Page name: X-Men Hall 1st [Exported view] [RSS]
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<h1><center>The Halls on the First Floor</center>
This main corridor reaches everywhere on the first floor, the entrance hall, kitchen, classrooms and, most importantly, Professor Xavier's office. The office in question stands down a length of the hallway that seems far less busy than the rest of it, which bustles with students trying to get to their next lesson, or to a meeting place with their friends. A rather tall youth almost knocks your over as he speeds down the corridor on a skateboard, carving a way through the other students.</i></b>

<center>[X-Men - Time@wiki]
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<b>Sunday, October 3rd</b>

When <b>Valerie</b> reached the first floor, she burst through the stairwell door into the main corridor and immediately looked for any signs of life. The area was vacant, as she'd expected, though she'd hoped for the opposite. The girl lingered long enough to stretch each of her quadriceps twice, alternating her left and right legs. Once this task was complete, she slowly opened the front door and stepped out onto the [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

<b>Lisa</b> skipped down the steps and briefly waved at the other girl before she stepped out. Heading for [X-Men Gym@wiki]. Glad she had found something by herself, and only on the second day! Pulling out a battered mp3 player before stepping into the room.

<b>Erik</b> came into the hallway after having walked down the stairs from [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki] and turned his head around, as he was trying to listen for other people, preferably one of the three people he had concluded was the only decent people so far in this place.

<b>Lisa</b> was trying to find a good workout playlist she spotted Erik comedown the stairs. "Erik, what y'all doing down here? Aren't you getting breakfast with Jacob and Laurel?" She was leaning against the door to the gym.

<b>Erik</b> chuckled softly and shrugged. "That sounds fun, if only I knew where that was, might have a good nose but it isn't supernatural strong... Just normally enhanced due to my disability." He smirked crookedly and turned towards her, directed by her voice. "besides when did we decide on that it was to be at the dining table we should meet? All I recall was that we should meet next morning, nobody said anything about at the dinner table or where that was." He looked slightly confused as he thought about those facts.

She blushed a little and giggled. "I'm sorry, I just supposed one of them would have gotten you up or something, I've come down here to do a bit of a work out. Wanna join me?" <b>Lisa</b> asked. Finally finding something she liked to work out to. "I'm gonna meet them there when I'm done anyway so we can get some food together if you want. I think its on the east hall, though there's a kitchen down here if you'd like to go there." Blabbering slightly and falling silent quickly.

Smiling <b>Erik</b> nodded and walked over towards her. "I'd like that, my body could need to move a little after that long journey here, besides more enjoyable with good company..." He walked over beside Lisa and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm at your mercy completely." He said gently as he waited for her to lead them over to the gym.

Opening the door behind her and smiling cheekily,<b>Lisa</b> almost whispered in his ear. "Oh you wish." slipping back into [X-Men Gym@wiki] pulling Erik gently to encourage him to step in with her.

<b>Erik</b> smirked crooked and followed after her obediently while for the moment remaining silent, just leaving his smirk to show what went through his head at that moment as he followed her to the [X-Men Gym@wiki].

<b>Erik</b> rushed out of [X-Men Gym@wiki] and over towards the stairs that headed up towards [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki] to get to his dorm room.

<b>Erik</b> came down the stairs in his sweat-suit and jogged over to the [X-Men Gym@wiki] eagerly with a soft grin. <i>"This is going to be fun."</i> he said to himself cheerfully.

<b>Adrianne</b> appeared from the staircase and looked around the hall. There were doors leading everywhere. The one to Xavier's office she knew already, and she had been on the grounds. Addy, however, spotted a staircase leading further down. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she made her way over and looked in. The [X-Men Hall Complex Staircase@wiki] looked interesting, and she glanced around quickly before pushing the door open.

<b>Valerie</b> could be seen entering from [X-Men Grounds@wiki]. She swiped at her sweaty brow with the her sleeve cuff while heading toward the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki].

<b>Michael</b> took the last few steps with a leap. He landed on the floor of the hallway with a loud <i>thud!</i> He stood up and sniffed the air. He wanted to be alone. He could smell someone in the kitchen and someone went down the staircase to the complex. However he had a feeling that the library was empty, so he headed to the [X-Men Library@wiki].

<b>Laurel</b> jumped off the banister when she hit the end and looked around. She spotted a Library and smiled with glee, reading is one of her favorite things. She walked quickly down the hall to the [X-Men Library@wiki].

Grateful for the extended solitude of the hall, <b>Korvka</b> made her way to [X-Men Library@wiki], not knowing the place was already occupied by the one person she knew she was not ready to see yet this day - Michael. The library never had people in it, it had become her private sanctuary on many occasions and she could certainly use the study. Bypassing the kitchen, Korvka merely grew another apple and tossed her other core into a trash can outside before entering the library.

<b>Laurel</b> slipped out of the library, now with a book in her hand she ran back up the steps to go to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

As soon as the doors opened, <b>Shana</b> came out of the elevator at a fast pace and made her way across the hall and into [X-Men Kitchen@wiki], keeping her eyes down to the floor.

<b>Daniela</b> figured being in close quarters with her with such tension must have been uncomfortable for Shana, as she flew out of the elevator with amazing celerity. Still fidgeting with the bottom hem of her shirt, the girl slowly dragged her feet towards the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki], following her roommate.

Having just missed the girls he sought, <b>Vlad</b> jogged down the last few stairs from the second hall and looked around. There was absolutely no one in sight but he was hardly fazed. The girls were either around, or still asleep and he would get to them later. If they weren't in the kitchen on this floor then he would take a food break, so Vlad went into the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki], feeling hopeful.

<u><b>Squid</b>'s tentacles, once again, landed before his feet did and helped to cushion his fall, but he still landed with a loud <i>thud!</i>. He looked around the hallway as he hid his tentacles back under his shirt.</u> Hearing some voices from the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki], he entered hoping for some directions to Xavier's office.

<b>Ethan</b> heard voices coming from the kitchen, he walked slowly into [X-Men Kitchen@wiki].

From the kitchen stepped <b>Valerie</b>, who slowly exhaled a deep breath she held while making her 'escape'. She turned to look at Squid, who was hopefully following right behind, and smiled again. The girl certainly smiled a lot. 'New, huh? Pretty new myself, been here just one week or so,' she said, glad for the chance at a casual conversation. 'His office is this way,' Val continued as she pointed down the hallway.

"Actually," <b>Squid</b> said to Valerie as he stepped out of the kitchen. "I don't think I'm technically a student yet. That's why I need to see Xavier in the first place. Just came in last night." He looked around the hall again, still watching for Flame. He hoped to see her at some point today. "Alright blondie, down this way? Lead on, tally ho, and all that jazz."

<b>Michael</b> exited the library, flower in hand, and slowly made his way to the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki]. He was a touch nervous, but he was confident. If nothing else he was confident that his healing factor would keep him alive. He quickly double checked that his 'mood' had calmed down enough for him to speak with Vlad before entering the kitchen itself. He was so determined in his mission that he didn't notice Valerie or Squid in the hallway at all.
He was soon back out in the hall, waiting patiently for Vlad. He nervously paced the floor as he waited. He wanted Vlad's honest approval. However the thought was there in the back of his mind wondering what he would do if he did say no. What then?
His ears perked up as Vlad yelled that he would be out in a minute, but then he started hearing Shana screaming so he decided to stick his head back in to see what was the matter, and quickly pulled his head back out of the kitchen. Vlad seemed to be in the middle of a warzone and that wasn't a battle he was willing to be a part of. At a loss for what to do next, he simply decided to go back to the [X-Men Library@wiki].

Popping from the library, <b>Korvka</b> walked with a book exclaiming <i>Russia</i> on the front held to her chest. She walked to the elevator and pushed the 'up' button and to her surprise, the lift doors opened immediately. Sticking her foot into the lift to hold it open, Korvka walked in and then waited for Michael before she moved her foot and let the lift carry them where the lighted button on the interior said it would: [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

<b>Michael</b> quickly followed Korvka into the elevator, certainly not wanting to make her wait. He carried his flower and his book entitled: Bushido, The Way of the Samurai. He leaned up against the side of the elevator and waited for it to take them to [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

<I>The lift took both Korvka and Michael to the 3rd Hall.</i>

The lift rattled to a stop and the doors opened, revealing <b>Korvka</b> and Michael, both ready to exercise it seemed. The shorter, curvy Russian stepped out from the elevator and walked over to [X-Men Gym@wiki], on the opposite side of the hall from the kitchen and the library.

The taller and broader <b>Michael</b> followed Korvka into the [X-Men Gym@wiki]. He flexed his muscles a bit as he crossed the hall before entering the door. What would be a good warm up?

<b>Valerie</b> wrinkled her nose a bit and stepped away from the kitchen door, for she could hear raised voices, and was glad to, at least momentarily, be out of the room. ‘Well, this is a real nice place with some very nice and interesting people. I’m sure you’ll like it here. In light of what was going on in there, ya know, ’ she said, jerking her thumb back toward the kitchen. She probably sounded like a sales person, though she sincerely meant every word. ‘Plus there’s, like, never a dull moment,’ she added with a lop-sided smile. Preoccupied as he obviously was, Val left Michael alone as he came and went. ‘It’s Valerie by the way, but Blondie’s fine, too, I have lots of nicknames,' the girl amicably offered, while starting to walk toward a more placid area of the first floor corridor.

"Well, if it can provide me with some shelter and possibly some food, I would like to stay," <b>Squid</b> told 'Blondie.' He followed her at a small distance. He didn't want to seem like a lost puppy, although he did feel like one. He watched her as she walked and realized that it had been a long time since he actually took the time to appreciate a woman's body. He snapped back to attention when she offered her name. "Well, which would you prefer I call you? Don't want to be on anyone's bad side for right now."

It took her a moment, but when she realized that Squid was not matching her stride, <b>Valerie</b> turned around to walk backwards down the remaining short length of hallway to Professor X’s office so she could look at him while speaking. ‘Ohh, I don't have a bad side! And Val’s just fine,’ she replied with quick, one-shouldered shrug. ‘What about you?’ she then asked, giving him the once over, from head to toe and back up again, noting that the young man appeared to have no readily recognizable physical mutation like a few others at the school. She knocked three times on the door to [Xavier's Office@wiki], then looked benevolently at Squid, awaiting his response.

<b>Laurel</b> waved to the girl ,Valerie, and Squid as she bounced happily and energeticly out to the [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

<b>Shana</b> burst out of the kitchen door wearing and angry expression, her normally blond hair not turned completely black. Behind her, she was dragging Daniela out by the wrist. The girl paid no attention to anyone else in the hall; she was simply focused on getting away from Vlad, who was still in the kitchen, as she made her way up the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

Being pulled out of the kitchen <b>Daniela</b> managed to wave to Squid and Valerie with an awkward little smile before she was yanked upstairs by Shana, towards the [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Squid</b> pointed to the tattoo on his neck. "Just call me Squid," he said as he caught up to Valerie. "So Val, this it?" he asked as he looked at the door to [Xavier's Office@wiki]. He noticed that a few people were trying to wave at him, so he waved back, but only halfheartedly. He took a deep breath smiled at Val, and walked in.
He came back out a little while later, a key in his hand and a bit of a confused expression on his face. He turned to Valerie, still puzzled. "How would he know I was here last night?" He desperately wanted the answer.

'Yep, this is it... Squid!' <b>Valerie</b> cheerfully replied, wondering precisely what his name refered to. She returned both Laurel and Daniela's wave, but with a waver in her smiling expression, gleaning from the way Shana stormed out of the kitchen with her roommate in tow that the conversation with Vlad had gone south. Val waited patiently outside the office door, one shoulder propped against the wall aside the door jamb, occupying her time with sending a text message or ten. She slipped her phone back into the pocket of her track jacket immediately upon Squid's reappearance. Before answering his question, she grinned and laughed a little. 'Apparently he's a telepath, so he knows, like, <i>everything</i>. You all set, then?'

