Page name: X-Men Hall Center 3rd [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-10 14:51:26
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<h1><center>The Center Hall on the Third Floor</center></h1>


<b><i>The only things of interest in this middle section of the hallways are the four corridors that stretch off to each compass point and the stairwell leading back down to the lower levels. One of the corridors seems rather dark, no students pass down it, and none of the lights that run down the middle of the ceiling are turned on.</i></b>

<center>[X-Men - Time@wiki]
[X-Men Hall Center 3rd Hist1@wiki]
[X-Men Hall Center 3rd Hist2@wiki]
[X-Men Hall Center 3rd Hist3@wiki]</center>

<b>Saturday, October 2nd</b>

<b>Zane</b> came from the South Hall, and was a little disappointed not to see anyone else around. He walked to the Elevator and pushed the button and waited for it to get to the third floor. When the doors opened he stepped inside and pushed the button for the [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki]. With a <i>ding</i> the doors closed.

<b>Aidan</b> stepped into the center hall and looked around. He wasn't exactly sure how to get to the pools, so he figured he would wait for more people to show up.

<b>Summer</b> walked into the hall and saw the tall Irish boy standing there. She had seen him yesterday for the little while that she was in the Danger Room, but hadn't been able to see him fight, so she had no idea as to what his powers might be. She waited near the enterance to the North hall to find a group of people to go with. She hadn't really met anyone here yet except for Zane and Light, and neither of them were anywhere to be found, so she figured she'd get her face out there, maybe with some more of the girls.

Moments after Summer, <b>Valerie</b> emerged from the girls' corridor, the sheen of coconut-scented sunscreen making her fairly tan skin glisten under the lights of the hallway. She stopped short, but only for a moment. The blonde supposed trying to avoid people was not a viable option from this point forward, and cast those present a very small smile in greeting.

<b>Shana</b> walked from the North Hal, just a few seconds behind Valerie. "Hey, Val," she said, waving with a smile. She was carrying two beach towels and a bottle of sunscreen, wearing a coverup dress and flip flops. "On your way to the pool too?"

<b>Daniela</b> walked in after Shana, almost crashing into the other girl as she stopped, she was wearing a a big tshirt and flip flops as well, since Shana was carrying her towel. Noticing the other girls, she smiled and waved. "Hi! How've you been Valerie?" she asked Val, remembering she had watched a movie with her a White.

<b>Summer</b> gave a light chuckle as Daniela almost crashed into Shana. She smiled as she stood there and looked to the other girls. She was all too new at the school to really saw too much right away, but she stood back and waited for someone to say something.

<b>Shana</b> looked up at Summer when she laughed, her face shocked. "Oh, Summer! I'm sorry, I didn't see you past Valerie!" She smiled and waved a greeting to Summer as well. "So, ready to hit the sun and water, guys?"

A warm smile crept across <b>Summer</b>'s face as Shana spoke to her, "You better believe I am!" She said with enthusiasm and energy. She pushed herself off from the wall and walked over to the group of Shana, Daniela and Valerie.

'Good morning,' <b>Valerie</b> said, replying to Shana and Daniela together. 'Thinking of getting a drink first, maybe a piece of fruit. Then to the pool.' <u>She sounded conversational, but a little lackluster</u>; she couldn't help but to smile at Summer's enthusiasm, however.

<b>Light</b> came from the South hall, a contented look upon her face, and upon spotting the girls, she slung the towel over her shoulder, trying to cover up any mark that was on her neck. She was dressed in a simple black bikini, with a bandeau top, and she wore sunglasses on her head. Shana was in the hall, Light noticed, and instead of stopping to talk, she pressed the button for the elevator.

"I think i smelled a barbecue coming from the pool." said <b>Daniela</b> nonchalantly. "I'm sure there'll be food and drink there, its a pool party after all, right?" she chuckled. Then, when Light appeared, her smile grew a bit and she waved at the new girl. "Hey!" she called out, but immediately grew self conscious of how she looked compared to the other girls, specially Light, who could make anyone feel bad about their looks. Almost instinctively she reached down and tugged her shirt down a bit.

<b>Shana</b> nodded in agreement with Daniela, saying, "Yep, I would expect the teachers to cook for us if they're giving us a 'party'." She smiled up until Daniela spoke to Light, and she cut her eyes to look at the girl, a little worried, but she tried not to show it and went back to smiling at Daniela when she got embarrassed. Again, she noticed someone else in the hal, specifically Aidan, and waved across the room to him. "So many people up already!"

