Hello to all. I am the Vampiric Author and this is the den thereof. But you may call me Pete. I sing, act, and write poems, stories and songs. Although my songs are seldom very good I've got it on good authority that the others are.
I'm useually to be foundroaming the countryside in Somerset, South-West England although who knows what the future may hold.
I'm a pagan so the fact of me likeing the legendary and mythological should come as no surprise. Vampires are my main favourite from them so that's why the name. If anyone recognises it I use it for other things to so it's more than likely me.
I absoloutly love music. It's the power it has to envoke emotion. Please don't ask me to name my favourite bands or singers because a long list usually leads to bordom and I try to give the opposite to the world.
I have a poll if anyone's interested and I like to ave people share their problems with me so I can try to help but can't make any promises.
I'm not a particularly demanding person but "my den my rules" you know? So here they are:
1)if you're rude, you're ignored and reported.
2)If you want to contact me please do but I like to read so make it worth my while please.
3)If you plagerise my work I will not be best pleased. Reports will be sent.
4)I believe that all humans, regardless of race, religeon, gender, sexuallity and tastes are equal and respect anyone that is tollerent. I would appriciate it if you respect this while here.
5)Do not try to convert anyone on my territory. Beliefs should be your own.
6)I have dyspraxia (not dyslexia) so my spelling can be a bit dodgy. I wont riddicule you for your failing if you don't ridicule me for mine.
7)Above all relax and have fun.