<b>Addy</b> appeared in the middle of the hall, her usual blue smoke cloud looking decidedly more black. She saw the other people in the hall and decided that having a breakdown in the middle of the hallway was a bad idea. She ducked into the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki] quickly.

The elevator opened and <b>Mihir</b> stepped out. He gave Val a smile and a wave before finding his way to the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki].

"Well, that makes me very uncomfortable. He doesn't like, watch people in the shower does he?" <b>Squid</b> asked. He meant it partially as a joke, but he was also uncomfortable with the idea of someone being inside his head. He was very insecure about this place as a whole right now. He took a step or two forward, lost in thought, before back to Val. "Yeah, I'm all set but what do we do now?"

As she started to wander back down toward the kitchen, <b>Valerie</b> noted the odor and sound that heralded Addy’s smoky appearance, and watched as she, followed by Mihir, headed into the kitchen. She returned the friendly gesture to the latter while answering Squid’s first question. ‘Oh… oh I don’t think he’d do <i>that</i>,’ she replied, quite serious despite his half-joking attempt. That thought had never even crossed the girl’s mind, and she promptly pushed that idea out of her head, having no need for such cynical and alarmist concepts; all the while, the entire thought process could be read, plain as day, on her face, with her furrowed and tightly pressed lips. ‘Well... I am going to finish my breakfast, ‘she explained, her previously sunny expression recovered. ‘You’re more than welcome to join. Otherwise, you pretty much have free reign of the facilities... I think.’ Val smiled and added as an afterthought, ‘Mr. Xavier will let you know if he wants us somewhere specific and at a certain time. Trust me. But it… takes a little getting used to.’

"Actually, does Flame ever come down here? I haven't seen her this morning and I have some questions," <b>Squid</b> asked. He needed to talk to the woman but still hadn't seen her. He followed Val as far as the kitchen when another thought hit him. What about Shade? He had been a little friendly last night at least. Those were the only people he really knew around here so far. "What about Shade? He come down here either?"

It took her a moment to recall who Flame was, since <b>Valerie</b> had never officially met the red, scaly, older student, except in very, very brief passing. However, her name had been announced the day of the Danger Room spars, and a spark of recognition lit up her blue eyes. ‘I’m sure I’ve seen her down here before. This is the main drag of the mansion, after all. Most students have to come by her sooner or later,’ she said with a succinct nod. ‘And I’ve definitely seen Shade here, ‘ she added, referring to the day he unwittingly marinated her in the kitchen.

"That's awesome then," <b>Squid</b> told her. He was barely listening, lost in his own little world. He needed some sort of answers eventually, but maybe he could just try to enjoy himself. He looked around the hallway again, trying to find something else to talk about. "Soooo..."

<b>Laurel</b> walked through the door, coming from the grounds and shut it behind her quietly. When she turned she saw Squid and waved, rememberign him from their encounter in the kitchen not so long ago."Hi." she said to both Squid and the unknown girl,Val. Her converse sqweaked as she walked from the lake water that had washed over them.

'Buttons?' <b>Valerie</b> sweetly quipped in reply to Squid's elongated 'so', and emitted a small laugh in spite of herself. 'I'm going to go finish my breakfast,' she gently reminded the boy; having already invited him to join she and the others in the kitchen, Val wasn't sure what else she could tell him. 'See you around,' she brightly added, and was about to go back into the kitchen, the doorway of which she was now standing in, when Laurel entered the hallway. The blonde recognized her from upstairs by the elevator the night before. 'Good morning,' she said quite cheerily, returning Laurel's greeting.

"I guess I'll head into the kitchen then. I don't have anything better to do but wait for something interesting to come my way," <b>Squid</b> said. It probably sounded a little smarter than he meant it, but he was also frustrated at the very idea that there wasn't anything to do. He waited for Valerie to fully enter the kitchen so he wasn't rude about going past her. He waved to Laurel though, maybe she had something interesting for him to do.

Coming from the gym, covered in sweat and with Michael in tow, <b>Korvka</b> laughed lightly as his breath tickled her ear. That tickle turned into a ruby flush as she heard what he had to say - <i>'it was more of joining you in the shower...</i> "Michael, you are making it very hard not to just follow you to your room and making you good on your comments," she warned as she intertwined her fingers with his so that they were holding hands. She crossed over to the elevator and then pushed the button, the doors opening immediately and she tugged Michael inside with a smirk. Her finger hovered over the correct button that would lead them to [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

<b>Michael's</b> face flushed a little when he felt her fingers intertwine with his. Then when she made her comment about following him to his room, well, he felt his face heat up intensely. He smiled as she pulled him into the elevator, still a little intrigued by the idea of it all. "Exactly how would you get me to make good on my comments hm?" he asked as he touched her hand and pushed it against the button for [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

For the hundredth time that morning it seemed, the elevator doors opened to reveal <b>Korvka</b> and Michael, enjoying a fleeting kiss. When the doors were opened, Korvka pulled away and grinned. She was dressed for some time outside and the flush on her cheeks would likely drive away any cold wind anyway. "Come on," she urged as she tugged Michael out of the elevator as she made her way to the large front door that would take her to [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

<b>Michael</b> was led by the hand out of the elevator, a smile still on his face. "I'm coming," he said as he picked her up, bridal style, and spun around quickly. He walked over to the door and used his hand to open it and stepped out onto [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

A loud laugh distinguished <b>Korvka</b>'s reaction to Michael's dispay of strength as he scooped her up, a gesture she didn't know if she would get used to but seemed to enjoy nevertheless. After all, it wasn't just anyone who could pick her up, and like most girls who didn't have the rail thin bodies that seemed to be the norm these days (especially around the mansion), she sometimes wished to be smaller, more delicate. Those thoughts were erased though, and she allowed herself to be carried out the mansion and into the grounds.

<b>Laurel</b> sighed as everyone left and looked at Squid. She smiled and waved back to him as she turned around and bounded up the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

‘Sure, come on in,’ <b>Valerie</b> said after looking momentarily put-off by Squid's tone; she glanced back over her shoulder and into the kitchen before returning her attention to him. ‘I could introduce you to everyone,’ she suggested, as if she were really good friends with those inhabiting the canteen, and not actually a recent acquaintance of them, herself. With the assumption that the other girl want to exchange her squeaky-wet shoes for something dryer, Val watched Laurel head to the stairwell, but hoped that she’d get to meet her soon. Before proceeding to back fully into the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki] and allowing plenty of room for the shaggy-haired boy to enter, she look past Squid toward Korvka and Michael’s affectionate displays, brow lightly crinkling as she wondered when <i>that</i> turn of events occurred.

<b>Squid</b> watched Laurel bounce away and the two love-birds interactions with only mild interest. He wanted something interesting to do, not lose his breakfast. After Val, finally, moved into the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki] he followed.

As the elevator came to a halt and its doors opened, <b>Alexis</b> with <b>Luna</b> in his arms, stepped out and looked around. He tried to commit everything to memory. He didn't want to forget a single detail of this place. He looked around, watching as some of the students came and went. Some of them he knew, and some of them he didn't. "I guess I won't get the chance to now." He shook his head and walked over to [Xavier's Office@wiki] and knocked on the door before stepping inside.

<b>Zane</b> walked in from outside. He was slightly tired, but that was nothing a large cup of coffee wouldn't cure. Or somethign with caffine, at least some orange juice. He looked around trying to remember where the kitchen was or if there was even one on this floor. He ran a hand through his hair and looked around. He wasn't sure but he thought he smelled something cooking. He sniffed the air and decided to follow his nose. He took a few steps till his nose led him to [X-Men Kitchen@wiki].

<b>Alexis</b> left Xavier's office feeling slightly better. He wasn't all the way there, as his mind kept drifting to the wellfare of his Aunt. Soft memories started to flit in the forefront of his mind, of his birthday, his first kitten, and many more memories he shareed with the marvelous woman. He stood there for a moment letting the happy memories fend back the sudden sorrow that would swallow him whole with sadness.

As <b>Everett</b> walked in he took a deep breath and said loud enough for some one to here. "Could someone show me to....." he looked at the slip of paper in his hand "Professor Xavier's office?" He waited and watched for some one to respond. The music a little louder now that he is in side and it has more stuff to bounce off of.

<b>Laurel</b> tumbled down the stairs falling onto the floor of the hall. She rubbed her head and looked up spotting Everette with a smile. "Hi there." she said still sitting on the ground.

<b>Everett</b> ran over to the fallen girl. "Are you ok?" he asked as the music escaping his body when louder for a moment before going back down to a almost background noise so he could her the girl speak. "Hello are you ok?" He asked again just in case he didn't hear him over the music.

<b>Laurel</b> raised an eye brow at the music escaping the boys body and his weird actions, then she noticed the headphones and giggled. She reached up and took them off his ears, not knowing he lowered the music,and said. "Yes, I am okay. Thanks though," she flashed a cute smile at him as she ran a hand through her streaked hair.

When Laurel toke off the head phones the music came out like a whisper but there is a two second echo behind the music and then Laurel's voice echos back at her. "Well that's good." <b>Everett</b> said smiling back noticing how cute she was as she put her hand threw her hair. "Oh sorry about that it is my ability. I am like a giant amp for any noise that comes in contact with me." He said before she could question the echo.

"An amp, really?" <b>Laurel</b> smiled hoping he new she wasnt trying to dis his powers or anything. "That's cool." she looked up into his eyes from her postion on the floor. "Oh,I should introduce myself!" she exclaimed snapping out of the trance like state his gaze put her in. "I'm Laurel," she tilted her head up so it was closer to his. She couldn't help flirting with him, he was just to hard to resist.

<b>Everett</b> looked at her and echos back <i>"An amp, really?"</i> He looked in to her eyes and couldn't help but to notice the beautiful turquoise eyes she had. He offered his hand to her to help her up and said in a caring tone "I am Everett Rowels you can call me Echo." "Would you like help up?" he asked as he looked in to her lovely eyes as he hoped he didn't blush.

<b>Laurel</b> smiled and took his hand gently. "Thanks," She paused for a moment as they locked eyes, but then she got up. Being as uncordinated as she was, when she got up she stumbled into Everett and blushed deeply.

<b>Everett</b> smiled when Laurel took his hand to stand up. He smiled and took a step back when she stumbled in to him. "Are you sure you are ok?" He asked as he held her close to make sure she had her footing and he liked having her near him. "You have very beautiful eyes like jewels." he said with a sheepish grin. The music that is being reverberated from his body but now that she is so close she probably feel it.

"I'm starting to think my feet have a mind of their own." <b>Laurel</b> giggled."Oh, yes I think I am now," she smiled. As Everett held her close to him, trying to help her gain her balance back, her smile widened. "Oh thank you," she raised her head up so that her lips were only inches from his. She felt the music beating through him, and the small bit of air left between them, as her gaze connected with his.

<b>Everett</b> said in a hushed voice "They just might." When she looked up at him he could not help him self. He kissed her not even thinking if she had a boyfriend or not. After the kiss he looked down at her and said "I hope I am not being to forward." <i> Wow my first day here and i get to kiss this beautiful girl</i> he blushed at the thought.

<b>Laurel</b>'s eyes widened as Everett's lips touched hers. She didn't reject the kiss she actually enjoyed it much. When he pulled back she was fully disappointed that his lips were not still pressing on hers. "Forward?" she said her mind blank from the kiss. After a moment she realized what he was asking and shook her head."Oh no, your not being to forward." When she saw him blush she smirked before asking. "Why are you blushing?"

<b>Everett</b> he smiled when he heard her answer. "I just had a thought cross my mind" he said with a chuckle. "Could I ask a favor of you?" he said with a smile. He let her go slightly to give her room to move away if she wanted. "I need to find Professor Xavier's Office so I can see if I can stay or do you want me to leave?" he asked as smile threatened to cross his face.

