Page name: *~*Our life stories*~* [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-14 17:00:06
Last author: choke_on_dreams
Owner: choke_on_dreams
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[*~*Our life stories*~*]


So yeah.....

[one beautiful day] Izzy and mally was Born([not on the same day, but they might as well have been]). they both lived their livesfor like 12 WHOLE years, twas kinda boring and

they got into year seven and izzy met MALLY


mally met izzy

[Life just gets better and betteR]

now... thats where the story really begins

life was pretty boring for some time, during year 7, 8, and partially 9. But oooh baby. year fucking 10.

You see. Izzy discovered alcohol. nuff said eh?
Mally discovered Izzy was a fucking alcoholic
mally and izzy had some serious


Meh. So yeah. we both are like toooottally insane.

 went to robin hoods bay

apparantly death doesnt have a cock ([it rotted away.....])..


fun times.

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2005-04-16 [Izzles]: Izzy: I don't like fate... Mally: But fate's so hawt... Izzy: Yeah, but death's hotter. Mally: But fate has a big cock. Izzy: Death doesn't have a cock. *pause* It rotted away.

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