2008-02-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: I like D....it's perdy.... he he.... there all perdy....exept for A and G... there just.. not as perdy... *giggles*

2008-02-18 [Merlin Mab]: all of them work perhaps a dragon carousel would work (grins)

2008-02-18 [windowframe]: [Sheracle], as awesome as the council are, they're not all-knowing dragon specialists. We sort things out if we catch them. If we don't catch them, and no one else can be arsed to point it out, then well tough. :) Apparently more than one person noticed this before the poll was made, and no one thought it worth pointing out then.

2008-02-18 [Artsieladie]: Actually, the point that [windowframe] has stated, that if anyone had objections to the allowance of an image, ALL had plenty of time to make their concerns be known before this poll, or even before the Crew poll. There is another Dragon Art contest being considered that will be accepting of all the various types of Dragons. We realise that it is upsetting to spend a good deal of time on a piece & it doesn't make it in, but this happens to the best of us. This is why contests should be entered into as fun & challenging. If any of us get lucky & our art gets chosen, then this a bonus, but in no way does it mean that an art piece isn't worthy, if it doesn't make it in. It's not like the art pieces aren't going to be used somehow, somewhere in conjunction with Elftown's Dragon page. Therefore, everyone is going to get a fair amount of recognition for their piece. When we enter contests, we all must be aware that we all can't win. This would be a totally impractical & impossible expectation. <img:stuff/mood-gif.gif>

2008-02-19 [Katja]: To all: This was never about the "winning" This was about righting a wrong. I am sorry to have started yet another argument. It is however dissapointing as the Lady has mentioned to have worked on something. My hours were well spent. And that is all I have to say.

2008-02-19 [Paul Doyle]: [Katja], be sure to give a nod to Todd Lockwood ;-)

2008-02-19 [windowframe]: If the "righting a wrong" refers to entry C, then you were given ample time to "right" it beforehand. I don't understand why you've waited until now to try and "right" it.

2008-02-19 [J. "dragonruler" Rouse]: Perhaps entrants were under the impression that, if most of them could see the issue with the wyvern entry then clearly the judges could. All they're saying is obviously they were wrong.

2008-02-19 [windowframe]: No, they're not saying that. :) They're complaining that there's a wyvern in the poll. ;) But [Katja] at least entered the contest herself - she was watching the contest page where the entry was; saw that no one was mentioning it or doing anything about it; and that other entries posing issues *were* being dealt with. And yet she still chose leave it until it was too late to change. An also brought it up only when she found her own entry hadn't made the final cut. She has a valid point about the entry, but she didn't bother to say anything about it until she found out her own entry hadn't made it. Which does make it seem like she's only mentioned it because he was sulking about her own entry, however valid her point is.

2008-02-19 [Sheracle]: [windowframe] btw Katja is a girl... And how can you know that [J. "dragonruler" Rouse] is not correct? That Katja thought you guys would see it immediately... As far as I can tell you wouldn't know that for sure.. One can't comment on everything... am I right? :)

2008-02-19 [windowframe]: Gender corrected. ;) If she thought us guys would see it immediately then we would dealt with it immediately. The fact that the entry had been up for a week should suggest that we hadn't seen it immediately, especially when other issues were being dealt with as they came up. The fact that it was up for even LONGER than that really strongly suggests that someone needed to point it out. All other atypical entries were marked as atypical. It doesn't take a genius to realise that if it's not been flagged as atypical, that's because no one has realised it yet.

So I can be pretty certain, unless I want to assume that everyone's a bit stupid. Which I don't. :) That's just depressing. :P

I can tell Dragonruler is wrong due to the lack of people saying what he's suggesting they said. ;) No one said 'gee, I thought it was obvious one of the entries was a dragon, and assumed the judges had seen it'. They said 'why is there a wyvern in the poll?'

2008-02-19 [Katja]: No, righting a wrong done to another. Go back, read the forum under the contest page, and then read the note beneath my piece. And to Mr. Doyle, with all respect. *waves the Draconomicon around in the air because she just doesn't care* It was modeled after the silver, but if you really bothered to look it goes way further than that...there's even a bit of the second edition quicksilver (mercury) dragon in there. It was INTENTIONAL.Every dragon is mirrored in that piece. *bows down and praises a true artist of Dragons* to LOCKWOOD, for getting it right!

2008-02-19 [windowframe]: The note beneath your piece where you were trying to stir up the shit between Xido and some of the contestants again? No thanks. There was no "wrong" to be "righted" and especially not by you. As touching as it is when someone defends you, I think Xido would prefer to let the issue die quietly than have embittered contestants entering for the wrong reason and causing animosity. Although I have to say that I'm not quite sure how you pointing out that one of the entries is a wyvern too late really corrects an unrelated issue.

[Katja] when you reference heavily in a piece submitted to the contest, you're also supposed to submit a link to the reference. This is what Paul is referring to. However, in your case, the entry was deemed just different enough for you to not have to do that, which is why we didn't ask you to.

2008-02-19 [Sheracle]: Hehe.. Yearh okay.. You got a point.. ^-^ I'm just sad that I didn't see the contest untill now where it's in mainstreet and too late to do anything.. :)

2008-02-19 [windowframe]: :P The contests are announced in the news when they start, but there are on-going creature contests at the Elftown creature Marathon, so it might be worth sticking that wiki on watch if you're interested in mythical creatures. :) And as Artsie said, we're considering doing another dragon contest at some point.

2008-02-19 [Sheracle]: Okay.. Thanks :)

2008-02-19 [Paul Doyle]: I'd be truly mortified if there was a "right" kind of dragon. Someone's bound to be offended, considering there are myriad cultural and personal takes on "dragon". In my view, the diversity IS the beauty.

2008-02-20 [J. "dragonruler" Rouse]: Gee, SilverFire, I wasn't saying that is exactly what everyone was thinking. I was just trying to think of why everyone was making it a big deal. Merely suggesting what I thought, not assumed to be what was on peoples' minds.

2008-02-20 [windowframe]: And I'm just telling you why that's not a plausible explanation. :p Don't take it personally. ;)

2008-02-21 [Artsieladie]: Note: Baby and baby looking dragons, dragons WITHOUT wings, and ANTHRO dragons WILL NOT be considered as TYPICAL DRAGONS.

There's nothing in this statement that says Wyverns wouldn't be accepted. :P

2008-02-21 [windowframe]: Other than the fact that's it's not actually a dragon, but a dragon related creature. -.- They have a point that maybe it shouldn't be in the poll, but some of them should certainly have pointed it out sooner. Saying that a wyvern is allowed to represent a typical dragon is just silly. Like saying a unicorn should be allowed to represent a typical pegasus.

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