<b>Laurel</b> was still in a state of shock when Everett asked her a favor. She just stood there as what just happened sunk into her mind, she was weighing her options of either punching him or running. She wished that everything had sunk in faster so she would have had more time to react but she just sighed."Oh, I'm not sure where his office is, you see i just got here yesterday." she smirked mentally shruging away the thoughts of punching him. "I think its down this hall." she pointed down the hall to Xavier's Office, not knowing that her guess had been correct.

<b>Everett</b> stepped back slightly with a bow and said "If you don't mind i need to excuse myself to see if i can stay." He smiled once more before he left and said "I do hope to see you again" He flashed one last mischievous smile before walking to the Professors Office. Once he is there he knocks on the door before entering. Then he entered [Xavier's Office@wiki] nervous about what will happen next.

<b>Laurel</b> raised an eye brow wondering if she will ever completly understand what just happened. She shook her head and spoted Alexis standing there and waved, unfazed. She paused for a minute before hearing a rucus coming from the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki] and pushed throught the door.

Just as Laurel disappeared into the kitchen, <b>Mihir</b> rocketed out. He hit the wall opposite of the door and stopped, both hands resting flat on the solid surface, his head hanging between his arms. He took several deep breaths, ridding himself of the overwhelming sense of panic, before looking up again. Mihir walked over and sat on the lowest stair, leaning on the wall.

As she was in no great hurry, <b>Valerie</b> ambled out of the kitchen, holding a half-eaten banana in her left hand and her phone in the right. She was headed for the stairwell, and appeared more interested in what was on the screen than where she was going. Therefore, she was surprised to see Mihir seated on a step, propped-up again the wall. ‘Are you okay?’ she casually asked as she stood at the base of the stairs, one foot on the floor, the other in the first step.

"I may be allergic to seafood," <b>Mihir</b> said jokingly, referring to Squid's appendages. His mind had turned over so many things, and he was trying to get used to all the physical mutations around the school. It wasn't as if one saw these things everyday. "I am sorry, that was a joke." Mihir looked up at Valerie and gave her a weak smile. "I am not yet used to seeing such things," he said, gesturing towards the kitchen.

‘It’s totally understandable—I know wasn’t expecting tentacles!’ <b>Valerie</b> confided after smiling politely at Mihir’s joke, even though it wasn’t precisely her brand of humor. ‘…but not everyone can be blessed with tidy, attractive powers and abilities, I guess,’ she added with a one-shouldered shrug and a wry smile, since she knew that for a fact all too well.

"Yes, I do suppose that is fact." <b>Mihir</b> rubbed his eyes as he stood. "Though, I have yet to see attractive powers, really. Most of them are either odd, shocking, or just plain scary." He shrugged at Val. "Even my own are strange."

‘Well, we’ve all definitely tipped the scale for normal,’ <b>Valerie</b> thoughtfully said, then nodded to herself as she continued, ‘and, sure, we all also rate pretty high on the strangeness scale. But…’ The girl fell quiet a moment while pondering what she wanted to say. ‘There’s a girl here, White, she can control light—she can go all bright like she’s illuminated from inside. And there’s another, Korvka, she can grow vegetation out of, like… <i>nothing</i>.’ Val gestured with her phone-and-banana occupied hands as she spoke, giving the abridged version of her classmates’ powers. ‘And so, yeah, that might be kinda weird, but they’re also kinda beautiful abilities. And fire?’ she said with a tip of her banana hand to Mihir. ‘That’s useful, but it’s also beautiful, there are, like, a bazillion fire-inspired pieces that have been choreographed, I know I’ve danced in some of them.’ She punctuated the end of her prattle with a smile before adding, ‘Anyway, I’m rambling, but do you get what I’m saying?’, since she hoped she hadn’t overshot her original point.

"I suppose so," <b>Mihir</b> said. He wasn't yet entirely convinced, but Valerie did make a lot of sense. He paused as his brain registered what she had said. "You are a dancer?" he asked quickly. "What sort of dancer?"

Briefly surprised by Mihir’s change of subject sudden interest in dance, <b>Valerie</b> cocked her head slightly, and replied, ‘Mostly modern performance-wise, but I still practice ballet on my own. And I’ve been researching some traditional African dance lately.’ She smiled then asked, ‘Do you dance?’

<b>Mihir</b> smiled and nodded. "Sort of. I do poi." He waited to see if she actually knew what poi was and whether he should be really impressed or just normal impressed. Being a dancer was impressing enough to him.

‘Poi…’ <b>Valerie</b> repeated before her eyes drifted upwards in thought, as if the stairwell ceiling could provide the answer. While she had performed and studied the act of dance for most of her life, it was in college that she'd only just begun, or at least intended to, an actual, academic study of the history of dance and culture. It sounded vaguely familiar, but the only thing that came to mind were those big goldfish in ponds, and those she knew to be <i>koi</i>. Besides, that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of conversation. She assumed it was some sort of Native American dance. ‘It’s not ringing a bell,’ she admitted. Having nothing invested in the pitfalls of hubris, and always eager to learn something new, Val inquired with honest curiosity, ‘What sort of dance is it?’

"Fire dancing," <b>Mihir</b> said with a smile. "Either using a baton or two poi, which are galvanized ropes with fireballs on the ends." He grinned at her as he pulled his green stone tipped staff and twirled it in one hand.

Until that moment, <b>Valerie</b>, who had been standing with one foot on the bottom step, ready to trot up the stairwell, turned fully toward Mihir and leaned back against the handrail, her interest obviously piqued. ‘Oh! I’ve seen that before, on TV, but didn’t know what it’s called,’ she said and watched as he produced the baton. Val wondered if he was going to demonstrate right here, inside the mansion. While that thought was a little discomforting, she added with a small smile, ‘…and you don’t even need matches.’

<b>Mihir</b> stopped twirling the staff, holding it in his hand, the tip resting on the floor. "Exactly. And I do not need poi balls to properly control the flame. Though the audience need not know that." He gave her a wink and the green stone of the staff ignited into flame for a second before extinguishing again. "Though I still have to work on keeping it going for long periods of time."

When the staff ignited, <b>Valerie</b> ‘s face lit-up figuratively, with a mix of surprise and captivation. ‘That must take an awful lot of concentration, but I’m sure it’s amazing to see,’ she said candidly, perhaps to override the vague pang of jealousy and shame she felt about her own, bizarre abilities.

"I can only ignite when I feel great passion," <b>Mihir</b> said, not fully realizing what he was saying until it was said. "What I mean is that I cannot do it unless I have proper motivation." He was insanely glad that he didn't blush anymore, since his heart rate was fast enough to reduce the effect of additional blood flushing his cheeks.

As Mihir spoke, <b>Valerie</b> cocked her head and listened, though it took a moment for it to register what he’d said, and only after he adjusted his first statement, at that. ‘Oh,’ she responded firstly, followed by, ‘Ohhhhh.’ Unlike Mihir, a faint rosiness tinged the apples of Val’s cheeks. With a quick nod, she hastily responded, ‘I know exactly what you mean. Motivation can be… <i>very</i> important.’ She paused and cleared her throat. ‘It’s funny, you know, mine’s kinda the opposite. Sometimes it’s totally involuntary, as if my body knows what it needs to do. Otherwise, it works <i>so</i> much better if I’m not, like, concentrating too hard on it,’ she said, conveniently skirting around what IT was, precisely.

"What, exactly, <i>do</i> you do?" <b>Mihir</b> was curious and intrigued by her statement. If she could do something really out there, that would be impressive to him. It wouldn't be fire balls, but it would be something, and anything that wasn't spontaneously turning into animals would be nice.

‘Mmmmmm,’ was the unenthusiastic sound that <b>Valerie</b> produced when she screwed her mouth to one side and pressed her lips together, looking none too eager to ‘show off’ at the moment, since it was always a mixed bag when it came to people’s reactions. The blonde just stood there for a plaintive moment before stepping off of the stairs onto the floor. ‘Okay, so… it’s kinda gross,’ Val reluctantly said, hoping that maybe she could get away with just explaining it instead of demonstrating it this time. ‘But I can manipulate my skeleton. My bones, well… they bend. Like… not in the joints where they’re supposed to, though. You know, in the middle. And it’s noisy. Sounds like they’re breaking.’ She wondered if any of that made sense, but before she could think too much on it, Val added, ’Oh. And my spine, it’s… like a pipe cleaner. Bends every which way, like one-hundred percent flexibility without the repercussion of injury.’

The smile from successfully managing to open the door in a normal manner quickly faded as <b>Erin</b> stepped inside, instantly forgetting her mantra of being outgoing and friendly. She looked around, bewildered and nervous, for some clue as to where she should head next. <i>Ask someone for directions! Stop standing here like an idiot!</i> She berated herself inwardly after a few seconds and took a couple of cautious steps forward. She hoped someone would notice her and offer assistance without her having to interrupt them and ask.

"Wow, that is...kind of strange. But in a good way!" <b>Mihir</b> wasn't entirely sure of how to react to that. He imagined a multi-jointed person with the flexibility most animals in the world would be jealous of. "Sounds useful." He looked over when another person, Mihir didn't know if she was new here, but figured by the nervous look on her face that she was, walked through the front door. He gave her a small wave, watching for a moment.

<b>Valerie</b> managed a small smile and a shrug. ‘Strange? Yes. Useful? Doesn’t seem like my bones fracture, so… I guess.’ Kaider had said something very similar, the day before. Feeling a little awkward with the current conversation, Val was relieved when Mihir’s attention drifted down the hallway toward Erin. For a moment, she mistook the girl for White: The paleness, the white hair, the short stature. After getting a good look at her, however, Valerie deduced that it wasn’t her friend, and broadcast a bright and friendly smile. ‘Hi there! Looking for something?’ the dancer asked pleasantly.

Seeing someone wave in her direction <b>Erin</b> gave a tentative and feeble wave in return and then, reddening, suddenly checked behind her in case the stranger had been waving at someone else. By the time she turned back, the girl he was standing with was smiling at her, she gave a shy smile in return, "Hi, I'm, uhm... I'm looking for, uhm...Professor... <i>Xavier's</i> office?" She hadn't been able to figure out from seeing it written down how she was supposed to pronounce the name, and so, in an even more hesitant voice than the rest of her sentence, pronounced it 'ksehvee-ah', hoping she wasn't too far out.

<b>Mihir</b> resisted the urge to laugh at her pronunciation of Xavier's name. "You are looking for Xavier?" he asked, pronouncing it 'ex-A-ve-er'. "His office is that way." Mihir pointed helpfully towards Xavier's office, only knowing where it was because he had inadvertently stumbled in there the day before.

‘He was in there earlier,’ <b>Valerie</b> kindly added, not batting an eye at Erin’s mispronunciation. ‘Oh, and don’t be surprised if he already knows exactly who you are,’ she added reassuringly and with a smile, since the new girl appeared to be on the timid side and might be unpleasantly surprised at the Professor’s familiarity.

<b>Erin's</b> expression didn't change when the boy pronounced Xavier's name completely differently, but she did start to turn a rather interesting shade of red. Inwardly she cringed, then checked herself, and reminded herself she should be grateful - how much more embarrassing would it have been if she'd pronounced it wrong in Xavier's presence? "I-uh...oh-okay." she said in reply to Valerie's comment, giving what was <i>almost</i> a nervous little laugh. "..Uhm... thanks," she finished, before heading in the direction she had been pointed, still lugging her bag with her. She hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door.

<i>After a moment of shuffling behind the door to [Xavier's Office@wiki], a smooth voice replied, "Please, come in."</i>

Hearing the voice, <b>Erin</b> opened the door with trepidation and entered.

<b>Mihir</b> looked at Val and shrugged. "She must be new," he said, as if he hadn't just arrived the night before. He tucked his staff back safely into his trench, knowing that people might think it odd. "I think I am going to explore the grounds a bit," he said after a moment. "Get some fresh air, clear my head. Maybe come back inside with a less jaded view of mutant-ness." He gave Val a small bow, really just an inclining of the head, and took off to the front door towards [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

'She doesn't look familiar to me,' <b>Valerie</b> affirmed. 'I'll hang around until she gets out of Mr. Xavier's office.' After Mihir bid his adieu, she waved after him, cheerfully offering, 'It's a beautiful day out, enjoy the grounds!' With that, Val propped her back against the door jamb of the stairwell and tooled around on her phone as she waited for Erin to reappear.

