Page name: X-Men Danger Room [Exported view] [RSS]
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<h1><center>The Danger Room</center></h1>

<b><i><center>You do know the Danger Room... don't you?</center></i></b>
<center>[X-Men - Time@wiki]</center>

[X-Men Danger Room History@wiki]
[X-Men Danger Room History 2@wiki]
<b>Sunday, October 3rd</b>

Very cautiously and silently, <b>Endelyn</b> creeped into the room. With her sword at the ready, she walked along the wall. "... it's a bit dark in here... is there any lights?" she asked softly to Teena.

Following Endelyn and <u>leaving the door to the hall complex open</u>, <b>Teena</b> started feeling up the wall next to the door. She didn't feel anything, but a soft light glowed on the wall and showed her where to press to get light. She did so, and the room lit up completely, revealing a very large plain white room with metallic and plastic seams, and the windowed control room higher up. "Wow! Huge! Echo!"

<b>Endelyn</b> jumped slightly, then looked around. "Wow... this is quite the room." she commented, lowering her sword slightly as she looked around in awe.

<b>Teena</b> too stood and took in the room's size, though at some point she noticed how undangerous the room seemed. "I do believe that this room is not very dangerous. Maybe it's trapped?" She didn't, however, want to test her theory on that, and instead turned to the console on the wall by the door. The console now just showed very basic functions, and Teena had no idea how to operate it. "Room status is unactivated. I wonder if it accepts voice commands. Danger room, help!" Teena stated firmly as if giving a command and poked spots on the wall.

<b>Endelyn</b> looked around, looking for a weakspot. She shortened her sword and put it away. "Some training room.... can't even do anything... are we supposed to attack the walls or something?" she questioned, trying to be sarcastic.

<i>The Danger Room console responded to Teena's pokings with a couple of illegal command errors, after which it gave the single option of activating Basic gym mode.</i>

"Well now!" said <b>Teena</b>. "I can activate 'basic gym mode'. Shall we see what it does?" Without really waiting for an answer to her rhetoric question, Teena chose to activate Basic gym mode.

<i>In response to Teena's activation, the Danger Room quickly changed. Sports and gymnastic equipment rose from the floor, protruded from the walls and lowered from the ceiling. The assortment of equipment contained almost anything imaginable from basic weight-lifting equipment to trampolines and gymnastic bar racks reaching to the ceiling.</i>

<b>Endelyn</b> looked around and looked confused. ".. where did all of this come from?" she questioned, afraid to touch anything. "... is it real?" she asked no one in particular, as she looked around in amazement.

"It must've been hidden in the walls and floor!" replied <b>Teena</b> after having keenly watched the equipment set itself up. "Ahh, trampolines are always fun." She then ran over to the trampoline, climbed on it and started bouncing. "This seems quite real!"

<b>Endelyn</b> walked cautiously over to a punching bag and took her little dagger out, poking at the bag of sand. "It does move as if it's real... but there is no way possible that an item can just... appear. It is a mystery I just cannot understand..."

<b>Teena</b> suddenly realised that she was wearing jeans and that some other choice of clothing would be better if they were going to exercise. Climbing down from the trampoline, she saw Endelyn poking the punching bag with her dagger. "Be careful, miss Hagan! I think you could puncture it. Then again, maybe we are allowed to destroy stuff? I don't know, to be honest. Nevertheless, I thought that maybe I should change into some more sporty clothing for this, don't you think?" She then eyed what Endelyn was wearing, thinking that she probably wouldn't need to change.

<b>Endelyn</b> looked over at her when she started speaking and put her dagger away at the mention of it. She nodded in agreement when Teena mentioned the clothes. "I agree. My Sunday dress isn't proper for training." she admitted. She snapped her fingers. "Alas. I forgot to go to church... I will have to pray extra tonight." she said with a soft, disappointed sigh.

"Oh, fine", said <b>Teena</b> agreeably. "And we need to go back up as well. Climbing the stairs alone would be enough exercise!" She started her way out again, but paused at the console. "I suppose I can leave it like this. After all, gymnastic equipment isn't that dangerous and we're coming back." She shrugged and went into [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki].

<b>Endelyn</b> nodded and walked to the doorway, looking at the room with an untrusting glance, before following her new friend out into [X-men Hall Complex@wiki].