'You guys are probably right, I didn't even think about that,' <b>Valerie</b> smiled politely in spite of herself. She glanced at Light and wondered at her dismissive attitude, and recalled what Alexis and Michael had said about her the night before. 'Is everyone waiting for the elevator? I...' Val suddenly piped-up, 'I think I'll just... I'll meet everyone by the pool.' Her voice was a little tight while she half waved to the girls and Aidan, and she didn't really wait until the end of her sentence before she headed toward [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Aidan</b> had stayed quiet up until Shana spoke of him. He waved back to the girl and smiled, "Good Mornin', ladies," He said with his thicker irish accent. He walked up to the group and crossed his arms across his chest, "Seems ta be quite the energetic morning, eh?"

"It's odd to have so much sunshine in October." chuckled <b>Daniela</b>, since Light had already called for the elevator, the girl figured it would be a good time to go down to the first floor. Nudging Shana, she led her roommate to the elevator while she commented, in a hushed voice. "Didn't Val seem kind of, dunno...sad?" while she waited for Light or anyone else to get into the elevator.

<b>Summer</b> hung back a step from the other two girls and stepped onto the elevator. She didn't want to push into their private conversation, so she held her distance.

<b>Aidan</b> waited outside the elevator for all the girls to get on and then boarded the elevator as well.

The sound of flip flops against the floor preceded <b>White</b>'s appearance into the hall. "Hi", she girl greeted the group of people inside the elevator with a smile under the oversized blue hat on her head. "I'll take the stairs", she said as she saw it was rather crowded in there, and continued to the [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

The other elevator arrived and <b>Kaider</b> stepped out, carrying a travel bag. Ey found a gathering of five people, three of whom ey hadn't even seen before. Seeing as they were in their swimming suits, Kaider couldn't resist making a comment about it, though ey refrained from making a face. "Let me guess... pool day?" Ey grinned and looked mostly at Shana, since she was the one ey knew best. "Hey all. I jus' got back from Canada." Kaider looked at the three new ones and said: "I'm Kaider. How about you?"

"Kaider!" <b>Shana</b> cried out, running to give him a big tight hug and dropping her things. "How was your trip? Yeah, the professor is giving us a pool party for doing good in our training!" She looked up at him, grinning wide and she bent down to pick her things up. "You should come with!"

<b>Light</b> stepped onto the elevator, and making note that Shana had moved away, she pressed the door close button out of pure spite, almost grinning to herself.

<i>The elevator doors closed and took the others down to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].</i>

<b>Kaider</b> was still surprised at the hugging, though by now ey had enough experience to not blush uncontrollably and actually hug back too. "Trip was okay", ey replied. "I..." Kaider then noticed Light's doings and gave the closing elevator a suspicious look. "That was odd. Anyway, I guess I could come."

<b>Shana</b> sighed and looked at the elevator, poking out her bottom lip. "Yeah, odd...more like bitchy," she mumbled under her breath. Then should looked back up at Kaider. "You better!" She smiled and patted him on the back as she walked past him and down the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

"Yeah..." After Shana had gone too, <b>Kaider</b> headed to [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Michael</b> sniffed the air a bit, and realized that everyone had been this way including someone he didn't know. "I guess I'm going to be a little late then," he said as he hopped into the elevator down to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].

<b>Kaider</b> decided to take the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

Shuffling her way through the halls (not an easy feat with long toe nails), <b>Flame</b> left the North Hall and took the stairs to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki]. Maybe the exercise would wake her up.

<b>Alexis</b> walked to the elevator and pressed the button. As he waited for it to show up he stretched himself and sighed happily as a few of his taunt muscles loosened. When the doors opened he stepped inside and pushed the button for [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].

<b>Alexis</b> suddenly exited the elevator and entered the [X-Men Hall South 3rd@wiki].

<b>Zane</b> left the elevator right after Alexis and followed him into the [X-Men Hall South 3rd@wiki@wiki]

After the other two had left, <b>Aidan</b> walked out as well and headed to the [X-Men Hall West 3rd@wiki]

Finally, <b>Summer</b> walked over to the Girls Wing at the [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki]

Reaching the middle of the hall, <b>Summer</b> stretched and went over to the elevator. She pressed the button, and baring the fact that there was no one else moving about the mansion, shortly got onto the elevator and rode it down to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki]

After the elevator arrived from the lower floors, <b>Daniela</b> came out, still holding the tower close to her, then she held the door open for Shana to step out.

<b>Shana</b> stepped from the elevator, nodding a thanks to Daniela, and walked with her to [X-Men hall North 3rd@wiki].

<b>Daniela</b> smiled and followed her roommate to the [X-Men hall North 3rd@wiki].

