Page name: *~*What you cant catogorise*~* [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-12 13:58:00
Last author: choke_on_dreams
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*~*What you cant catogorise*~*

The things you cant catogorise....


[+]Sometimes secrets are there never to be found out. We spend so long trying to figure everything out. Its human nature. We’re curious people. Even me. But I realised, like, we shouldn’t be so eager to find out. If its something for us to know, it will happen, and we will see. If its not, just let it be ([Wow that rhymes *does happy dance*. im a poet]). A secret can change your life forever. Good or bad. Now think about that.

[+]Something you do in one moment of your life, just one second, can affect the person you are. Life is a chain of moments, everything you do all counts. Everything you say, everything you feel, EVERYTHING means something. Nothing is insignificant. 

[+]No matter how much you’re hurting, the world is not going to stop for your grief. If you turn away, life will keep on moving, and then you will truly be alone. You’re never really alone, but you feel it. You feel totally empty inside. The world won’t stop for you. Don’t cry when it doesn’t, you need to get back up on your feet and keep moving. At first it hurts, don’t stop crying, nobody wants you to suffer in silence, but you need to keep going.

[+]Whenever I think that I cant make it, or nothings worth it. I just look at the people around me. The people I admire, I look in their eyes, and I realise. It is worth it. It’s so very worth it.

[+]If some indescribable power brings you to it, it will bring you through it.

[+]I realised that two people can look at the same thing and see completely different things. When I look at my friend, I see beauty, they see ugliness. Everybody perceives everything differently.

[+]Your life could change in a matter of minutes by somebody who doesn’t even know you.

[+]Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the shit, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life

[+]If you're enjoying the time that you are
w a s t i n g 

just means that the time isnt really
 w a s t e d

[+] It is easy to be negative about past mistakes and unhappiness. But it is much more better to look at ourselves and our past in the
light of experience, acceptance, and growth.
Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher levels of life in general. The relationships we started, stayed in, or ended taught us necessary lessons about how to learn from them .Some of us have emerged from the most p a i n f u l situations but with

strong insights

who we are and what we want.
Our mistakes?

we NEED them.

Our frustrations, failures, and sometimes our s t u m b l i n g attempts at growth and progress?

Necessary too.

Each step of the way, we learn something new. we grow. We went through exactly the experiences we need to, to become
who we are today
. Each step of the way, we progressed.
Is our past a mistake?


 The only mistake we can make is mistaking that for the truth.Today,


need to help myself, help me let go of negative thoughts I have about my past circumstances or relationships. I can accept, with gratitude, all that has brought me to today.

and all that I am

[+] So many times people miss the silver lining because they are still accpecting gold. We're talking about LIFE here people...

[+] In the long run. the pessimist maybe proved right...but you know what? the optimist has more fun on the way

[+]Experience is difficult because you have the test first and then the lesson afterwards. But sometimes it’s the best way to learn

[+] Sometimes majority only means the fools are on the same side lol....BE DIFFERNT. stand OUT. Do what you want , and believe it.

[+]Brave heart: "Every man dies. Not every man truly lives."

[+] My friend sighed and said to me "Life is hard" and im like...."compared to what exactly?"

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