<b>Shana</b> appeared at the top of the staircase, coming from the second hall with headphones in her ears. The girl was dressed quite plain compared to her usual style, wearing a black button-up long-sleeved shirt, with a hood and a pocket on the abdomen, much like the style of a hoodie. She wore grey skinny jeans and simple mid-calf high boots, but her hair was styled in its usual wildly teased manner. Spotting Val, she raised a hand to wave, but halfway down the flight of stairs, her foot slipped down one step, causing the girl to stumble. Luckily, she managed to plant her other foot two steps lower, then acted as if nothing happened. With a pink tinge to her cheeks, Shana popped out one headphone from an ear, then smiled at Valerie. "Hey, Val, how's it going?"

Engrossed as <b>Valerie</b> was with whatever message she was busily thumbing her way through on the screen of her phone, she took no immediate notice of Shana’s stumble or arrival. When addressed, however, she drew her blue eyes up to the other girl’s smiling face. ‘Shana, hi! Nothing much doin’, just waiting for someone to come out of Mr. Xavier’s office. You?’ She smiled in return, glad to see that Shana appeared to be in much better spirits, then added, ‘Cute boots, by the way.’

"Ah, cool," <b>Shana</b> replied, reaching the floor and glancing around quickly. "Um, just been having a bad morning, after last night and all..." She frowned and tapped her foot impatiently, still a little worried about her standing with Daniela. "Um, thanks." She looked down at her boots and shifted her feet a little, then took a look at Valerie's outfit. "Well, you look cute as always," she commented the girl, smiling again.

‘Ohhh, thanks… these are just my running clothes,’ <b>Valerie</b> said with a soft laugh and a dismissive hand gesture that indicated her coordinated white-and-turquoise tracksuit. ‘…it <i>is</i> too bad about last night, though. But things will smooth out eventually. ’ She copped a half smile and tried to sound reassuring, conveniently glossing over the entire making-out weirdness, picture ordeal and the portion of the discussion she’d witnessed earlier in the kitchen. Val, too, looked down at her sneaker-clad feet for a silent moment before hazarding a question that she was hesitant to ask but desirous of the answer. She cocked her face toward Shana and asked, ‘So… is Light really your sister?’

"Uhm," <b>Shana</b> started, taken a bit aback by the question. Her thoughts hadn't lingered much on Light's words since the night before as she was falling asleep, and while coming up with and answer, the fiddled with the ear bud in her hand, twirling the wires around her fingers. "I really don't know... what all that was about." She shifted her feet again, more nervously, and looked down at the floor. "I think she's just being a defensive girlfriend, or something. She probably doesn't want me to be friend with Anton." Shana paused, looking up the staircase, then back to the floor. "Or Shade, whoever he is." Her expression was slightly pained, but mostly filled with worry as she hesitantly brought up her own question. "Does Light look like me?" she asked looking up at Valerie, several strands of hair on her head having faded to dark brown, almost black.

<b>Valerie</b> had only witnessed the actual turning of Shana’s hair color once, and that was last night in the lounge, under particularly strained circumstances. That, coupled with the girl’s fidgeting and uneasy reply, led Val to believe she probably shouldn’t have asked the question. The blonde exhibited her instant regret with a taut, thin-lipped expression. ‘You two <i>totally</i> don’t look like you’re related,’ she insisted with a vigorous shake of her head, sending her flaxen ponytail bobbing about, and quickly launched into repair mode, ‘I’m <i>really</i> sorry, I don’t even know what I brought that up. Must not have been thinking! And girls… girls sometimes do stupid things out of jealousy. Some people just don’t know how to properly express themselves, and stuff.’ Of course, Shana and Light had two starkly different styles, so it was difficult to honestly attest that they didn’t look a thing alike.

<b>Shana</b> couldn't help but crack a small smile at Valerie's enthusiasm about her looks compared to Light's. "Um, thanks, I think," she said, looking back up at the blonde, her hair instantly beginning to fade back to platinum. However, her expression changed to embarrassment as Valeria began to apologize, and becoming flustered, the girl frantically waved her hands around. "Val, no, no, it's ok. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be making you feel bad," the girl said, forcing out a small laugh. Reaching up to pat her own head lightly, she grinned. "Guess I wear my heart on my sleeve, no matter what. But anyways, if she really is my sister," the girl continued, switching subjects instantly, mostly to show that she wasn't afraid to talk about Light, "then I'll just have to deal with it. Some things can't be changed."

About to continue her gratuitous apology and general rambling, <b>Valerie</b> opened her mouth, and let it hang there a moment-- long enough, at least, to hear what Shana had to say. She quickly snapped her trap shut, smiled gratefully and watched the other girl's hair return to normal. ‘It would be crazy. Long lost sisters finding one another! You usually only see that kinda stuff on, like… Maury Povich!’ Val paused to exhale a vaguely dreamy sigh at that thought. She had such an excellent rapport with her younger sister, and, in whatever perfect, magical world she’d constructed in her mind, she was certain that Shana and Light could develop a similar relationship. ‘Even if you’re not related, maybe she was, like, just having a bad day and was projecting it on the rest of us,’ she added in her typical idealistic manner.

Coming in from the grounds, <b>Korvka</b> shut the door behind her to leave Michael to stew about what she'd said. She was a woman of the 21st century and certainly didn't need some man fighting her battles and beating his chest like a a caveman at every man who crossed her path. Shaking her head to clear her mind, Korvka's bare feet sunk into the plush carpeting of the front hall as she still carried her camel brown boots by the calves. Immediately she spotted Shana and Valerie and put on a smile as she approached them, not knowing what conversation she had interrupted. With Valerie in her track suit, Shana in a less loud outfit than per usual (though with her hair teased and poofed to apparent perfection), Korvka's attire looked a bit plain. She wore a simple pair of jeans and the red V-neck sweater she had hastily tugged over her head before entering the mansion. Her hair though was braided into two low ponytails that currently hung over her shoulders. <u>Though she could not tell, there was a wet mark beginning to form on the front of her shirt in the exact shape of her bra.</u> "Hi girls," she said with a little grin. However, she paused for a moment, somewhat awkwardly, as she didn't know what to talk about - Korvka had enough sense not to mention the previous night, as she and Shana most likely wanted to put the events far behind them. "I vos hoping to find you, Val," she stated as she took a seat on the step above the one Valerie sat on and put her shoes next to her, though made no motion to slip them onto her bare feet. If she was ever going to make friends she may as well just dive in and give it a shot. However she then realized that it was probably rude to address Valerie and ignore Shana, so the Russian girl looked up to Shana, smiled, and said, "Your hair looks good."

<b>Michael</b> entered the mansion, a little panicked, but none the worse for wear. His shirt was a little damp, especially since his chest hair was still a bit wet. He was carrying his shoes and looked around the hall for Korvka, who he found at the foot of the stairs by Valerie and Shana. He didn't know what to do exactly. He wanted to talk to her about what happened, but didn't know how to. What should he say? He walked up beside her and waved to both Valerie and Shana. "Hi guys."

<b>Erin</b> emerged from [Xavier's Office@wiki], taking a few moments to shut the door very gently behind her, as if afraid it would slam with the least provocation. The hall seemed a lot fuller than it had been a few minutes ago and she didn't want to walk past all those people looking stupidly lost, so she hung back just a few feet away from the office door, and decided to make a thorough inspection of the map she'd been given.

<b>Shana</b> laughed lightly at Val's Maury statement, leaning back on her heel and resting her back against the wall. "You know, maybe you're right. Maybe she has been in a bad mood, and I just haven't been able to see through it the past few days," she agreed thoughtfully, rubbing her palms on her thighs subconsciously. Thanks to Val, Shana was now beginning to wonder if Light really had simply just been irritable over the weekend; it is stressful moving to a place where you know not a single person, though she seemed to know Shade pretty well by then. <i>Guess I should leave Shade alone until Light feels better,</i> she told herself inwardly. About to suggest to Val that she might actually consider talking to Light about what happened, Korvka burst through the door and stole the blond girl's attention, though not with bad intentions toward Shana, it seemed. Smiling in greeting at the Russian, Shana followed her with her eyes, looking down at the wet stain showing through her shirt as she took a seat next to Valerie. "Oh, um, thanks!" Shana responded to Korvka's comment, a bit surprised that she would actually give one, as she automatically reached up to toy with a strand of hair that hung over her shoulder. Soon after, Michael came through the door, and she looked back up at him, the strand of hair now twisted between her thumb and index finger. She was about to say hi to the hair boy who also seemed rather damp when suddenly another person came out of Xavier's office, a short pale girl with hair white as day. "Whoah," Shana said, pulling the corners of her lips back and her eyes growing wide as all the people suddenly piled into the room. She let go of her hair and placed both palms on her thighs again, sliding inches down the wall into a sitting position, though there was no chair beneath her.

‘Morning, Korvka!’ <b>Valerie</b> chirped in return, then sweetly inquired with genuine curiosity and a touch of surprise, ‘You were looking for me?’ She glanced over at Shana after greeting the other girl, and said with a nod in reference to her comment about Light, ‘Exactly!’ She grinned radiantly-- if only solving the world’s problems before lunchtime was this easy <i>every</i> day. Val was about to address Korvka again when Michael appeared through the front door and ambled on over to their small gathering. She greeted him brightly, as well. ‘Hi there! Go for a swim this morning?’ she innocently remarked, noting the damp state of his hair and clothes. Her eyes had flickered toward the emerging wet spot on Korvka’s shirt, but Val decided to remain politely oblivious. ‘Oh! and that’s who I was talking about a minute ago!’ she suddenly but quietly commented with a gentle tap on Shana’s arm, indicating Erin with brief inclination of her head.

<b>Korvka</b> looked up when Michael approached them and greeted everyone, her expression somewhat exasperated. She was still in a good mood from their date but his actions had left her a bit miffed - she was not a possession. "Michael, vy don't you go find Vlad," she suggested as she rubbed a green grass stain on the side of her foot, somewhat ignoring him even though her cryptic suggestion would let him know that she wasn't permanently mad. Looking up to Valerie with a much kinder expression, Korvka nodded and set to re-braiding the frizzing plaits. "Yah, Michael and I decided to play to our strengths and enjoy the nice day," she answered casually, securing one holder and then the other at the ends of her neater braids. "And I vosn't really looking for you but I'm glad I ran into you. I uh..." Here, Korvka went a slight bit pink and chuckled nervously - being vulnerable in front of people wasn't her strong suit but when she made up her mind, she did so with conviction. She assumed a much more confident look, with her head high and explained further, "I don't really haff any friends in the mansion and vos hoping ve could hang out. You too, Shana, if you'd like," she added, pleased with herself for having remembered her manners and fixing a warm smile on the funky-haired girl. When Erin popped out of Xavier's office, Korvka let out a low whistle and shook her head. "Every time I turn around, there's somevon else here I don't recognize. But how else are you going to make friends?" she asked, more to herself than to anyone else. <u>Then, standing, she waved over to Erin and called out in a barking alto with a thick Russian accent, "Hey, come over here, ve can show you around!"</u>

"Oh, right, I'll see you later then," <b>Michael</b> said. He felt a bit rejected because she was angry. Maybe it would be better to let her cool down after all. He stepped away from the girls and nodded his head to them before walking to the elevator. He pushed the button and waited, feeling rather awkward and foolish, for the lift to reach the first floor. He hadn't waited long before the doors opened and he stepped in and pushed the button for [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

<b>Erin</b> actually jumped in alarm when then Russian girl called to her, but when her brain had chance to compute what the girl had actually said, she gave a shy, grateful smile and headed over, inwardly chiding herself for being so shy when everyone she'd met so far had been so friendly and helpful. "Hi," she said, as she reached the group, giving a little greeting wave.

