently.
18.We clean poop. You make fun of us, and then you'll be cleaning it!
19.We are always covered in hair, deal with it.
20.And finally, the only boy we'll love than you is our gelding, so feel safe.
Scarlet Ribbons
Scarlet ribbons running donwn my arm
Entwinening there way around my elbow
Flowing down my wrist and between my fingers
The ruby beads gathering on the floor to form a puddle
Its seems as though the long strings with never end
From line to drop to puddle I watch the redness grow
Frozen to the spot mesmerized by my horrid creation
And yet facinated at the same time
I snap to the present and turn the water on, its time to start over
I said a prayer for you today,
And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart,
Although He spoke no word...
I didn't ask for wealth of fame,
I knew you wouldn't mind.
I asked Him to send treasures
Of a more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you,
At the start of each new day.
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small
But it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!
she sits in a corner
the pain inside is too much to bear
she takes out the only thing that helps with her pain
it is her new best friend
she opens the blade
she knows she shouldn't do it
so many people say it's wrong
but it's the only way to make the pain go away
she cuts once
she waits
the blood starts to come to the surface
she can feel the release it brings
she cuts again
this time it's deeper
the more blood she sheds
the less she feels the pain inside
she hears footsteps in the hall
she quickly puts her friend away
and hides the wounds she has just made
she can't let them know
she's afraid that if they find out
they'll take away her friend
her security
her life
she leaves her room
acting like she is the happy child they expect her to be
but inside
she's a troubled teen with fears and lots of pain
she doesn't let people get too close
she's afraid they might get hurt
afraid that they'll hurt her
she lives alone in her mind
she hates the way people lie to her
telling her they care
telling her they understand
begging her to believe them
she doesn't believe anyone
if she believed them
she would only be hurt again
and that would be too much of a risk to take in her state
she's hurt a lot of people
and for that she is truly sorry
that is why she refuses to get too close
that is why she remains so far
I need someone who I can trust and believe in,
Someone I can go to who won't think I am a failure, and that everything I do is a sin.
All my life I was the one who people could go to,
But now I need someone to help me through.
To help me through all my pain and misory,
I can not make it alone with only me.
But who would want to help such a worthless person like I?
Every night I lay in my bed and cry.
I want to burst and let all my emotions go,
But it seems blood is the only thing that I can flow.
The only way I can explain,
Is on a paper in which I pour all my pain.
But anytime I write my words are so dark and deep,
Remembering the feel of blood and how I loved to see it seep.
I know I should stop but honestly why?
When its the only things holding in my cries.
Late at night I lay in bed,
Wondering why I feel so dead.
I don't think I have the will to survive,
I already know that I'm not alive.
It felt so great,
It helped me forget,
To never regret,
To live.
Living never tasted so sweet,
I continued,
Now I have to hide,
Hide the hideous scars,
Scars that haunt me,
With memories of the past,
Haunting others.
Forever I will have those scars,
Do I hide?
Or start a new page?
Do I show?
Or keep my old way?
I decide to hide,
Hiding under my masks,
My long sleeves.
Cutting is a physical release of overwhelming emotional stress. The pain releases endorphins that help soothe and clear the mind of built up anger and anxiety. It's hypothesized that it could be caused by chemical imbalances and depression that make them lust for the endorphin release. It may be due to sensory arousal. They feel more real and alive while cutting themselves.
Estimated 1/200 girls cut themselves.
Self-mutilation will only leave you more depressed. The action can be a horrible burden of guilt on a youth. You're friends say stop, but why do so if it makes you feel better? There's other ways to feel release than bleeding yourself. Try running or jump roping. Okay, so maybe exercise isn't your thing, but be sure not to listen to depressed music in reminiscence. Read something you enjoy. Paint. Draw. Join a group in the local school or community center. Write poetry. Any combination of actions. Accept cutting for what it is and whether you decide to stop or not, don't feel guilty with your choice of action.
Elftownworldmap missing.