<b>White</b> came out of the elevator wearing a wide hat and hugging a dress and a towel, while wearing only her swimsuit. She waited for Valerie and Summer.

<b>Summer</b> stepped out of the elevator and waved to White, "Cya later," and she headed off down [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki].

‘See you in a bit, Summer!’ <b>Valerie</b> said with a wave of her water-bottle-yielding hand, the contents of which sloshed around in the confines of the plastic as she said good-bye. While she liked the newer arrival, she wasn’t very well acquainted with Summer, so Val waited until she was out of earshot before turning to White. ‘Sorry about being such a stick-in-the-mud earlier today.’

"See you", said <b>White</b> to Summer before she disappeared into the north hall. She listened to Valerie and shrugged. "Don't worry. Are you okay now?" she asked, as she thought the blonde seemed to be feeling better.

‘Well, I feel better, at any rate,’ <b>Valerie</b> said honestly and with a small shrug. ‘Jonathan dumped me last night,’ she continued in a surprisingly nonchalant manner. ‘Kaider did some… mind block thingy to try and make me not care so much. I guess it’s working. Weird, huh?’ Val talked while walking toward the [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki].

"Jonathan?" asked <b>White</b> a bit surprised, since she hadn't heard that name before. Was that a boyfriend? The girl assumed so and followed Valerie to the [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki].

<b>Light</b> stepped out from the south hall, spotting White and Valerie making their way into the north hall. Waiting for them to vanish, she then quickly made her way to [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Daniela</b> came out of the [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki] and then headed right into the [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Teena</b> arrived from the south hall and realised she didn't actually know where to go, so <u>she stayed, standing around</u>, and pondered each option for a moment.

<b>Summer</b> walked out of her hall and headed straight for [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Aidan</b> walked into the center hall and looked around. Figuring he'd take some time and get a few video games in, he headed down [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

Carefully shuffling along in her slippers, <b>Valerie</b> headed from the girls' wing. ‘This way to the lounge, Teena,’ Val said and smiled, assuming that’s maybe why the girl was waiting around, and continued her trek toward the [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Teena</b> only caught Summer's backside as she had been looking in the other direction, and when Aidan walked by soon after, also without a word, she started wondering whether she had become invisible. That would be a cool power, but she soon figured that her visibility wasn't the best in proximity to the dark corridor. At least Valerie noticed her, and so she hopped quickly after the other girl, into [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Aidan</b> exited out into the center hall and looked around, hoping to catch one of the guys around. When he found no one there, he took the elevator back down to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].

<b>White</b> walked into the hall wearing pajamas and went to the [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki], carrying a pillow and a blanket.

Bouncing up from the stairs, <b>Kaider</b> continued eir path to [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

Angling off from the main hall <b>Flame</b> went down [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki].

<b>Shana</b> came through the empty hall dressed in her PJs and ambled off to [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Kaider</b> walked through from the east hall into the stairs and to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki].

<b>Flame</b> also took the stairs down.

As <b>Michael</b> reached the top of the stairs he took a deep breath and started down [X-Men Hall West 3rd@wiki]...and returned soon after. Only instead of the stairs he decided on taking the elevator down. He pressed the button and waited for it. After it arrived he simply got in and pressed the button for the first floor. Soon it was on its way to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].

<b>Adrianne</b> walked from the elevator, still following the pamphlet map in her hands, to [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Zane</b> walked from the south hall and looked around. "Wonder if Kaider is around anywhere..." He would love to see him em again. He straightened his vest as he headed over to the elevator, it was all quiet in the hall so it made him slightly nervous. As he waited for the elevator to arrive he kept looking around like a paranoid person. He jumped slightly when the elevator binged and he hopped in and waited as it went down to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].

<b>Alexis</b> left his hall and walked to the elevator. He still saw so many different colors flying around him. With another smirk he boarded the elevator and leaned against the back wall as it went down to [X-Men Hall 1st@wiki].

<i>Some time later...</i>

The first thing visible before <b>Hound</b>'s dreadlocked head was the seemingly enormous sack she carried on her back as if she'd spent months doing so in some rougher terrain. Of course, she had, but those days were behind her, with only her nickname to remind her that they'd happened at all. As usual, her head snapped in the direction of the scents that she'd detected, and then her ears followed suit and seemed to catch up with the rest of her senses by affirming that there was, indeed, commotion on her east flank. The woman then followed her nose down [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki], smelling alcohol and perfume.

<b>Hound</b> took the elevator to [X-Men Hall Complex@wiki].

<i>Later still...</i>

<b>Korvka</b> came up from the stairs to the second floor and started down to [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>White</b> crossed the hall and turned to enter the [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki].