"Oh, okay!" <b>Shana</b> replied to Valerie, her attention being drawn back to the white-haired girl. "She sure does look like White," she whispered, trying not to be too obvious about staring the girl down. Swiftly, she turned her attention back to Korvka and Michael, but not for long; Korvka seemed a bit moody as she dismissed Michael, but Shana wouldn't point it out, not now that the two girls seemed to be on good terms. As Korvka spoke, Shana barely listened. Still sitting against the wall, she stared at her lap, until she finally heard her own name come out of Korvka's mouth. Snapping her head up, her mouth opened and she spoke, "Er, me? Um... sure." In the back of her mind, Shana knew she should invite Dani, but she didn't want to impose on Korvka's plans. "So what do you want to do then?"

Having seen Korvka and Michael’s affectionate hallway display not too long ago, <b>Valerie</b> quirked a curious eyebrow at their current subdued and minimal interaction, but shrugged it off at the Russian girl’s explanation of what they’d done outside. They were probably just tired. ‘I’d love to hang out! What <i>shall</i> we do?’ she said with a smile and a laugh in her voice, coming back to the subject at hand. Before Erin reached their little gathering, Val nodded in agreement with Shana—she had briefly mistaken the new girl for White. ‘Hi there!’ she said, shifting focus to Erin to offer her greeting.

When everyone took <b>Korvka</b>'s invitation to hang out as an immediate plan, the normally unsociable Russian's eyes went slightly wide and she cleared her throat. "Vell I vos going to go make myself some lunch right <i>now</i> but I suppose that's not a terribly exciting thing to do ven you can grow your own food," she said with a little shrug. She apparently hadn't thought of much else aside from instigating friendliness. Erin's approach put a smile on her face - she was always more comfortable when she was in control of situations and instigating interaction was always the way to go... which probably explained why she was so often alone. Korvka was still seated when the new, short, white-hair-with-black-tips girl came to join them. She smiled a bit, trying not to alarm the new girl who was quite obviously shy and had just been hailed by a total stranger into a gaggle of unfamiliar girls. "Hello, I'm Korvka, and this is Shana and Valerie," she greeted with a pointed index towards the two respective girls as she said their names. "Who are you?" she asked in innocent sincerity. Her social skills could obviously use a bit of work but she was indeed making an effort.

As Korvka said their names, <b>Erin</b> looked at each girl in turn with a smile, making an effort to make it seems less nervous and more friendly. She repeated each name in her head in an effort to remember them, then, when prompted replied, "Uhm, I, I'm Erin." She felt her cheeks grow a little hotter and mentally rolling her eyes at herself over her inability to get such a simple sentence out without littering it with 'um's and stutters. She cast around for something else to say but miserably failed to think of anything and so just smiled again rather apologetically.

<b>Shana</b> smiled and gave a tiny wave to Erin. Normally the girl was much more outgoing, especially to new students, but she wasn't quite up to par yet after the night before and things that had happened that morning as a result. "Hey Korvka, do you think maybe Erin could hang out with us, since she's new? And would you mind if Daniela came along?" She was thinking it could be another girl's time, but with less of the drama accompanied with the slumber party from before.

‘Weeeeeell, I was actually going to get showered and changed and stuff, we can figure out the details later!’ <b>Valerie</b> confessed, positively unconcerned with Korvka’s lack of forethought regarding what they’d actually do. The simple idea of just hanging out was appealing in and of itself. ‘I could show <i>Erin</i> to the dorms on the way to my room, though,’ she said with an encouraging look to the newcomer, while a broad, welcoming smile turned the corners of her glossed lips. ‘Nice to officially meet you!’

Wandering in from the second floor, <b>Flame</b> lazily let smoke drift out of her nostrils from her cigarette as she looked at those who occupied the first floor. She gave a little nod to Korvka as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her pants, her nails while a couple of inches long still short enough for her to do so without any difficulty.

Despite her shyness <b>Erin</b> couldn't help but return Valerie's smile with a large, genuine and happy grin of her own. She was still a little too nervous to manage much by way of conversation, but she felt touched and incredibly grateful that these other girls were so ready and willing to include her in their group and show her around. So engaged was she with these grateful feelings and smiles that she didn't notice the arrival of the smoker.

"Well, Val, while you go get ready, I think I'm going to the library to read some," <b>Korvka</b> said with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Erin," she said, looking at the girl, before turning and walking to [X-Men Library@wiki], missing Flame's appearance.

Now full, <b>Vlad</b> had satisfied one of the two monumental drives of his life, since Flame was not around for the other, he simply decided to head for the library, walking to the [X-Men Library@wiki].

Raising a brow as she was more or less ignored, <b>Flame</b> shrugged it off before realising she didn't get a chance to ask if any of them had seen Squid. <i>Now if I was him... where would I go?</i> Looking between her options of doors she picked to head outside, exiting towards [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

Just as the red girl exited the door to the kitchen swung open and <b>Laurel</b> entered the hall. Seeing a big group of girls she dicided to go talk to them. She walked over offering a small wave."Hi." she said with a smile, hoping the girls would taking a liking to her.

<b>Mihir</b> entered from outside and saw the group of girls near the stairs. He frowned slightly, staying near the front door. If they came over, then he would talk. If not, he would find somewhere else to go.

"Oh! Uh, byee!" Called <b>Erin</b> to Korvka as she watched her start to walk away. Movement at the edge of her vision drew her attention just in time for her to see a red girl walk out of the building. Her eyes grew wider for a moment, and then she gave a small smile. The red girl had white hair too, and Erin suddenly felt like she might well fit in in this strange and wonderful school. She didn't have much time for speculation, though, since another girl walked up to the little cluster of people. She gave Laurel a shy smile and a small wave in greeting.

With a brief nod, <b>Valerie</b> replied to Korvka, ’Sure thing, see you in a bit!’ Then, to Shana, who had inquired if Daniela could also hang out, she added, ‘It would be cool if Daniela could also come. The more the merrier, right? Korvka probably won’t mind.’ Of course, Val honestly had no real idea if the Russian girl would mind or not, but she, herself, certainly had no problem with it. Flame’s brief appearance left little time for Valerie to do or say anything, for the scaly mutant exited moments after her arrival. After the main door closed behind her, Val spoke-up with realization, ‘ Oh, darn it! Squid was looking for that girl.’ She paused a moment to recollect the student in question’s name. ’Mmm. Flame,’ she said with a succinct nod, wondering if she should run after her. Regardless, Laurel arrived during the blonde’s moment of contemplation, and Val quickly switched gears back to greeting mode. ‘Hi again… Laur… en?’ she asked with a cock of her head, having, to some extent, met the girl in the kitchen, but was obviously unsure of her name. Upon Mihir’s entrance from the grounds, Val cast him but a glance and a kind smile before turning her attention back to Laurel.

"<b>Laurel</b>," The girl corrected with a hesitant smile. "Hi um... sorry I don't know your name, er... Make that any names." She said nervously, though she managed to keep a upbeat and happy air about her. "You'll have to excuse my ignorance of many things, I only got here last night." She explained looking to the other girls around her.

<b>Light</b> continued following the trail of smoke down the staircase from the second floor, before spotting the girls in the hallway. She slowed her step just a tad as she studied each of them, her gaze lingering longest on Shana. Deciding she would actually say something to the girls, mostly to seem less hostile than she usually was, she stopped a step above Valerie and crossed her arms. "Well, well, how are you ladies today?" she asked with a tiny smirk pulling at the corner of her lips.

As Flame passed by her coming down the stairs, <b>Shana</b> covered her mouth with her hand upon seeing the smoke drifting behind the scaly girl. She gave a tiny wave at Korvka's exit and then focused on the people around her. Even though her mood was a little better than earlier, she still wasn't quite feeling herself, and probably wouldn't until she got to talk to Daniela personally. Sitting back quietly, she listened to the other converse, smiling at Val when she assured her than Dani would be able to come along. Before she could take note of Laurel's appearance, Light appeared at the top of the staircase. After one kick glance, Shana turned her face to the floor and her shoulders tensed up, not ready to speak to the girl yet.

‘Laur<i>el</i>! Sorry about that,’ <b>Valerie</b> corrected herself and smiled with a touch of sheepishness. ‘Like the tree,’ she cheerfully added, for no good reason, other than she knew the laurel to also be a type of vegetation. ‘I’m Valerie,’ she continued, as she touched her right hand to her chest, her fingers splayed gently against her track jacket. ‘This is Shana and… Erin, ‘ the blonde then explained with an open-handed gesture toward the respective girls. ‘….and Light,’ Val said, a little surprised when the lavender-haired girl appeared in her vicinity. ‘Well, hi there! You look a little more awake than before.’ Valerie was alluding to their earlier morning interaction, or lack thereof, when Light and Shade appeared in the upstairs kitchen, a little worse for the wear and underdressed.

<b>Mihir</b> had had enough of standing around watching. He approached the girls, not quite confident, but willing to go out on a limb. "Hello. I do not think I have had the pleasure of meeting all of you yet." He looked from Light to Shana, noting that they had some similarities in their features, to Laurel, who he had briefly met in the kitchens, to Erin, who had just arrived, until he finally smiled at Val, who he already knew.

<b>Laurel</b> raised a eyebrow when Val compared her to a tree, it seemed she was getting linked to many odd things today. She smiled at each girl as Val introduced them. She looked at the girl who just walked up, remembering her from the upstairs kitchen, she had to agree with the blonde on Light looking more awake and nodded slightly in agreement. When she heard a boy's voice she jumped a little, since she had not seen him come in, but quickly recovered and added a little wave. "Hiya," she said cheerfully, only allowing her nervousness to keep her happiness back a bit. She tilted her head to the side, looking at his unique hair cut curiously. She now took the time to look at the others noticing that Shana seemed to be trying to avoid something with Light. She was a bit confused by this, but guessed its something that she would learn about soon enough.

Slightly overwhelmed by the seeming constant influx of new people, <b>Erin</b> gave a nervous little laugh, "Wow, this place is <i>busy</i>" She observed. As he approached she recognised Mihir as the guy who had corrected her pronunciation earlier and gave him an embarrassed smile. A mute smile was all she had for the other new appearance, too - the one Valerie had called Light. She assumed Light's greeting was aimed more at the others who, Erin presumed, Light already knew and was probably friends with. She slightly revised that when she saw how uncomfortable one of the girls suddenly seemed to be. She struggled for a moment to remember what the Russian girl said her name was. <i>Sh- She- Shan-? Shal-?</i> She couldn't quite remember, and made a note to pay better attention to people's names next time. Hopefully she'd overhear it in the conversation soon, and wouldn't have to ask. But right now, she felt slightly uncomfortable being an observer to the other girl's discomfort. She was sure she herself wouldn't want so many people looking at her - surely that was just going to make the poor girl even more uncomfortable! With that in mind, she turned gaze back to Mihir, determining to make a bit more effort on the conversational front. "Hi," she started, "I, uh. I Don't think we exchanged names last time I saw you... uh, I'm Erin."

Strolling back in from the grounds, <b>Flame</b> walked up to Shana and gave her a poke in the shoulder. "Yo, midget, you seen Squid. Yay high," She held her hand up to about Squid's height. "Slim, black hair, has tentacles." She more or less ignored the rest of the people here for the time, wanting her answers first before introductions. After all, it's not like she wouldn't learn them all later on or anything.

<b>Mihir</b> froze at the sight of Flame. He looked at the ground, muttering a quick prayer against demons in his own language, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. He would not show that he was nervous, but the physical mutations tended to definitely creep him out, and Mihir made a mental note to try to at least overcome that obstacle in the future. For now, he would just pretend like they weren't there unless directly addressed.

