20643) I"ll be debating same-sex marriage in the days ahead. The main argument that I have heard against it (though I"m sure there are others) is that "It is against Christian teachings." Please be truthful. If you have any comments on the matter one way or the other, please feel free to send me a message. My view on the matter can be viewed at this link. (Debate is now over, but I'd like to keep the poll up for a bit.)

Number of voters: 88
* a) I am Christian and I oppose same-sex marriage.
Number of votes: 16 (18%)
* b) I am Christian and I support same-sex marriage.
Number of votes: 18 (20%)
* c) I am Christian and I am undecided on the matter.
Number of votes: 5 (6%)
* d) I am not Christian and I oppose same-sex marriage.
Number of votes: 2 (2%)
* e) I am not Christian and I support same-sex marriage.
Number of votes: 44 (50%)
* f) I am not Christian and I am undecided on the matter.
Number of votes: 2 (2%)
* g) I don’t know what you are talking about.
Number of votes: 1 (1%)

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