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Dragonologist Caitie (bored)
Name: Caitlin Kobylak
Photo missing.
Drawing missing.
Elftown titles and orders
Interpreter | Street child | Adventurer |
My name is dragonologist caitlin a dragonologist is a person that studies dragons. I am an artist I mostly paint and sculpt dragons but somtimes i sculpt a fairy or two.I LOVE DRAGONS!I'm also writing a series called Salamandras Adventures.
Age: 11 | Year of birth: 1997 | Month of birth: 2 | Day of birth: 7 |
Gender: female
Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: Travelling around
Town: Alagasia
Elfwood artist: Yes
Elfwood writer: Yes
Favorite URL:
Elftown crew wannabe: Yes
Other interests
animals | art | books |
cats | cooking | dogs |
electronics | fantasy | film |
fishing | horses | knitting |
party | plants | poetry |
role playing | singing | shopping |
theatre | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: normal
Height: 143