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Left_Side#11 (Wee I'm back with a vengence.)
Name: Daniel Collins
Photo missing.
Drawing missing.
Elftown titles and orders
It's been so cold and lonely since my Description was deleted....So very cold...L0L
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Halfling
12°56.976'N 124°13.470'W
Town: <.< the p0lice watch me
Known languages
English | Quenya (Tolkien language) |
Elfwood artist: Yes
Elfwood writer: No
Elfwood URL: No thanks.
Fanquarters URL: Hmm....<.<
Wyvern URL: Wdf you're still reading?
Home-page URL: Dude get a life and look at another house
Weblog URL: ?!?!?!?!?!?
Favorite URL: V.V numbers....
Elftown crew wannabe: No
Favorite drawing objects
anime | buildings | dragons |
funny | warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
action games | C | chat |
email | graphics | information seeking |
music | video | web design |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
books | card games | cars |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | dogs |
drinks | eating | electronics |
fantasy | fishing | hunting |
motorcycles | party | sporting |
travelling | watching sport | woodwork |
writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: muscular
Height: 175