Page name: *~*My guide to Friends*~* [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-10 13:34:48
Last author: choke_on_dreams
Owner: choke_on_dreams
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*~*My guide to Friends*~*

Because with out them...we'de be nothing


[+] I’ve come to realise that people change. They can’t help it. Neither can we. I notice around me how much everybody has changed; they’ve grown into their own person. I guess I’ve changed too in a lot of ways. But I think its okay. I think that you need a time where you can ‘grow’ into your own person. You need your own space. You need to find your own person. Your individuality. You need to learn about your self, I realised you cant always do that with the same people. You need to experience new emotions, new issues, and new obstacles because in the end it makes you a stronger person. It makes you, your OWN person. Sometimes it feels like I’ve lost a lot of friends through change. On my part, or maybe theirs. Or maybe it was something that happened together, mutually. Just gradually. [‘If it’s meant to be- it will happen’.] I guess if its not, it wont. I think you should just accept it, just sit back, and evolve into the person you want to be. So really, I think that we don’t have to ‘change’ our friends or ourselves, if we accept and understand that in time, our we, and our friends, will change….

[+]No matter how good friends you are with somebody, I think, that they can hurt you. The closer you are with someone, the more pain they can bring to you. Although that does not mean you should be Afraid of getting close to somebody. At times it’s not fair. Infact, it’s never fair. But I’ve kinda realised that many things in life are NOT fair. But if you accept it as it is, then it seems a lot better. Its hard, especially if someone you love, someone you care about, hurts you. You can’t ever imagine it to be easy. But I realised that, I guess, it WILL happen. But when it does, I need to just forgive them. A life in regrets is a life not worth living.

[+] A true friendship, or a true love will continue to grow through a long distance. If there is love in the heart, and in the mind, no ocean, no mountains, no nothing can stop that.

[+]I was with my best friend, and I thought. We can do anything or nothing, and still have the best time. It doesn’t matter where or what youre doing, its just being ‘there’ that counts.

[+] Even when you feel like you have no more to give, your totally empty. You’re not even sure of yourself. You have NOTHING. A friend cries for your help and you find the strength to help them. It makes you think doesn’t it; you never have ‘nothing’. You are always ‘something’, even if you don’t feel like ‘everything’. You don’t need to be ‘everything’. I don’t want to be everything to everyone; I just want to be something to someone

[+]Sometimes, the people you expect to kick you when you’re down are often the people who help you

up again

. You may not think it, but I think that sometime in your life, you’ll realise what a genius I am. Lol.

[+]Dont push away your friends. because, then whos gonnna help you pick up the peices when you

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