Entering the Danger Room, <b>Addy</b> saw the gym mode was still on. She looked around, wondering if this was all that there was in the 'danger room', and saw the control panel. She started poking at the panel, wondering exactly what it did. "Oh, this can't be all there is," she said mostly to herself. "I want something dangerous!"

"Something dangerous?" <b>Squid</b> asked. "Why exactly do we want something dangerous?" He walked around the danger room slowly and took a look at the various equipment. Nothing really looked that interesting. Maybe some of the gymnastic equipment could prove fun if need be.

"We don't, I guess," <b>Addy</b> said, turning and looking at the equipment. "It's really that the door said 'danger room', and this is gym equipment. It is hardly dangerous." Addy inspected the control panel again, then started hitting buttons, hoping to turn something on.

>The Danger Room gave Addy a few illegal command errors and the single option of turning off basic gym mode.

<b>Squid</b> walked over to the various gymnastic equipment and smiled. "Ya, know something? It may be a little fun to play on this stuff," he turned back to her with a grin. "If you're up for it anyway."

<b>Addy</b> looked over and nodded. "Okay. It might help me to try to 'port around objects." She felt it wasn't necessary to tell him she had trouble placing objects in her mind while 'porting. She was sure he had noticed how she had misjudged and wound up on the floor.

<b>Squid</b> grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. He simply dropped the shirt on the floor, revealing his lean body. He wasn't built in the least, but was lean with almost no fat on his body. His tentacles uncoiled to their furthest reach, all ten feet. "And I need something fun to do, so whenever you're ready," he said as he took off his sneakers and stepped towards the mats.

"Try to catch me!" <b>Addy</b> said with a laugh as she took off and threw herself bodily onto the chain where the punching bags were hanging. Since the bag wasn't attached to the floor, the entire chain moved as Adrianne's dexterous fingers and feet wrapped around the chain, her tail streaming behind her.

<b>Squid</b> simply smiled as he took off, running towards where Addy now hung. He stopped about four feet away and started whipping his tentacles at her, trying to touch her as if this was a game of tag. All four came at her.

<b>Adrianne</b> nimbly slipped past his seeking tentacles, performing a backflip and landing on her hands before pushing off again to land on her feet, facing Squid. She gave him a fanged smile before BAMFing to the other side of the room. She misjudged slightly and knocked over a set of weights, sending them crashing noisily to the ground.

"You're pretty good on your feet Blue, but obviously not so good with your aim," <b>Squid</b> said as he laughed at her blunder. He sprinted towards her, and leapt into the air, using his tentacles for extra propulsion, and fell directly at her. His tentacles were aimed for her, or the floor if she teleported in time. His goal was to wrap her up so she couldn't keep teleporting.

<b>Adrianne</b> saw him coming and immediately BAMFed. She found herself crashing to the floor next to the elliptical machines. Addy landed and immediately popped herself up again, dancing around strangely, rubbing her thing. "Ow, ow, ow," was the mantra she was dancing to as she rubbed at where a new bruise would shortly be forming. The one good part about having blue skin is no one would see the bruises.

<b>Squid</b>'s tentacles hit the floor before he did, which allowed him to catch himself without injury. He lowered his feet to the floor and paused for a moment. He wasn't sure exactly how to go about this little match now. He wasn't expecting to play tag when he first got down here, but it became a fun idea. Now it was starting to get frustrating. He looked around, hoping to find SOMETHING, to use in the game. He spotted an exercise ball or two off to his right, so he sprinted towards them and picked up both, using two tentacles each. "Think fast!" he shouted as he spun his body around and hurled one of the two balls at where she was standing.

Seeing the ball, <b>Addy's</b> only hope was to dive out of the way. She rolled under the ball and popped back up, looking back at the ball as it hit the ground. The only problem with that move was that it put her about six feet closer to Squid. And Adrianne didn't even realize it.

<b>Squid</b> continued his spin and launched the other ball at where Addy was now standing, hoping this one would hit. After the ball left the grip of his tentacles he took off at a dead sprint towards her, hoping to maybe grab her.

Barely throwing herself out of the way of the next ball, <b>Adrianne</b> landed awkwardly on the edge of the exercise mat close to the wall. She was in Squid's direct line of attack, and Addy was not quick enough with her teleporting. She was about to move when Squid caught her.

