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lucianslover (happy)

Member #50816 created: 2004-04-06 00:45:50Simple URL:   

Name: Heather Renee' Nice


hey I am sideways, this picture is old But I will post one of me in my wonderfull uniform shortly. Heather

Drawing missing.

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Is a U.S. Marine

NOTE: People who visit this web site, MAY NOT BE RUDE!
becouse I for one DO NOT deserve some adolecent teen FUCKING around and sending Rude comments about my JOB and my life,

MY "JOB" just so happens to support America's way of life. so get used to it, when i am sweaty, and sick, and away from MY famiely I will remember why i am supporting and serving, protecting and someday verry well may die, to have some person swear at me, and call me undeserving, please remember that I EARNED the right to be called a UNITED STATES MARINE, I earn every ass chewing I get, And I do not have the SIMPLE pleasure of walking away from it. I simply do as i am told, do it right and smile when someone civilian clad teen says " shut the fuck up", Please NOTE. I do not deserve that privilage, I derserve something much much, more that this new generation does not seem to have a care for, " respect", But by god my children will.

So okay recent news, I have arrived back in America, it feels great. The good ole us of a. shopping in america without it being expensive as hell is awesome and being able to drive, was great too, and not having someone breath down your throught for a few days was even better. I love Leave. SIghs, I got to see my famiely in what felt like 7 years, for the first time in a year. and during that year i was deployed to indoniesia, thialand, phillipiens, astrailia, korea, north and south, and iraq, not to for get okinawa japan. where i lived inbetween deployments. I could almost say i loved every minute of it. but i didn't, some days i just hated it, i kept asking myself, why did i do this, And why did i pick this, and i kept saying to myself two more years to go. I should of never done what i did. But i do no regret it, only at times do i now. but for the most part, its worth the wait to see the mom, and the familey, even if you are missing the best part, watching them grow. Good news is I am starting a famiely with a guy I care so much about, I would lay my life down for. just the thought of him keeps me pushing through the hardest stuff i must endure, today it was the endurance course, a 4 mile long course with obisicl's in the middle, and you have to run to each of them, you are so tired, dehydrated, and exausted the first thing you do is either throw up, puke, pass out, or quit, I felt like that today with sweat pouring down my face. my body saying quit, quit, and i pushed myself till i started throughing up, the heat was horrible, the humdity, getting to you amphilfing everything. your trudging with your boots on, just quit, stop, end it. but i thought of matt. the one person away from ' home ' that i truly loved to come home too. and i kept on pushing. kept on running, kept climbing under through and over. till my body gave out at the end. If this is how " love conqures all" then I have known this feeling to, So ends another entree.

Age: 24Year of birth: 1985Month of birth: 1Day of birth: 17

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: USA-North Carolina

Town: Camp lejuene

Known languages
LatinSpanishScottish Gaelic

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
emailinformation seekingmusic

adult popbluesclassical
countryfolk musicgrunge
heavy metalhip hopnew age

Other interests
bookscatschasing the preferred sex
plantsreligionrole playing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 167

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