<b>Light</b> feigned a smile at Valerie, shrugging her shoulders and saying, "I had a, uhm... really nice shower." She started to take another step down, but the sight of Mihir made her stop in her tracks, her eyes widening a bit. "Wow," she muttered in reference to his strange hair cut, pursing her lips in disapproval. "Trying to pull off a new fashion statement, or something, native boy?" Again, she started to step down the remainder of the flight of stairs, but Flame suddenly appeared, and the girl stopped once more, rolling her eyes and backing up, leaning against the rail. After the conflict between the two yesterday, Light had no intention of speaking with the red scaly girl, even if it was in an unfriendly manner. Instead, she remained leaned against the railing, waiting until the others cleared the pathway at the foot of the stairs and ignoring Shana for the moment, as well.

Standing up straight, <b>Shana</b> ignored Light's comment to Mihir, and looked at Mihir oddly for ignoring Erin's introduction and suddenly bowing his head. Finally, she felt the poke from Flame, and she jumped ever so slightly. "Oh, Squid? Um..." She stood in thought for a moment, trying to remember if she had seen anyone by that description during the course of the day. "No, I don't think... Oh, wait, yeah! I think he came in the kitchen earlier." She paused for a moment again, then turned her gaze to Valerie. "Val, didn't you take him somewhere, though?"

‘Nothing like a nice, hot shower to make you feel human again!’ <b>Valerie</b> replied to Light with her typical perkiness, while taking no notice of the other girl’s affectation. She had heard Flame’s query to Shana regarding Squid’s whereabouts, but only responded when she was addressed. ‘Ohh, yes. I took him to see Mister Xavier, and then we went back to the kitchen, but then he went somewhere with the blue girl,’ she paused long enough to draw her lips into a line. ‘I mean the <i>new</i> girl. Addy. We’re all pretty new, I guess. Well, some of us.’ Suddenly, a fluttering laugh escaped her mouth, as if that was the only way she could stop herself from prattling on, and she smiled at Flame. A simple <i>I’m not sure where he went, sorry</i> probably would have sufficed, but that just wasn’t how Val rolled.

On her way out of the gym, <b>Lisa</b> waved to the girls in the hall way after doing a bit of a double take. She wasn't used to seeing such a display. Nodding to them before heading round the group to the stairs she needed a shower and to change out of her work out clothes. Barely giving Erik a thought as she headed up to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki], not wanting to interrupt their conversation. She would ask someone else 'bout the Danger room after she got cleaned up.

<b>Mihir</b> edged away from Flame, looking at Erin and Light, who had directly spoken to him. "Hello, Erin. I am Mihir." He looked over at Light and smiled. "It is common for warriors from my tribe to have unique hair styles. Well...not as common as it used to be." He shrugged slightly, not entirely sure what else to say. "So, do you have a name?" he asked Light, one eyebrow raised.

<b>Erin</b> had been just about to give up on Mihir - assuming he hadn't heard her when he finally responded. He seemed to have been distracted by the reappearance of the red girl from before, so Erin too, watched her for a moment. She would have to find out her name soon, Erin decided. She couldn't just keep thinking of her as 'the red girl'. Mihir's response broke her train of thought and she looked back to him as he answered and then to other girl he addressed, just as curious to hear her name. She was rather grateful she didn't have to try and continue the conversation with Mihir by herself - she'd always had trouble finding something to say after the exchange of names.

"I swear, we get any more blue people around here we can start a smurf village..." <b>Flame</b> mumbled in thought at the responses of the girls. "Ah well, thanks anyways." Yet, it still gave her enough to start with, and in particular, who to ask. Passing by the group she knocked on the door of Xavier's office before entering.

<b>Daniela</b> came up on the elevator from the [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki], alongside Jacob. After the doors opened, she was stunned by the amount of people in the halls. Since both Shana and Light were there, there was some noticeable tension in the air. As much as she wanted to go say hi to Shana, Daniela restrained herself and tried not to be noticed, simply standing next to the elevator with her back to the wall, waiting for Jacob to get off.

<b>Warp</b> Emerged through the doors a little taken back by the massive interior. "I wonder who im supposed to meet? They only said to come in." He felt that awkward out of place feeling, where everyone seemed to be staring at him. "Yeah the new guy without a clue...of course.." He muttered under his breath. He shuffled his feet a bit unsure of where to go.

<b>Light</b> forced a small smile to Valerie at her response and keeping her distance from Flame until she finally left the hall. Pushing off of the rail after Lisa passed, the lavender-haired girl resumed her descent to the the bottom of the stairs, which was not too far. She smirked at Mihir and gave a small shrug of her shoulders, replying, "That wasn't a compliment," before leaning against the wall beside Shana. "Light," she said simply, turning her head to look at Shana. "Sleep well?" Light asked in hopes of making the girl uncomfortable. She would obey Shade's wishes and try not to create conflict, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to leave her sister alone and let her be happy, nor would she make an effort to be kinder than was necessary to the other students. She spotted movement out of the corner of her eye and looked up with a grin, nudging her sister. "Hey, Shana, There's your girlfriend." She paused and looked down at the girl, totally oblivious to the new boy who had walked in. "You two <i>are</i> together, right?"

<b>Shana</b> nodded to Flame as she walked on, to Xavier's office, giving a small smile to Lisa, then suddenly tensed up as she noticed Light walking toward her. Once again, she lowered her face and crossed her arms, hiding the discomfort that was surely showing through. Ignoring Light's words to Mihir, Shana only hoped that the girl wouldn't speak to her. Her hopes were shattered, however, when light leaned against the wall next to her. "I slept fine," she responded, emotionless, keeping her eyes downcast and not moving. When Light mentioned her "girlfriend", or Daniela, as Shana knew it was, Shana cringed, still unmoving and not daring to look up. "No, Light, we are straight. Don't spread rumors like that." She spoke quietly, adjusting her arms a little and doing her best not to show any reaction she thought Light might want to provoke.

Another laugh, a bit uneasy but politely forced, issued forth from the mouth of <b>Valerie</b> upon Flame’s Smurf reference, and she called after the scaly student, ‘Well, hope you find him!’ The blonde also smiled and waved back to Lisa as the pierced girl skirted by those gathered at the staircase. Having been momentarily distracted from the other ongoing interactions, Val took a quiet moment to regroup, though it didn’t take long for her to comprehend the apparent downturn of conversation, primarily between Light and Shana. She exhaled a scarce sigh, looking briefly discouraged, and glanced over to the elevator from which Daniela, who was patiently waiting for Jacob, emerged. She took an unintentional, but subtle, double-take, surprised to see yet another new face, Warp, lingering in the hallway. Unsure of exactly what she could do to diffuse or circumvent the situation at hand, Val raked her teeth over her bottom lip. With a sudden and convivial smile, she interjected, ‘Hey, maybe I can show you to your room, Erin? I’m sure you don’t want to carry your bag around all day!’ She paused and looked from Erin to Mihir, whom she didn’t realize Light had just actually insulted, then Laurel and finally the twins. ‘Then maybe we can figure out something fun to do in a bit?’ After she finished speaking, a tentative and hopeful smile pulled at the corners of her mouth.

"Maybe I can join you?" <b>Mihir</b> asked Val and Erin, who seemed to be the less insulting of the group gathered downstairs. Or at least the least angry/confused/lost. Mihir gave Light a disappointed frown. As if he hadn't known that she was trying to insult him. She would learn soon enough that it took more than saying something about his looks to upset him. Of course, if she spent any time with Michael, she would quickly find out what made Mihir angry. He looked hopefully at Erin, gesturing at her bags as he did so.

Stepping out of the lift and sighing at the mass amount of people, <b>Jacob</b> rubbed his face and leant against the wall next to Daniela. "Now why people collect in halls is beyond my understanding but I reckon we can get our way round em or do you want me to cut us a path through?" He was talking loud enough for Daniela to hear but not really anyone else.

"Oh, Yeah! That would be great," said <b>Erin</b> with a temporary enthusiasm and boldness bought about by a desire to defuse the obvious mounting tension of small assembly. She turned to Mihir as he spoke and smiled, "Sure," she said, brightly. Fortunately, she had heard Shana's name mentioned by one of the others so she now turning to the girl she asked, "Hey, are you going to come too, Shana? Maybe you can help me decide how to decorate my room?" She wasn't quite sure why she added the last bit and hoped it didn't sound too stupid.

"Huh?" <b>Laurel</b> exclaimed snapping out of the weird daydream state she had been stuck in. Looking around she realized everyone was doing something different. She saw that the aparent tension between Shanna and Light had increased greatly, and that Jacob, Daniella and a new boy were now in the hall. She gave Jacob and Daniella a small wave and smile."You guys go ahead and do something I'm going to see if the new boy needs and help." she smiled at her companions and moved across the room after giving them a little wave. "Hi," she smiled as she stood infront of the new boy. "I'm Laurel, Do you need any help?"

<b>Warp</b> instantly brightened. "Yeah, my name is Justin, I'm kinda new here. Could you tell me where um.... hold on." He reached into his pockets, fumbling round until he produced a little piece of paper. "Professor Xavier's office is?" He looked up meeting her eyes, face freezing a bit <i>wow cute, blue bangs and cute freckles.</i>

<b>Laurel</b> smiled blushing a little when she really looked him over. <i>Gosh I hope nothing happens like with that other guy...Not that I wouldn't mind</i> she giggled at that thought and looked up at his icy blue eyes."I think someones in there so it might be better to wait a while." she said remembering Flame going into his office.

<b>Warp</b> nodded in understanding. He looked away in a fluster when he noticed her blush, not wanting to make the situation uncomfortable. His hand went to the back of his head, ruffling his hair own hair in a stereotypical manner. "So... what is the deal with this place? All i was told when he contacted me was that this is a school for unique individuals like me. What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't know?" <b>Laurel</b> noticed him look away and ruffled his hair nervously."Well you are different aren't you, thats just it we all are," she smiled nervously tugging on one of the streaks in her hair and scuffing her yellow converse on the floor.

<b>Daniela</b> was too far to really catch the conversation between Shana and Light, but it seemed it was not good, part of her wanted to go and help out her roommate, she even took a half step forward before stopping, feeling completely helpless. As much as she wanted to help, she was getting extremely nervous with so many people around. However, she did give her roommate a little smile and wave. When Jacob finally got out of the elevator, she smiled and pointed to the main door. "Oh, don't worry, we're not heading up the stairs, but out the door." indicated the girl. "Though SOME stuff ought to be cut..." she whispered to Jacob, rolling her eyes at the unbelievably trite interaction between Laurel and some kid she'd never seen before. "Let's head out!" she added, but first <u>she turned to Shana, trying to get her attention, she pointed out to the door and mouthed "I'll be by the pool" </u> without making any noise. Finally, <u>the girl poked Jacob on the shoulder</u> to have him follow her, and walked out to the [X-Men Grounds@wiki]

Laughing quietly, <b>Jacob</b> rolled his eyes at Laurel and shook his head as he followed Daniela, waving to Laurel as he passed and avoided bumping into people. Nodding to the new kid,heading out to the [X-Men Grounds@wiki]

<b>Shana</b> was, for the most part, silent as the others discussed taking Erin to her room. When Erin invited her to come along, she looked up at the girl, saying, "Um, s-sure." As Daniela passed by, Shana followed her with her eyes, reading her lips as best as she could, then looked back to Erin. "How about I help you with that later? We can even go shopping for some stuff." The girl smiled and stepped away from the wall, avoiding Light's gaze as she stepped away from her. "Right now, I need to go take care of some business," she finished, hooking her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the door leading to the grounds. Without even waiting for an answer, the girl turned tail with a smile and jogged out the door to [X-Men Grounds@wiki], passing the new kid with a smile and a wave.

<b>Light</b> pretended to pay attention to the others, only interested in Shana's reaction at that point, which was less than satisfactory to the girl. Before she could say anything else, she noticed Daniela passing by and letting her sister know where she was going. She was quiet, a smirk plastered to her face, as Shana excused herself from the group and ran away outside. After a few seconds, Light, too, pushed herself off the wall. "Well, I think I'd like to be going as well, kiddos. Lovely day outside, isn't it?" she asked, not really looking for a reply. "Toodles!" With a wink and a wiggle of her fingers, Light turned and headed toward the door, paying no mind to the new student as she exited to [X-Men grounds@wiki].