"Tag! You're it!" <b>Squid</b> shouted as he lifted Addy off of the ground. After she was about five feet in the air he let go and ran towards some of the gymnastic equipment. With her ability to teleport this game should be short, but she still hadn't got the hang of going where she wanted to. This might be interesting. He climbed on top of the pommel horse, rather quickly due to his tentacles, and turned to face Addy. He was using his tentacles as braces for balance to make sure he didn't fall.

<b>Addy</b> squeaked as she was dropped, but she rolled, quickly gaining her feet. She looked up, spotted Squid running to towards the pommel horse, and BAMFed across the room. Her aim was off, and she found herself a little further than she had anticipated, winding up about four feet on the other side of Squid. Adrianne quickly dove for him, hoping she had done so quickly enough that he might be surprised.

<b>Squid</b> was indeed surprised that Addy had gotten across the room as fast as she did, but did not allow it to phase him. He dove to the side, his tentacles spread out to catch him as he fell from the horse. He rolled on the floor and ran for the rings.

<b>Addy</b> propelled herself off the pommel horse, BAMFing as she did so. It was a small jump, and she finally got one right. She found herself just in front of Squid, facing towards him, and stretched out her arms as she dove for him again.

<b>Squid</b> realized that Addy was in front of him too late. The smile on his face was soon wiped off as he ran straight into the blue-skinned girl. He quickly went to wrap his tentacles around her as he fell, hoping to at least come to some sort of stalemate within the game.

As they fell, <b>Addy</b> BAMFed right out of his arms and found herself on the other side of him. She sat down, nearly drained. This had been one tough game, and she had been concentrating on not winding up somewhere she didn't want to be, and hadn't realized how much energy she was actually using.

<b>Squid</b> was taken completely off guard when Addy teleported from his grip and fell flat on the ground. He just barely caught himself with his hands before his face smacked into the floor. He used his tentacles to lift himself up and turn to face Addy. "Well, that was certainly fun. Now what?"

<b>Addy</b> fell backwards onto the mat, her arms outstretched. She giggled a little. "Yes. And I have no idea. I'm kind of tired, though." She looked over at Squid and smiled. "That was fun, though."

"That it was Blue, that it was," <b>Squid</b> said with a smile. He loved running across the rooftops and using his skills to get away from various bad people. It was exciting, until they caught up with him anyway. Regardless, the adrenaline in his system pressed him onward to more feats of physical dexterity. "There has to be some way to make this a bit more exciting. Who do you think would know how to do that?"

"The teachers," <b>Addy</b> replied. "Xavier would know. I think." She rolled over onto her stomach and pushed upward, standing. As fun as this had been, she really hated the fighting aspect and really didn't want to get into one of those sorts of situations. Addy was a really bad fighter.

"Well, where do we find a teacher? I want a little element of danger to this, not just playing tag," <b>Squid</b> said. He stood up completely and stretched his tentacles as far as he could before quickly wrapping them around his body. He ran for his shirt and pulled it over his head. "Come on, let's go find one."

"There was the infirmary that we passed. Maybe there is someone in there," <b>Addy</b> said, straightening her skirt. She was tempted to just take it off, as her shorts more than did the job, but she hesitated, not sure how that would be taken by everyone else.

"Lead the way Blue!" <b>Squid</b> said, as he held his arms out, pointing towards the door.

<b>Addy</b> nodded and led the way to [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki].

<b>Squid</b> took one last look at the danger room and smiled. He was hoping to find someone to create some real danger for them. It wasn't fun otherwise. He quickly followed Addy out to [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki].

<b>Daniela</b> walked into the Danger Room from the [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki] and looked around the room. It looked completely different than the last time she'd been there. It looked awfully normal, still, however, the sight of a teenage girl in her PJs in the middle of a futuristic training facility was surreal at best. Not knowing how to work the facility, the girl looked around for a bit before remembering how Kaider had done it before. Last time it seemed like the room had some sort of AI capable of voice recognition. "Uhhm.. Hi?!" she said out loud, rather unsure. "Mr. Danger.. uh.. Room? *Is there any training simulation pre-approved for students?" she asked aloud, looking up and hoping she didn't look like a complete fool.

>The Danger Room console by the door beeped and showed the message that gym mode was on, still offering the option of turning it off. There didn't seem to be any other choice to be made.

