12840) I really messed up with the poll for the Celtic Knot Contest. So we'll try this once more..

Number of voters: 50
* a) [Sindawethwen]
Number of votes: 1 (2%)
* b) [mywolfalways]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) [Spanakopida]
Number of votes: 6 (12%)
* d) [Kamona]
Number of votes: 4 (8%)
* e) [Raentor]'s 1st one
Number of votes: 1 (2%)
* f) [Raentor]'s 2nd one
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* g) [Kememmótar]
Number of votes: 1 (2%)
* h) [Karis]
Number of votes: 4 (8%)
* i) [mburk]
Number of votes: 17 (34%)
* j) [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]
Number of votes: 1 (2%)
* k) [Falx]
Number of votes: 4 (8%)
* l) [May-lea]
Number of votes: 11 (22%)

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