77325) Is crew manual a joke?

Number of voters: 15
* a) yes
Number of votes: 10 (67%)
* b) most definitely
Number of votes: 5 (33%)

2011-05-23 [Mystin]: This is ridiculous. There is not a 'no' button. Why?

2011-05-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Aren't jokes usually funny though?

2011-05-23 [djxmonster]: Why would there be a no?

2011-05-23 [Mystin]: Our wiki is not a joke.

2011-05-23 [djxmonster]: Yes. Yes it is.

2011-05-23 [Mystin]: How so?

2011-05-23 [djxmonster]: The crew doesn't need a 'manual' from a couple of *%$#&@ that couldn't run this site if their lives depended on it.

2011-05-23 [Mystin]: Wow.

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