<b>Daniela</b> turned to the Danger Room console by the door, for some reason she believed the room would have some sort of integrated AI or voice activated interface, as it was, however, it seemed to have less tech than a modern cell phone. Since the others seemed to be taking a rather long time getting to the room, she took the only choice the room seemed to give her and turned off Gym mode. "Why does it even have a gym mode if we HAVE a gym upstairs?" she asked herself, pushing the button on touchscreen console. Turning around to the open room once more, she added, loudly. "Now what?"

>All the equipment retracted impressively back into the walls of the room.

<b>Jacob</b> stood watching the room by the door, watching, impressed at the room as it retracted all the equipment. "Lisa would love that, she's a bit of a gym nut. It's probably where she is now." He laughed a little and tried not to lean against anything that could possibly pop out of the walls or on any buttons.

<b>Daniela</b> suddenly noticed Jacob and couldn't help but blush a little bit and jump back with a tiny yelp, figuring he had heard her little outburst while trying to talk to the Danger Room. "Ah.. yeah, this is the danger does all kinds of stuff..." said the girl fidgeting with the console in order to obtain some more options. "I think..." she added. "The others are taking forever and I don't know if I can run this thing without a teacher..." she sighed, rather embarassed by the fact she felt like she was dragging Jacob around without showing him anything interesting. "We can also go up to the grounds tho... we have pools and a path into the forest and.. uhh.. stuff."

Chuckling to himself <b>Jacob</b> rubbed through his hair, staving off a yawn as he looked around, "Mmmh, I think it's best if we wait till a teacher or someone gets here, don't wanna activate anythin before we know what it does, now do we. Grounds sound good but pools sound better. I prefer swimmin but I wouldn't mind taking a look round. Y'all been really nice n helpful." He gave her a brief flash of a sharp toothed smile and leant against the wall again.

"Well..." said <b>Daniela</b> thoughtfully, getting no response whatsoever from the console on the wall. "There's actually a pool upstairs, by the grounds, I'm sure we can go there!" smiled the girl. "We seem to be getting nowhere with this after all." she sighed, elbowing the console lightly. "C'mon!" added the girl as she headed out to the [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki].

Laughing loudly <b>Jacob</b> smiled back and nodded "Best to be pro active." following out after her, he cast one quick glance round the room before heading out to the [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki] with a bit of a skip in his step.

<b>Teena</b> re-entered the Danger Room and fiddled with the console by the door until she had "basic gym mode" activated again and the gymnastic equipment protruded from all the surfaces of the room. Teena watched their setup satisfiedly as she waited for the others to come in.

<b>Everett</b> entered the Danger Room and looked around. When stuff started to come out of the walls, he jumped back with surprise, the music got really loud for a second and then went back down. "Wow this place is... A-MAZE-ING!" he said, stunned in the advancement of technology. "I bet we could have one awesome rave in here. Any party in here would be awesome," he said with almost childish glee.

"Michael Moonfrost, pleased to meet you Everett," <b>Michael</b> said as he caught up to the group in the Danger Room. The young man had introduced himself, but Michael had been trying to catalogue the new student's scents when he did. He looked around at the gymnastic equipment within the Danger Room and was confused. "This isn't what I saw the other day. What gives?"

<b>Laurel</b> came in to stand near Michael, but only because it was pretty far away from Everett. She raised at eyebrow at the gym equipment and looked a bit disappointed. "Aw, it doesn't seem so Dangerous."

<b>Teena</b> turned to look at Michael when he spoke. "You've seen something else here? What was it?" She looked at the control room and continued: "I think that um... blue person was going to send a teacher here soon."

<b> Everett</b> looked at Teena and asked "It can do other stuff? I want to see." A child like expression crossed his face as he thought about what else this room could do. "What was it last you saw?" he asked Michael as he did he turned to face him and then saw Laurel again. When he saw Laurel he blushed a little. He tried to hide his blush when he turned to face the Gym equipment again. The music still played in the background a little louder then normal and quite noticeable. Everett quickly got in control of his power and subdued it quickly. He hoped no one would notice the sudden burst in his power.

<b>Laurel</b> saw Everett blush and she blushed her self. She moved her gaze to the floor, slightly embarrassed. She heard his burst of power and her cheeks flushed a deep red. "What do you um... do in here anyway?" she said softly.

