2008-09-14 [a vamp named spaz]: muahahaha i tied it.

2008-09-14 [Mortified Penguin]: Don't do that! Now we have to wait a long time for one of them to take an obvious lead... unless they end the poll now and claim it was a tie... *eats ramen*...

2008-09-14 [Future Dictator]: lol 3rd place is 100 votes behind the first two

2008-09-15 [Paul Doyle]: I think a good question to mull over would be, "What defines an obvious lead?" Should there be clarified marks, like those used in tennis or volleyball? Or should we just continue idly commenting away about nothing in particular? :3

*brews some virtual coffee and pops some virtual popcorn*

2008-09-16 [Cina]: I'll sit and comment idly in the hope that it will somehow bring this heated contest to a close and get on with deciding the winner of my heated contest! :P
Not that I don't care who wins this one. >.> <.< >.>

2008-09-17 [a vamp named spaz]: i love how some one told me not do make it "tied".... ummm my vote is my vote... like anything it doesnt really matter... cuz the one i voted for aint in lead now... silly peoples. ^.^

2008-09-17 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats virtual ramen*...

2008-09-17 [Cina]: Well, look at it this way, if you hadn't voted, the one you like would be even LESS in the lead!

*slurps some cup noodles*

2008-09-17 [a vamp named spaz]: lmao yea... but not really...

winning is winning, doesnt matter if its by one vote, or 100...there can only be 1 first place.

2008-09-17 [Paul Doyle]: Damn underpowered microwave not popping enough kernels!

*finishes the job with anthro-dragonfire*

*scorched popcorn triggers the fire alarm, and then the overhead sprinklers*

2008-09-22 [loam]: as a current resident of the magic capital of the world, i'll stand by my vote for [j] . it tends to capture the instant association of magic yet also the fantasy of both floating in the ether.

2008-09-23 [a vamp named spaz]: mmmhmmm. yea that pics not bad either... but im still sticking to my vote.

2008-09-24 [Mikie9191]: thanks for the vote [loam]... (I dont think I am anywhere near fantasy enough for elftown)

2008-09-25 [Mortified Penguin]: I voted for G. ...*eats ramen*...

2008-09-28 [moira hawthorne]: things havent much changed here in a long while... couldnt it be said that the winner is known? e has kept the lead over i for the majority of the contest and theres no way anyone else is gonna suddenly take the lead

2008-09-28 [windowframe]: Yes, just gimmie a chance to breath, please, then I'll get round to closing polls and opening more. (it's been a very hectic, internet-less two weeks for me here).

2008-09-28 [moira hawthorne]: this wasnt criticism of you [windowframe]. isnt there many people on the council? if you were unavailable b/c of real life... you shouldnt be expected to do things all yourself. I just see alot of contests that need to be voted on (and alot of impatient people) and this one seem mostly summed up...

2008-09-28 [windowframe]: Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so blunt. ^^; (still de-stressing a bit). True there are many council people , but we all tend to be busy, and I did say that I'd run this contest, so other people weren't expecting to suddenly have to cover for me. I'm sure they would have, if I'd have managed to ask one of them, but I didn't even have time to do that. O.O

2008-09-28 [moira hawthorne]: well if you have alot to catch up to now.. maybe you can divide some of it now... just offering advice..

2008-10-02 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: True. Some people actually got tired of elftown due to the lack of updates. There's a lot of elftown members who would be glad to help mantain elftown, but they keep the council so restricted. You need to be friends with friends... And so on...

2008-10-02 [windowframe]: Uh. Yeah, we're so restricted, what with the Apply to the crew wiki to let anyone who wants to help say they want to, and give their credentials. Y'know, that most of our members are chosen from now? No?

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