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avalon summers (Dance with demons, and sleep with angels)

Member #90685 created: 2004-10-20 21:52:25Simple URL:   

Name: Cathryne


Me and My Cute little sister and doggie!(I look so stupid in this picture! XD)


My RP character, Evana Arish Kazz.

Elftown titles and orders
AdventurerTravelling bard

I'm Back! I got my computer back, and I'm free to go!

Name: Cait, C.C., Ava, Cee, Catzy (only my little sister can call me that though)

I'm from canada
I like animals,
I love mecedes lackey
I'm 15
I'm a writer (No Duh)
my latest storys are: Midnight sun, farther to Fall, and Written in Stone.
I smile because I have absolutly no idea what's going on.

My darling Wishy! He belongs to Evana, the girl up there.


Titles: Lady... long story
Hight: 5"3'
Weight: 102lbs
Eyes: Duno. They change.
Hair: Dark brown, touches my shoulders; I have bangs, which hang in my eyes
Skin: White
Other: I have my left ear pierced twice, and my right once; I have realy long, skinny fingers; and I have braces top and bottom.

TV Shows: Angel, Law & Order(CI, SVU, Normal, TBJ), Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Anime: Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Inu-Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Serial Experiments Lain, Blue Seed, and Fushigi-yugi.
Manga: Inu-yasha, Ayashi no Ceres, Angel Sanctuary, Trigun, Ranma 1/2, Demon Diary, Hellsing, Kare Kano, Negima, Whish, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Game, Planet Lader, Kodomo no Omocha, Marmalade Boy, Red River, Alchino, and Fushigi Yugi.
Books: Mercedes Lackey's "Heralds of Valdemar" series; Abhorsen, Sabriel, Lirale, Garth Nix; Sunshine, Hero and the Crown, The Blue Sword, Robbin Mckinly; and Amilia Atwater-Rhodes's books.
Musicians: Evanesance, Green Day, The Killers, Frou Frou, Sarah Mclchlan, Lasgo, The Corrs, Sara Evans, Seether, Jem, A Perfect Circle, Natalie Merchant, Alanis Morsett, Moya Brennen, U2, Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana, Nightwish, Cradle of Filth, and Ramshtine.
Song: Born to Fly, Nymphetamine, Nemo, Ghost Love Score, Evrybody's Fool, Let Go, Passive, Stairway To Heaven, Tonight, World On Fire, Building A Mystery, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Mothers Of The Desert, Dreams, No Good, Carnivale, Some Time's You Can't Make It On Your Own, Ironic, Broken, They, Cold, Mr. Brightside, The Ring Cycle Operas, and Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.
Color: Black / Silver / Red
Time: Night
Season: Summer
Animal: Can't decide. Either birds, dogs, or horses.
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, listening to music, and ridding.
Style: Dark but earthy.
Person: My sister Kell.
Place: My flat roof, outside my window
Artist: NeonDragon ( her site is, you should check It out, she's realy good!)

Country: USA
State: I'm crazy right now. I think that counts as a state.
City: Why, Thank you! I am prety arn't I?
House: Modern-looking-stone-Big-House-thing, with 2 acers of land.
Pets: 1 mad cocatiel named Luv (gray with a yellow head), a gigantic rottwiler and wolfhound mix named Bear, and my horse: Galiano a bay morgan/ Arab cross.
Family: Mom, Dad, My little sis, Kell (12), and me.
Religion: Wicca
Job(s): Baby sitter, horse sitter, Tutor.
Grades: A/B average
Transport: bike.
Family Jobs: Mom: none, right now; Dad: Financial and Economic specialty lawyer. (For resorts, powere plants, hotels, the government, etc.)

Quotes(© me):
1.It should be against the law for men to walk around shirtless, when they have bigger boobies than I do!
2. Don't bite the penguins, they are tough and chewy.
3. Wild sushi takes no prisoners!
4. (after being slaped by some one)Is he/she alowed to do that?
5. Stop Biting my Hand, You Idiot!
6. (about the birds at camp)At to in the morning, they start tweeting TWEET, DAMIT! TWEET-TWEET,DAMIT! Geez, somebody bring a gun to camp next year!
7. Don't forget to buy eddible food!
8. I feel like dancing!*sprains ankle* OK, not any more.
9. I have a door that opens and closes.
10. Sometimes I go on sprees where I say stupid things. I've been on one for most of my life.
11. Help me! I'm stuck in the refrigerator!
love you all,

Age: 16Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 29

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 35°56.112'N 78°9.336'W

Place of living: Ireland

Town: Dublin

Known languages

Favorite URL:

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
emailgraphicsinformation seeking
musicprogrammingsystem administration
use communitiesvideoweb design

alternativecountryfolk music
grungeheavy metalnew age
operapopprogressive metal

Other interests
bookscard gamescats
chesscookingcrime stories
role playingsingingscifi
soap operasshoppingtheatre

Civil status: involved

Body shape: thin

Height: 160

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