"Well," <b>Michael</b> said as he walked towards the center of the room. "It was like a massive coliseum. The floor was covered in sand and all around the room were stands made out of stone. We sparred other students then. I fought against a girl named Daniela, who trapped my head in a bubble." He turned around the room and looked at some of the equipment and frowned. "We can still try to find SOMETHING to do though."

<b>Teena</b> saw as Everett and Laurel blushed and thought they fancied each other or something. She didn't react to it nor to Everett's music fluctuation. Instead, she listened to Michael and replied enthusiastically: "Sand and stone? That sounds unnecessarily boring if you don't mind me saying!" She looked around the room and continued happily: "All this gymnastic equipment is much more interesting and we don't have to hurt each other for amusement! Let's go try it out." Having said that, Teena jumped in one leap over to the trampoline and started jumping on it.

<b>Everett</b> was glad no one said anything about the music. He was kind of sad when he heard that he wasn't going to see what else the Danger room could do but was happy that he would be able to start training. He walked over to some sparring mats and set down his headphones. Everett turned the music up so he could still hear the beat and then got in his Capoeira stance, moving back and forth with the beat. He did a couple of spin kicks and went back to his original stance. He stood up and stretched a little. "I need to practice more. That kick should have been higher." he said as he went back in to his stance.

<b>Laurel</b> nodded, "Heh yeah getting hurt isn't so amusing." she spotted a gymnast mat and smiled. She stood at the edge and pulled her long brown hair into a bouncy ponytail. She took a deep breath and leaning on her back foot, she went into a energetic round off, followed by a front flip, then another round off to finish it off. Her bangs had fallen in her eyes so she stumbled a bit on the landing.

<b>Michael</b> watched as a the students who were with him went off to their separate areas to begin what training they wished. However, he had to disagree with what a few of them had begun to say. "The problem with the world is that people are going to get hurt regardless of what happens. You can either get out of the way of that which causes pain, which saves you from suffering, or you can move into it's path so that you are the only one that suffers. I prefer the latter, and in order to be the person capable of doing such a thing you need to practice and train. There are plenty of people in this world who don't have a pacifistic view on life. In fact, one such group attacked the mansion not too long ago from what I was told. I would prefer to be ready if and when they strike again to be honest." He finished his little speech as he moved over to the mat where Everett was practicing. "Are you dancing or practicing fighting maneuvers?"

"Ah, that is cute!" said <b>Teena</b> when Michael finished his speech. After a bit of bouncing, she didn't come down after one bound and instead floated up to the ceiling. There she moved over to the extensive bar system and started swinging herself around the bars. She wasn't exactly a bar gymnast, so she cheated by using her powers to lighten herself and slow her spinning. She also slipped once, let out a loud "OOPS" and grabbed the next available bar to slow herself. She then spoke in a clear, neutral tone: "I do have to admit that the potential for suffering exists without influence from anyone else."

<b>Laurel</b> was in a back bend when Michael said his speech. "I agree, no matter how much everyone tries there will always be problems with death and hurt." she said doing a handstand and then coming out of it. "You sounded just like my brother,
especially with that last comment, it's kinda creepy." she giggled."Heygiggled. "Hey anyone want to spar...?" she kinda trailed off as Teena floated into the air. Guessing Teena was okay she nodded at her comment, then continued what she was saying before she floated up,"Iup, "I seriously need some practice."

stopedstopped for a sec to listen to the speechspeech. whenWhen it was done he saidsaid: "I do agree with MichealMichael but with some reserve because I think that thierthere are times were you should move out of the way. The reason is that somtimessometimes thier other people that are better prepared to take care of the issue and just to let you know it is a style of fighting. Would you like to learn or do you want to spar?" Everett went over and turned down the music to make sure if thierthere was another speech he would be able to hear it. When he heard LauralLaurel saidsay something about wanting to spar he said.said: "You could spar with me and MichealMichael if he is up to the challange."challenge." He looked at MichealMichael and Laurel then asked "May I ask what you 'ablities''abilities' are?" He stretched some moremore. heHe thought the next sparring match might take a lot of flexablity.flexibility.