<b>Aidan</b> came out of the elevator and headed straight for [X-Men Hall West 3rd@wiki].

<b>Endelyn</b> Walked up the stairs yet again from the 2nd hall and groaned. "Jesus! This place is too big.... why couldn't I have teleportation or something...?" she grumbled under her breath, looking both really irritated and weary. Looking around, she realised she didn't know where to go next. "....crap."

<b>Addy</b>, the blue girl, appeared from the east wing. She nearly ran Endelyn down, but stopped herself in time. "Sorry. I'm looking for my roommate!" She moved around Endelyn, almost to the stairs, then froze and turned slowly. "You aren't by chance Endelyn, are you?"

<b>Endelyn</b> had her hand on the hilt of her sword when the strange girl ran at her. However, she relaxed a little when the girl apologised and spoke. ".. yes. I am, and who are you?" she questioned cautiously.

<b>Addy</b> silently thanked God, then smiled a fanged grin at the girl. "Adrianne Wagner, commonly called Addy. I am your roommate." She smiled, though it probably wasn't comforting coming from a girl who was barely dressed decently, blue, and very demonic looking.

<b>Endelyn</b> sighed and relaxed completely now. "I see. Then I apologise for almost attacking you... you actually startled me." she chuckled lightly. "It's nice to meet you Addy."

<b>Shade</b> suddenly emerged from the elevator, coming from the [X-men Hall 1st@wiki], and stepped out, he glanced at Endelyn and Addy for a second, but decided to forego saying hi to them, he wanted to get to Light as soon as possible. Stroking his chin with one hand, he mumbled. "Now... if I was an insanely hot girl... where would I be?..." mostly to himself, trying to discern Light's posible location.

<i>While Shade was waiting, he received an incoming text from Light. The message simply had a picture of Addy doing a body shot of Vodka from Light's chest in the lounge, but nothing else.</i>

<b>Shade's</b> mouth hung open for a split second when he saw the picture, he was rather close to looking for Light and simply jumping on her, no matter who was around, but figured he should restrain himself. A smile grew on his lips when he noticed the background of the picture seemed to be the lounge, he quickly stashed the cell phone and headed to the [X-men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Addy</b> watched Shade pass and just rolled her eyes slightly. "The people around here," she said to herself. Turning back to Endelyn, Addy smiled. "That's okay. Most people's first reactions are to attack me. Of course, I look like a demon out of a nightmare, so who can really blame you." She gestured down the east wing and smiled. "Shall we?" Addy headed down the [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki].

<b>Lisa</b> looked around once they reached the head of the stairs, "Yeah, we got off mighty easy, mama found the funny side to it." checking her map for where their rooms would be.<b>Jacob</b> chuckling and grinning bahind her, flicking his eyes over the room numbers to get a look as to where they should go.

<b>Erik</b> followed along and smiled amused. "That's good to hear at least that you got off the hook that easy, by the way, how far till we are at our rooms?"

<b>Shana</b> came from the East Hall, mixed emotion playing across her face. She looked at the three newcomers as she passed by them. She didn't feel like having conversation, so she kept walking to [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki], saying simply, "It's late, go to bed," to the new students.

<b>Shade</b> walked in from the [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki] carrying the unconscious <b>Daniela</b> in his arms. He immadiately noticed Erik, Lisa, Jacob and Edelyn, she's seen three of the youths before, in the first floor where they had been standing around as if brain dead, much like they were doing now. Without pondering on the situational deja-vú, he glanced at them and figured they were probably wondering what he was doing with a passed out girl. "Yes, it's date rape, now go to bed." he hissed before he headed to the [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki], going after Shana.

A few seconds after Shade, <b>Light</b> came from the East Hall, turning to her left, simply ignoring the three in the hall, and going down [X-Men Hall South 3rd@wiki].

<b>Erik</b> raised a brow in slight confusion at the unknown people's comment. "Was that guy trying to make a pun or something, cause I don't get it... Must say some people seem slight less polite over here than what I am used to back home.... Okay sure there is some reasons that would cause for me to not feel as friendly treated as there, but all in all still feels like people usually would be more friendly back there..." He shrugged after his rambling that came slightly from homesickness and slightly from nervous feelings over being at a whole new place with whole new people and also partially from astonishment over the way some people behaved in this country.

<b>Teena</b> walked into the center hall from the east hall and spotted Jacob, Erik, Lisa and Endelyn, the congregation of people she hadn't seen before. She looked at them keenly and made her way to them, not caring at all that <u>she was only wearing a green- and white-striped pajama. "Good evening! Pleased to meet you, I'm Teena MacTormin", she said with her obviously British accent and offered her hand to Erik to be shaken – and if he shook, she would offer it to the others as well.</u> "Might I have your names?"

