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wild~n~crazy2009 (wild)

Member #184283 created: 2007-09-26 13:36:07Simple URL:   

Name: Amanda Lynn Tompkins


Drawing missing.

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well lets see here; I love fantasy books, expecially things that involve fairies, dragons, vampires, werewolves, and witchcraft. I've read every single harry potter book at least once and i love the lord of the rings series. I'm in love with science fiction things. I'm a member of many science fiction and fantasy groups, and i love to read about it to.

do or dont
i sit here blades in hand,
and think should i or should i not?
this delia many teens like me have.
if i do it, i will feel better,
but i will piss people off.
If i dont do it, i wont feel better,
and i wont piss anyone off.
what a choice.

As i lay here fast asleep,
i have dreams that make me weep.
a certain someone
shows up a ton.
at first the images are just a blur,
every second they become better than what they were.
as the images become clear,
i start to shed some tears,
for they are of you,
and all we've been through.
through the good and the bad,
the happy and the sad.
the times i cried,
when you said u lied.
the things we said,
go through my head.
then i wake with a start,
a pain in my heart.
tears stream down my face,
and onto my pillow case.
then i close my eyes,
and my mind flies,
back to the place,
with your sweet face.

love gone wrong
tears stream down his face
as he looks to outer space.
blood all over his body,
and hers laying on the ground oddly.
with bloody hands,
and sweat pooring from his glands,
he falls to his knees,
as he screams,
"What have i done,
to my one true love?"

True Selves
Skeletons, scarecrows,
Withches and elves
The night we can show
Our true selves.
Come my fellow
Creatures of the night,
Come out of the shadows,
And into the light.
Tonight we will haunt,
and scare all we see,
For tonights the night to flaunt
our true selves.

Vamparess Pray
Fangs drawn,
Saliva dripping from my mouth,
My victims face,
With the look of fright.
I slowly lower my fangs to his neck,
and bite down, while he screams in pain.
The sweet taste of crimson blood,
Flows threw my body,
My victim screams his very last scream,
As I suck the last drops of his sweet blood.

Stalkers of the Night.
She sulks in the shadows
looking for the one,
that she will attack.
If they aren't frightend,
and they offer their neck,
she might transform them,
into a stalker of the night.
With trained eyes,
she searches the crowd,
until she finds her victim for the night.
Her eyes find a lone walker,
wearing all black.
She steps out of the shadows,
and smiles to the man.
Her fangs gleaming in the moonlight,
and he just looks at her with a grin on his face.
'He's not afraid of me'
she thinks to herslef.
'Maybe i'll transform him,
into a stalker of the night.'
she starts to walk towards him,
and he says,
"Is there any way you could make me your mate?"
She looks at him in surprise,
then with a smile, she replies... "YES."
Then they both share their blood,
and stalk the night.

Blood drippin down my arm,
from self inflicted harm.
I feel so great,
when I loose my hate,
by cutting my wrist,
with a clenched fist.
I love the blood,
that seems to flood,
onto the ground,
without a sound.
I love the feel,
of the real,
pain from the slits,
on my wrists.

Age: 17Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 14

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-West Virginia

Town: Parsonss

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishSpanish

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Computer interests
action gameschatemail
musicstrategy gamesvideo
web design

adult popalternativecountry
gothgrungeheavy metal
hip hopnew agepop
progressive metalpunkrap

Other interests
animalsboard gamesbooks
card gameschasing the preferred sexcrime stories
role playingsmokingshopping

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: big breasted

Height: 168

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