"Just because someone else may be better suited for the situation doesn't mean I won't try to stop the suffering of others myself. I once heard a man say that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing," <b>Michael</b> said as he took his shoes and socks off. He set them to the side before stepping on the mat. He motioned for Laurel to come over to the mat with both Everett and himself. "How about both of you on me? And as for my powers, well, if I have to use them to beat both of you then I will. Until then, I'll keep my powers a mystery." He removed his shirt showing off his muscular, but very hairy chest. "How about it?"

<B>Laurel</b> nodded and took
ofoff her shoes leaving her socks on and stepped onto the mat with the two boys. "I wont use my powers then either, it would be a little unfair." she raised an eyebrow when Michael took his shirt off but she just shrugged. "Sounds good."

<b>Everett</b> smiled when he heard that
MichealMichael thought he needed help in a fight. "I understand your position MichealMichael but I do not mean to let others suffer. I mean that sometimes you need to step back and get help from someone more suited for the job than, take the burden on by yourself and possibly get killed. I am sorry but I can't help to use my power it is part of my fighting style if you have not noticed. Just to let you know I will not cheat but I will take advantage of any opening I see. LarualLaurel do you have any tainingtraining in a fighting style?" He said while he moved his headphones out of the way and turned up the volume. He changed it to a fast pace techno beat. He took off his shoes and socks and he placed them near his stuff. He walked back to his area of the mat. He stretched once more and then took his stance. "Ready when you are." He said as he swayed side to side with the beatbeat.

<b>Teena</b> swung her way downward as she noticed the others starting to talk about sparring. The sight of a half-naked Michael was also a factor in her coming down again. She started stretching while she observed the others


<b><i>You might want to stagger back to [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki] after you've finished your training session, or, if it's too much, you could run away to the [X-Men Danger Room Control Room@wiki].</i></b>
<center>[X-Men Rules@wiki] * [X-Men Characters@wiki] * [Start X-Men@wiki]</center>

Username (or number or email):


2014-10-19 [~Valkyrie~]: Does this populate, dear? :p

2014-10-19 [Asdroth]: yes thank you

2014-11-01 [CuteCommander]: So, I suggest what you guys do is what I've done - one post for your round, with d20 rolls for each shot. Shawn only got off 6 shots with a bolt action rifle, so 1 each 10 seconds, so consider how many shots your guys can get off in 60 seconds with aiming reloading etc. How does that sound?

2014-11-01 [~Valkyrie~]: I think that sounds fine. I'll have to wait for Asdroth to get online and deffer to him on how many shots this rifle would fire and such.

2014-11-12 [Asdroth]: I like the idea!

2014-12-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Shit, I completely forgot about his. I'll try to make Asdroth help me when he gets off work.

2014-12-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I should have thought of making a post like that weeks ago

2015-01-13 [CuteCommander]: Daaaaavid

2015-01-16 [~Valkyrie~]: I'll see if I can tear Asdroth away from Shadow of Mordor. He's been glued to it since he cracked the seal this morning.

2015-01-17 [CuteCommander]: Tis addictive, especially when you get to the second area and start being able to brand captains!

2015-01-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Yeah, he wants me to watch him play all the time. While it's obviously fun to play, it's not very interesting to watch unless there's plot going on.

2015-01-17 [Figgy]: He should let you play it :|

2015-01-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I could play if he ever got off the X-Box, but it's not really my cup of tea. I prefer my Elder Scrolls games.

2015-02-01 [CuteCommander]: So, who did she decide to kiss? :P

2015-02-13 [~Valkyrie~]: She tied David. If you want to continue this we can ask Figgy to put the last few posts back up. If Asdroth gets home at a reasonable time tonight I'll try to get him to post

2015-02-13 [CuteCommander]: Nah, just wanted to know if Shawn needs to be all angsty about another girl (he probably will be either way)

2015-02-14 [~Valkyrie~]: We should probably figure out what happened about that though. Unless you guys want me to just say she won by a point or two instead of tying. Then maybe she would have made them both kiss her.

2015-02-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Just because I'm that kind of player, I would like to continue playing through this if you are up for it, CC. Asdroth says he is on board.

2015-02-14 [CuteCommander]: Yeah, sure!

2015-02-15 [~Valkyrie~]: ok, I'll grab a few of the last posts and stick them up. Now that the internet miraculously works, we'll be more reliable.

2015-05-11 [~Valkyrie~]: You forgot to post here Asdroth.

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