41890) Who should win the Hand Drawn pics part of the YYH Chibi Contest? (Poll is changed)

Number of voters: 26
* a) [Kiristo]-<img100*0:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/drawing/53079_1093400245.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (4%)
* b) [Kiristo]Entery 2-<img100*0:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/photo/53079_1101157354.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (8%)
* c) [Lady Alaina]-<img100*0:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/photo/31898_1100982020.jpg>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d) [Lady Alaina]Entery 2-<img100*0:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/drawing/31898_1100982284.jpg>
Number of votes: 3 (12%)
* e) [kaeKae.]<img100*0:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/photo/38041_1106085366.jpg>
Number of votes: 20 (77%)

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