<b>Mihir</b> nodded and watched Shana and Light walk out the door. He shook his head and looked back at Val. "Time to get her upstairs?" Without really waiting for a response, he started up the stairs to the [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

Noting Shana's sudden change of mind <b>Erin</b> twisted to see what it was Shana had seen that had caused her to change her mind. All she saw was a girl she didn't know heading outside. She shrugged mentally, assumed Shana must know the girl, and turned back, just as Shana started to dash off. "Oh. Uh, bye!" she called. Then she turned back to the others. With Mihir having set off up the stairs before she could say anything, she looked at Valerie with a small, apologetic smile, "I, uh.. need to get to room..." she broke off to glance down at her key, " three-sixteen." she finished.

With a small nod of understanding and a half smile to match, <b>Valerie</b> said, ‘See you in a bit, Shana,' as the girl trotted off to leave the building. Her smile wavered, however, as Light followed in her footsteps. She shook her head slightly, briefly caught- up in some mental process--that Light was up to no good, Val was certain. It took a moment for it to register that Mihir had already left when Valerie finally returned to reality with a, ‘Oh! Yes… right this way.’ When Erin stated her room number , she smiled. ‘Looks like we’re neighbors, then! I’m in three-fifteen,’ Val enthusiastically remarked as she started on her way up the stairs toward [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

After checking that her bag was still secure on her shoulder, <b>Erin</b> followed the others up the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Korvka</b> entered the hall from the library but did not see Valerie or Erin so she had no leads on what she would like to do. She could see Michael later, her brother was snoozing in the library and once again, Korvka found herself without anyone to hang out with on these rare occasions where she felt sociable, or at least not as abrasive as usual. Looking down the hall she saw Laurel and some <i>other</i> new kid talking: this place was becoming busy fast. As friendly as she was feeling, Korvka could not very well change the seasons and could also not compel herself to approach two perfect strangers. She preferred people she had observed for a while and could say one way or another whether she liked them. Remembering Laurel as the girl from the library earlier in the morning that she had been rude to, Korvka just nodded as she went by and then walked casually up to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Daniela</b> walked in from the [X-Men Grounds@wiki], quite self conscious of the fact it was probably going to be noon soon and she was still in her PJs. She waved at Laurel and the new kid, who were, for some reason, still frozen in place in the first hall, and took the elevator up to the [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

<b>Laurel</b> waved to Dani and Jacob as they left with a small giggle. She went to turn back to Warp when Shana ran by and she waved then too."Well want a tour?" she said to Justin as she nodded to Korvka as she passed. Then she waved to Dani again.

<b>Deangelo</b> walked inside from the [X-Men Grounds@wiki], giving the inside a quick glance, as if looking for something. A spot to stand in as to not get in anyone's way until he managed to figure out where he was going exactly. Stepping alongside the wall and evading whatever obstacles that may get in his way, he managed to find an area he deemed safe for now. Clutching on his suitcase, the boy's eyes wandered for a moment as he searched for some directions. Finally catching sight of a sign labeled accordingly with an arrow and a number, Deangelo cautiously moved from where he stood and headed down the quieter part of the corridor towards [Xavier's Office@wiki].

<b>Warp</b> shook his head politely. "Thanks but maybe later. I was supposed t see Xavier, who ever he is, but some guy just slipped into his office while i was waiting." He cinched up his bags in a slight huff and headed off down the hall. He pivoted on his heel and sank back to lean against the wall right at the door to [Xavier's Office@wiki]. "Hmmp, when are those guys going to come out?" He wondered more to himself than anyone else, then crossed his arms.

<b>Endelyn</b> slowly and cautiously came from the staircase, and noticed Warp on the floor. Thinking he was injured, she walked over. "Hello... are you alright?" she questioned.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah I'm fine." <b>Warp</b> hoisted himself up to stand against the wall in a more appropriate manner. He dusted his pants off out of habit and rose to see the girl eye to eye. "Sorry about worrying you. I'm just waiting to see the Professor when he frees up. Bunch of people in there." He took a moment to peek around the corner just to make sure.

<b>Vlad</b> spilled out of the library and looked around to see Warp and Endelyn, two perfect strangers. Never having been a shy sort, the large Russian walked up to the long-haired girl and the boy with messy hair and blue eyes. "Good afternoon," he greeted in his thick Russian accent, beaming down at the two much shorter students, his grey eyes sparkling through his unkempt black hair. "Do you need help vith anything?"

Warp almost jumped, when he turned back to the girl he had just been talking to and a bear of a guy had appeared. He screamed power from his square jaw down to his muscly bulk. ", no just kinda hanging around. I'm <b>Justin</b> by the way." Progressively through the sentence he regained his composure and cool from being startled. He slid his name into the conversation so there would be the awkward references like, hey new guy.

<b>Endelyn</b> nodded to Justin when he answered her question, then jumped slightly when Vlad came up to them so casually. Her sword hand had twitched towards her blade, as an instinct, but she just put her hands in her pockets when she realised how friendly they were. "Uhm... no, I'm okay at least... I'm Endelyn." she said after Warp.

Being as how people were really the only thing that <b>Vlad</b> knew much about (baseball and smashing things aside), he did not miss Endelyn's move towards something he couldn't see. His smile did not falter in the slightest though, and he just gave them a winning grin and scratched the back of his neck. "Easy there, you'll meet more frightening looking people here than me," he jested as he let his arm drop and looked from Justin to Endelyn. "Vell, see you around then," he called with a wave over his shoulder while he walked to the stairs and took them to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki]...
<b>Vlad</b> appeared again, this time much different as he was ready to go swimming, <u>clad in only a pair of black Speedo shorts that did little to hide his carved form.</u> Barefoot, he padded over to the front doors, swung them open, and left, making sure to push his sunglasses down to his nose as he stepped out into the sunshine of [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

<b>Mihir</b> appeared from the elevator, <u>his previosly long hair gone, in its place a group of four long scars running along his head.</u> He looked from Endelyn to Warp, not knowing either of them. "Have you seen Vlad?" he asked. Vlad had been the only person he had gotten along with here, and he wanted to talk to him. It took only a moment to see he wasn't going to get his answer from them so he might as well go back to his room. He turned and sullenly stalked off again without an answer from either of them, going up the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Laurel</b> stood there, her mouth hung open wide in shock, at the new boy's rude exit. "Oh well, I guess I'll vist Xavier later..." she mumbled, starting the climb up the stairs to [X-men Hall 2nd@wiki] to see is there was anywhere she could relax upstairs.

<b> Everett </b> entered the hall way from [Xavier's Office@wiki]. He stood there for a sec and looked at the room key hoping that this wasn't a dream. He hurried to the elevator that was depicted on the map and went to [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

Seeing Everett leave <b>Justin</b> sighed, took a quick hair check, brushed his shirt down, stretched and finally walked inside. His bags and suitcase in tow behind him as he walked into [Xavier's Office@wiki].

<b>Endelyn</b> looked around in confusion once she realised she was alone. She sighed and sat against the wall. She decided she would wait for Addy, or someone else she knew. Travelling alone seemed to only get her lost in the long run.

Stepping out of Xavier's office, <b>Flame</b> waited for Squid to join her out in the hallway.

The elevator arrived and <b>Kaider</b> stepped out. Ey was thinking of food and since ey couldn't sense anyone's presence anymore, ey didn't think to look around and just walked straight to [X-Men Kitchen@wiki] without acknowledging anyone.

<b>Daniela</b> came down from the [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki], wearing her X-men uniform along with a denim skirt and huddling her leather jacket close to her body. When she noticed Flame and Endelyn, the girl tried to hide her blushing face, nodding to the two other women, she made her way towards them. "Hey Guys, do you know if Shade is still out on the grounds?"

<b>Endelyn</b> looked up from where she was sitting. Luckily, she knew Daniela, so she stood and listened to the proposed question. "Who is that?" she asked, not knowing who Shade was.

<b>Deangelo</b> walked out from [Xavier's Office@wiki], making sure he didn't walk into anyone. Holding his suitcase into one hand a his map in the other, he cautiously made his way down the hall. With the best of attempts, he tried not to look so awkward, but it was difficult. Sure he was used to the whole school environment, but he had never seen so many mutants all packed into one building. It made his nervous and he was pretty sure the other students could tell. Despite this, he continued to make his way towards the [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

"Weird guy, pale skin, shaggy black hair." said <b>Daniela</b> mimicking Shade's hair with hand gestures. Suddenly, the girl noticed another new kid coming out of Xavier's office, turning around, she began to lift up her hand to greet him "He--" she began to say when the boy swiftly climbed up the stairs without paying attention to her. "-llo..." she concluded. "Psht.. nevermind..." said Daniela, with a hint of frustration in her voice, and smiled to Edelyn. "Uhm, he was in the grounds, so I'm gonna check, thanks anyways, see ya!" concluded the young girl, exiting to the [X-Men Grounds@wiki].

<b>Squid</b> stepped out into the hallway and stood a few feet away from Flame. "So Scales, what's up?" He tried to nonchalantly lean up against the wall and look cool, but he was still a touch nervous about this situation so he came off as a bit twitchy.

"Well, maybe we can jog your memory somehow, try and force them out so you at least have some idea who I am and the others were." <b>Flame</b> answered him, trying to think of the best way to do so. "Photos. Those might help." Waving a hand for him to follow she hit the button for the lift, stepping in once it got to their floor and ready to take it up to [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

"Ok then Scales, we'll try it," <b>Squid</b> said as he followed Flame into the elevator. He glanced around the hallway, getting a touch more nervous as time went on. He wasn't sure what to think or believe in all of this. He rode the elevator with her to [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

Exiting the elevator from the third floor, <b>Korvka</b> came out, still barefoot but drier than she had been. Her hair still in the twin plaits, the Russian walked huffily across the hall, her jaw set as she pulled open the doors of to [X-Men Grounds@wiki], making a steaming noise like a kettle as she slammed the doors behind her.

<b>Mihir</b> stepped off the lift just in time to see Korvka's rear end disappear through the front door. She was in quite the mood, wasn't she? He looked around until he spotted Xavier's office door. He did not want to bother the professor because he couldn't control his anger. Shaking his head, he decided it would be best if he went and got a spare key so he went into [Xavier's Office@wiki]. A few seconds later he emerged again, his hands in his pockets. He went over to the door leading to [X-Men Grounds@wiki] and opened it, following Korvka.

A ding heralded the arrival of the elevator to the first floor, and <b>Valerie</b> emerged after its doors opened. She looked around the almost-empty hall, and cast Endelyn, whom she hadn’t yet been introduced but who also appeared to be in her own world at the moment, a vague smile and wave. Distracted by her phone buzzing, Val looked down at the device, head held a little strangely, and walked out into [X-Men Grounds@wiki] while concentrating on the small, illuminated screen.

<b>Teena</b> came running from the second floor into the now nearly empty hall, wearing a regular light blue T-shirt, dark blue tracksuit pants and sneakers with soft and colorless soles. She saw Endelyn and made her way to the other girl. "Oh, hello again! As you can see, I've already changed." Teena noticed that Endelyn was wearing the same clothes as before. "...Which can't be said about you. Did you get lost?" she asked in a concerned manner but curious tone.

<b>Endelyn</b> looked up at Teena and smiled kindly, happy to see a familiar face. "I think I did... a little. I never realised there were so many people here." she said as she stood up from her place on the floor. "Where are you heading off to?" she asked, kind of wanting to go with her.

"Back down to the Danger Room. Were you not going to come as well?" <b>Teena</b> wondered whether any of the people that had been in the hall complex had gone to the Danger Room after all, since it hadn't sounded very active as she had passed it, even though people had gone in there. "Did anyone else stay in there, would you know?"