<b>Lisa</b> rubbed Erik's shoulder, nudging him slightly and whispering. "Don
t't you worry youyour pretty little head bout it, they'll warm up nice when we get to know em'em better." She was also confused by peoplespeople's behaviour as they had only been there a few minuets.minutes. Rubbing through her spikes and grinning as they flicked back up stiff as ever as a woman aproached.approached.

Having kept a silent watch on everything, <b>Jacob</b>
wasntwasn't supprisedsurprised by the womanswoman's appearance. "Hey, ImI'm Jacob. This is Lisa and Erik and... I'm afraid I dontdon't know this little lady." Looking at Endelyn and giving a small smile in her direction. Leaning towordstowards Teena a little and shaking her hand gently. Looking sideways at Erik and his caincane as if to point them out.

<b>Erik</b> smiled as he relaxed somewhat, breathing deeply as he tried to further calm himself. "I do hope so, wouldn't go well if we have to go quite some years together with these people and not be on good terms..." He then turned to the newcomer and nodded his head politely as he knew mostly people reached out a hand in greeting but since he hadn't mastered his ability fully yet then he couldn't make complete sure of where that hand would be so he preferred to do nothing that would make him look bad, due to his upraising as an noble. "Hello there Miss MacTormin, a pleasure to meet you young miss, like my friend here said then I am Erik." He complied in a polite tone and nodded his head in the direction where he had heard Jacob's voice.


<b><i>Apart from the stairs behind you that lead back down to [X-Men Hall 2nd@wiki] floor, there are four directions in which you can go from where you stand - [X-Men Hall North 3rd@wiki] where the girls' dormitories lie, or the [X-Men Hall West 3rd@wiki] where the boys dormitories lie. Along the [X-Men Hall East 3rd@wiki] lie the kitchen and commonrooms and gamesrooms for the students to relax in. The [X-Men Hall South 3rd@wiki] is the dark and abandoned corridor, you feel it would be wise not to venture that way.</i></b>

<center>[X-Men Rules@wiki] * [X-Men Characters@wiki] * [Start X-Men@wiki]</center>

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2012-03-15 [Duredhel]: *grumble grumble* we had such a nice rhythm going but nooooo... Lucas had to crack his skull >,>

If you guys don't mind imma post Dani all the way down to the infirmary so we can get back to posting quickly.

2012-03-15 [AccountUnavaili able]: Er... what's life without a few drama's? ^^

2012-03-16 [Duredhel]: Twitch, Lep :O try to post as much as you can so we can get things rolling.

2012-03-16 [Duredhel]: Twitch, lep, try to post your chars all the way down to the infirmary so we can move quickly with this ok?

2012-03-16 [twitchboy]: ok so no waiting then? got ya

2012-03-17 [Figgy]: Commandeered Nathan to the infirmary since so many people are waiting on him and it's been a couple days.

2012-08-01 [Flisky]: Mihir is going to return and give Val a great big hug for no reason but to make them both feel better. XD

2012-08-01 [Ms. Steel]: There should be much hugging when the hopefully conquering heroes return. :-)

2012-08-01 [XxTsomexX]: Yup :) I already plan to have Endelyn do the hugging lol

2012-08-01 [Flisky]: Oh...oh God. I just realized that the first person to hug Rook in welcome or shake his hand is going to get a HUGE shock! Hahaha!

2012-08-01 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn wont notice unless she goes to use her weapon. Then she'd just sort of wonder if she were broken.

2012-08-01 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Emily would probably love it cos she'd look normal again lol

2012-08-01 [Flisky]: *continues laughing maniacally* I wonder who's going to be the first. I secretly hope it's someone like Vlad or something. Be all 'Better be careful not to crush this kid' then BAM! no powers. Hahahaha!

2012-08-01 [Duredhel]: ... honestly I think Vlad still has a considerably chance to crush him with no powers.

2012-08-02 [Duredhel]: Everyone posting ok here, right? :>

2012-08-02 [Ms. Steel]: Seems to be the case!

2012-08-02 [XxTsomexX]: Indeed :)

2012-08-31 [The Past]: Sorry Flisky, more or less forced Rook to move about.

2012-09-01 [Flisky]: That's okay. He is being a bit of a leech here. ;D

2012-09-01 [The Past]: Will have to sort out his room at some point in the dorms.

2012-09-01 [Flisky]: He'll be rooming with Casper (and possibly Tim), so I'mma waiting for Figgs to sort that out. In the meantime he can probably be put anywhere.

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