Spell Properly or be Banned!
The Elftown
Council are tired of reading poorly punctuated messages, presentations, forum posts and wiki comments that are littered with spelling errors.
We've decided that anyone who can't spell properly is clearly not worth our time and therefore, from tomorrow, anyone with more than five spelling or grammar errors in their presentation will be banned.
Poorly punctuated messages, forum posts and wiki comments may also result in a banning. We will not accept silly excuses such as 'I'm dyslexic!' Does being dyslexic stop you using a spell-checker, we ask?
You have one day in which to check your presentations and wikis for errors and to fix them - tomorrow we start banning!
Update: Check the date when this news was posted...
Date: 2011-04-01 06:53:04
News #: 584
Reporter: SilverFire