<b>Everett</b> stepped off the elevator and noticed Teena and Endelyn, who he dosen't know, talking. "Hello Teena nice to see you again." he said in a polite manner hoping that he wasn't being to rude. "Who is your friend?" he asked as he looked at Endelyn with a smile. As he got closer they are able to hear <i> Not Afraid by Eminem </i> as almost background music that most people wouldn't notice.

<b>Endelyn</b> smiled at Teena. "Sure, if you don't mind me taking the stairway that is. The machine... an evelator? Or something like that... I don't like it much." she said a little shyly, then noticed Everett come over. "I'm Endelyn." she smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The name is <b>Everett</b> my friends call me Echo." Everett said as he tried to figure out what they were talking about. "I don't meant to be rude but may I ask what you are talking about?" Everett asked curious about this danger room and why the wanted to go in there.

<b>Gabriel</b> walked in closing the door behind him and looked around. "Really is a mansion." he thought, still a little unsure of where to go. He noticed the three people talking but didn't want to interrupt their conversation. "Maybe he's in the room at the end over there. Gabriel only knew that he was to talk to a "Charles Xavier". He walked towards the end of the hall, hoping that was where he was supposed to go.

"I intended to use the stairs as well." After her reply to Endelyn, <b>Teena</b> turned to Everett and said: "Hello again!" As Endelyn introduced herself, she just held out her hands in Endelyn's direction as if presenting her. Teena then replied to Everett's question: "We're heading to the Danger Room at downstairs. It's got a rather impressive gym!" She eyed Gabriel, the new person who crept in, but since he didn't seem like he wanted to talk right away, she didn't call out to him.

<b>Everett</b> smiled and asked "I hope I am not intruding on anything but may I tag along?" He stopped and thought that maybe he might be intruding and said "If this is a personnel affair I will find something else to do." Everett changed the song to <i>Stamp on the Ground by Italobrothers</i>. The music could be heard slightly coming from his body. He looked from Teena to Endelyn hoping that they would allow him to go with them.

<B>Justin</b> emerged from [Xavier's Office@wiki] with a huff. The key dangling from his finger said his room was on the third floor. With a flip of his hair to clear his vision he look around. The hall lead straight out the the door to the grounds, three other students seemed to be absorbed in conversation and another few doors sprouated along the hall but the stairway to his left caught his attention. "Guess there's nowhere to go but up." He hefted his bags up and started to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Endelyn</b> looked at Teena and smiled when Everett asked his question. She looked at Everett as she spoke. "I don't mind, it's up to Teena I suppose." she said, and looked at Teena, waiting for a response.

"Well, why not?" came <b>Teena</b>'s reply to Everett. "We aren't personnel though! Do we look like teachers to you?" she asked, amused. She then finally started to pay attention to the odd music and raised an eyebrow. "That isn't just your headphone, is it? That sound is definitely coming from someplace else!"

<b>Everett</b> smiled and said "No, you don't. Thank you for letting me go with you to the Danger Room with you." When Teena said something about the music he laughed and said "You are right it is coming from me. I can bounce any sound wave that hits my body back out louder or softer. I guess you could relate it to a giant amp."

<b>Gabriel</b> approached the door where the short boy with sandy-blond hair had exited from. Although he was not sure that was where he was supposed to go, he knocked. "Here's goes nothing." he thought.

<b>Endelyn</b> smiled kindly. "That explains the music." she said. She pulled out her little dagger and moved it around in her hand. "I can make this little 4-inch blade lengthen into a 4-foot blade." she said, her face showing she wasn't very impressed with herself. She didn't think her abilities were as cool as some of the other students'.

<b>Teena</b> watched again as Endelyn changed her sword, smiling. "And I can float, like this." She then stepped into the air and held in place for a short while. "I can make you float too if you like."

"That is really cool." <b>Everett</b> said as he thought of the many ways that could be useful. "So you can sneak in your sword as if it was a pocket knife and no one would be the wiser. That is awesome and useful in battle unlike mine." He said laughing at his won expense. When Teena floated in the air he thought of all the battle uses for it. "Another great power that outshines mine. You both have really cool powers and I wish my powers did something cool." He said this knowingly because he believed that he thought it.

<b>Endelyn</b> smiled at Everett's idea of sneaking the blade in, which was what she did most of the time anyway. She watched as Teena made herself float, and looked back to Everett when he talked again. When he mentioned wishing his powers could do something cool, Endelyn got a confused expression. "You're a giant amp, as what you called it. You can control the sound right?" she questioned.

"Battle?" asked <b>Teena</b>, sounding perplexed, though not looking the part. "Are you saying we should battle? I can't say I like the idea!" As Everett said he wished his powers did something cool, she said: "Well, can't you generate sounds too? You could be your own band!"

"I can control any sound that hits me. I can not make sound even though I am trying to learn to throw sound that I hear and make it come from somewhere else. Alas to no avail as of yet." <b>Everett</b> said to both of them. "I am a Dj though, that is why I was asking you earlier if there was any place I could go to Dj." Everett said with a laugh as he already knew that he would make really good money from it. "I didn't mean we should do battle just that it would be useful if you ever got in to a fight." Everett said kind of embarrassed. <i> Devil went Down To Georgia by Charlie Daniels </i> started to play low and seemed to shift from the part of his body it was coming from.

<b>Shana</b> came in from the grounds, taking a quick look around to see if Light, Shade, or Daniela were anywhere. Spotting some of the new kids, she gave a wave and walked over to the elevator, pressing the button to go up. When the doors opened, she stepped in and waited for Vlad.

<b>Vlad</b>, who was a rather noticeable fellow as it was, drew all the more attention to himself by his attire, which was nothing more than a pair of spandex shorts and a towel, his hair wet clearly indicating that he'd come from the pools. He caught up to Shana and, as he disappeared into the elevator with her, he shot the new students a grin and gave them an over-the-top thumbs up as the doors shut on him and his amused chuckle, the elevator clinging to indicate that they were on their way to [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].

<b>Shana</b> looked away when Vlad stepped on the elevator, going with him up to the 3rd floor.

"Oh." <b>Teena</b> sounded a bit disappointed to hear that Everett couldn't make up sound. "Maybe you can create sound too one day!" To the battle comment, she said: "It is always better to not get into a fight!" Teena waved at Shana and Vlad, though as he entered, she stared at him quite curiously and with a neutral expression; whatever she might have been thinking was anybody's guess.

Descending slowly from the second floor, <b>Erin</b> looked almost pleased with herself when she got to the ground floor without incident. She looked around, and gave a shy smile the group by the wall and then stared at her map, figuring out where she needed to go next.

"Good day!" called <b>Teena</b> out to the new face that emerged from the stairs. "Are you perhaps lost? Can we help?" she said enthusiastically and waved a greeting. "May I ask who you are? I'm Teena MacTormin."

Hearing a voice, <b>Erin</b> looked up to see Teena introducing herself. She smiled a fuller smile than any since arriving at the school as she heard the familiar accent and realised the other girl was also English. She headed over carefully, "Uhm, Hi, I'm Erin," she paused for a moment, then added "Uh, Kaenen. I was uh, looking for the infirmary."

"Hello, I'm Everett but my friends call me Echo." <b>Everett</b> said as Erin intoduced herself. When Everett saw the large man walking by he stood still for a moment trying to decied if he was a threat or not. Seeing him walk up the stairs he relaxed. "Question, Teena. What was with that man wearing a speedo?" The music got lower as Erin walked near it changed to <i>King of Swing by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy</i>.

<b>Endelyn</b> had been dazing off, thinking about home, when Vlad being in a speedo had snapped her out of it. She looked utterly confused, and looked at Teena with the same expression. "Why was that boy not wearing any clothes?"

"Ooh! You're from England too? What a pleasant coincidence!" said <b>Teena</b> as a reply to Erin. "I was just in the infirmary. It's downstairs. In fact, we were heading there just now, would you like to come along?" Teena didn't remember that Endelyn could still use a change of clothes. Turning to Everett and Endelyn, she replied with a smile: "Why, I assume he had been swimming! There's a pool outside, you see. Yesterday was pool day and many of us pranced around half-dressed. I think he missed it." After a short pause, she continued: "Well, shall we go?" Teena walked over to the elevators, summoned one and waited for the others.

"Hi," <b>Erin</b> said in response to Everett's introduction, and to Tina, "Thank you!" She didn't really understand any of the questions and comments about a mostly naked guy and was too shy to try and find out what they were talking about. Instead she just followed Teena to the lift, glancing behind her once, very quickly, to see if the other two were following.

<b>Endelyn</b> looked a little nervous when the elevator was summoned up. "I'll be quicker on the stairs... Meet you all down there." she said, and with that, she quickly walked to [X-men Hall Complex Staircase@wiki] and descended.

<b>Everett</b> follow
sed Teena on to the lift with a smile. "I just got here totoo so don't feel totoo bad." Everett said to Erin with a warmwarmhearted harted smile. "I hope that the Danger room is survivable." He said again with a smile and a warmwarmhearted harted chuckle that was accidentlyan accidental echo out of him. The music changed to <i> Bach - Double Violin Concerto in D minor 2nd movement, Largo </i>. "Elevator music for the elevator anyone?" he joked hoping someone would get it.

<i>"Come in," Xavier's voice sounded from behind his door.</i>

"See you downstairs!" said <b>Teena</b> to Endelyn. When Everett came over, she pressed the button in the lift that would take them to [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki].

<b><i>You could head for the refuge of the quieter part of the corridor created by the presence of [Xavier's Office@wiki], or you could continue to stand where you are... from here you can go back out to the [X-Men Grounds@wiki], [X-Men Garage@wiki], or to the [X-Men Kitchen@wiki]; from which a strange smell seems to be emanating, or even to the [X-Men Library@wiki]. Another student, laughing hysterically comes charging down some stairs in front of you from the [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki] floor, followed closely by a rather wet looking lad.

You could also take the elevator (or [X-Men Hall Complex Staircase@wiki]) to [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki] and check out the Danger Room, or take it up to the classrooms, [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki], or the students' floor at [X-Men Hall Center 3rd@wiki].</i></b>

<center>[X-Men Rules@wiki] * [X-Men Characters@wiki] * [Start X-Men@wiki]</center>

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2012-09-03 [Ms. Steel]: It's all good!

2012-09-03 [Flisky]: Uh...everyone else went to bed.

2012-09-03 [Figgy]: Except for Shana, Dani, and Casper. But they'll be on their way to bed as soon as I can post.

2012-09-04 [The Past]: Eh, just leave him to sleep there XD that will teach him, heh.

2012-09-05 [Duredhel]: ... why isn't Justin going to bed? ><

2012-09-05 [Evolution X]: can we just say he slept in here? <_> Cause I wanna RP

2012-09-05 [Duredhel]: Yep :/ he'll have to. We're just gonna do day change tonight.

2012-09-07 [twitchboy]: and hes out cold. should be a nice wake up scene for the first person who comes down in the morning. Decided to throw a curve ball

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: D: poor Justin.

2012-09-07 [twitchboy]: He had four full body portals today i had to stick with his bio lol

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: Love, we have all new pages now and the day has already begun. Perhaps someone moved him to his room, or the infirmary? He could wake up in either one of those places.

2012-09-07 [twitchboy]: leave him on the floor and make a new day

2012-09-07 [Figgy]: It's two days later O.o If they left him there, that'd be bad.

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: This page isn't in use anymore lol

He'd have to wake up in X-men Center 1st

Take a look at Start X-men to see all of the changes.

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: I just thought of something bad... perhaps one of the less caring students came across him and just sort of shoved him in a corner, just thinking he was asleep or something. Its so hectic in the house, very few people would notice him missing.

2012-09-07 [Figgy]: XD It could be possible.

2012-09-07 [twitchboy]: fixed now nuke it

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: He should have a new dorm number if I'm correct as well :P

There has been quite a few changes my friend.

2012-09-07 [twitchboy]: ill change my room

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: Hehehe :)

2012-09-07 [twitchboy]: ok i got everything figured out

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